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33 weeks, 3 days

One year.

For knowingly giving my daughter four times the medication she wasnt supposed to take, Paris is getting one year in jail.

In total, her sentencing is 1 year in jail and six months of parenting classes. She also has to pay $3,000 in damages. That money is going straight to the savings account that I have for London.

Do I feel like that's enough time for what could have possible been the end of my daughter's life? No. But the jury thought otherwise.

Paris cried her crocodile tears and insisted that she was exhausted. The only reason they didn't give her six months was because she knew that she could have called me and didn't out of spite. But they still let her off too easily.

Her lawyers argument was that she's London's mother, she made a mistake and should have the opportunity to better herself to fix it. Taking into account the fact I have been granted full custody of London didn't seem to affect their leniency on Paris at all.

I don't feel like she should have gotten off as easily as she did. For her to be her mother, she should have known better. She should have done better.

My lawyer was even able to prove the emotional neglect that London had to go through with her. It's often hard to do, almost impossible. But luckily, London is a little advanced for her age.

We sat in a room with a family therapist while London played with blocks. We interacted with her as we always would, not knowing that we were being watched. Well, I didn't know. But Paris acted as if she were anyway. I guess being in a therapist's building made her feel like she needed to play her role like the aspiring actress she wants to be so bad.

Anyway, London was playing with her blocks and banging them against them each while I smiled and tried to clap along to the beats she was making. It was a little difficult since she was banging one block way louder and harder than the other but I caught on eventually.

She ended up seeing a Barbie doll in one of the toy container and got herself up to get it. She stopped playing with the blocks immediately and I knew she was excited about it.

So I found excitement for the toy with her as I always do when she finds or discovers something new. I asked her what she found as she picked it up. She smiled and drooled onto her shirt as she waved the toy around.

Like every baby does, she looked to her parents for a gauge of reaction to hers. Paris was a few feet away from me smiling and waving her over. The urge to tell her not to touch my baby was strong but this was therapy and I was supposed to be finding a way to make amends. So I didn't say anything.

I did, however, lose a bit of my enthusiasm looking at her.

London started walking in the direction of me and Paris and even though her mother was the one waving her on, she still came to me.

She paused for only a second, looking at Paris as she waved at her. Her tiny eyebrows pinched together in curiosity watching her mom wave her over. She kept that expression and stared at her mom and she walked to me with her arms up.

As soon as I picked her up, she looked at me and started babbling again, waving her doll to show me.

I won't lie and say that it didn't feel fucking great for what I've witnessing and saying all this time to be seen and proven by others. It felt so good to watch that footage in front of a judge.

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