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A part of me wants to initiate fight or flight and not say anything at all. The other, more logical part of me knows that I have to tell her. I have to say something. Somebody needs to buffer this situation before all hell breaks loose.

I don't know who else knows... or suspects. And I don't know how long it's going to take before shit hits the fan but I'd really like this to be done and over with with the least amount of emotional toll possible.

I look over at Jania as she sleeps with her head against the window. The tranquil sounds of a waterfall fill the car, lulling her and Mina to sleep.

We stayed at my parents' house all day. We ate lunch with them, played board games. My father acted like he didn't want to give me daughter back so they ended up taking a nap together. Mina was on his chest with a blanket on her while he laid reclined in the seat. Neither one of them budged for the two hours that they slept.

After dinner, Jania and I made sure we had everything before leaving. We're on our way to her father's house to take Mina back... I'm debating if that should even be done now, though. I don't know how Jania will feel.

I pull into the driveway and get out of the car, leaving it on for my girls. I ring the doorbell and Mr. Anderson opens it up.

"I was waiting for y'all to get back." He says as he yawns. "London and Mini already down for the night. Where's Mina?"

I swallow and look at him. "She's in the car. I want to talk to you about something and I don't know... how to really.. go about it, I guess."

Mr. Anderson steps out of the doorway and lets me in.

"What's going on?" He asks as he sits in his recliner. "Something between you and Jania? You know she stubborn as all hell."

I half smile as I sit on the couch. "Nah, nothing like that. We're good. We're great. Uuh. It's about something else." I say. His eyebrows dip in confusion and I continue.

"Both of us have been getting calls from private numbers. They called me first this morning and then they texted me but I brushed it because I just assumed that it was Theresa. Nobody needs that negativity in their life so I just ignored it and let it go. Got up and ready, came here, you know."

He nods as he listens to me talk. He's listening intently, really curious as to what's bothering me.

"Long story short, somebody called her private while we were out. We got Mina's ears pierced, stopped by Lonzo's mom's spot to get some food. They called her again when we got to my mom's house, just in the driveway."

"Who was it?"

"That's the problem. When I answered the phone, it was a guy's voice and he knew whose phone he was calling because he asked me who I was and then said 'you must be her baby daddy'."

Mr. Anderson's face twists up.

"Exactly. That's when I was like 'okay. Somebody fuckin playing on her phone on some bullshit'. I told Jah to take Mina in the house, I'll figure it out, whatever. She get her in the house and I hear Theresa in the background on the other line talking or laughing, some shit. So I went off because what's the purpose of this? Like why is she doing this shit? Got random people calling her phone. I matched her number from Jah phone and that's not even the number that texted me this morning so I'm assuming it's the guy's number."

"What the hell? Why the hell she starting mess? What he sound like? I don't even know who she know to do something like that. That's childish. What she prank calling and texting for? We grown, old damn near."

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