Winter Is Coming

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Artos was sat leaned against a pole on top of the rail of the balcony that overlooked the training grounds

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Artos was sat leaned against a pole on top of the rail of the balcony that overlooked the training grounds. One leg was dangling freely over the edge the other propped up in front of him to balance the book he was reading. He was only half-listening to his younger brothers Robb and Jon try and teach Bran how to use a bow. They would laugh every time he missed. Artos had barely gotten back from aiding to stop a group of bandits in Hornwood and was sore and bruised so He had chosen to sit and read instead of participating in Bran's training. Artos was only seventeen but often rode across the North on his father's orders to aid the smaller holdfasts in the command of his own host of two hundred men. Artos figured it was Eddard Stark's way of getting back at him for passing his Lordship to his younger brother Robb, but in reality, Ned knew his son liked to fight and was very good at it. Artos had only been five when he first picked up a bow eight by the time he had mastered it. He was three when he picked up a sword and nearly chopped off his finger so Ned saw it best to start him young in that as well. Artos still had the scar that ran from his palm around and up the middle of his pointer finger, it had grown smaller and his hands grew larger but still very noticeable non the less. He was known as the best swordsman in Westeros better than even Ser Jamie Lannister himself. Artos was a tall and broad young man. He stood six foot four and rippled with mussels from training and battle. He had the grey eyes and the dark hair of the Starks but the high cheekbones and angled face of the Tullys. He was a handsome man that was talked of like a god. The women of Westeros swooned for him. Though he had only left the North a handful of times it was enough. Lords all over Westeros have contacted Ned to arrange a marriage between their daughters and the fearsome wolf. Ned always declined. He knew his son, nothing in this world could tame him. He declined more for the poor women who would have to keep up with his wild son rather than for Artos's wishes. When Artos was thirteen he decided he wasn't fit to be Lord of Winterfell. His father wasn't too pleased with his decision but respected him for being honest. Robb took to the role well though so all worked out. Artos was fourteen when Ned sent him off to his first fight when raiders tried to take Torrhen's Square. The fight had been expected to last at least three days but as Artos arrived it was over within hours. He was a good war commander and a better soldier, Ned was proud to call him his son. Artos was pulled from the history of Westeros when his father walked up to stand on the other side of the support pole he was leaning on. Ned placed a comforting hand on Artos's shoulder.
''It's good to have you home son.''
''It's good to be home. Hopefully, I'll stay longer this time, the lands seemed calm on my way back from Hornwood.'' Artos told his father as he closed the book and stretched. The sound of bones popping followed.
''Your mother will be glad to hear it. She misses you when you're gone, we all do. What was the damage?'' Ned asked as Artos got up from the banister and stood beside him. He was quite a bit taller than Ned having taken after the Tullys in that regard as well.
''Few burned fields and farmhouses. No lives lost but bandits. Plans have been put in place to rebuild and replant.'' He assured his father.
''Good.'' It was a simple answer but then again Eddard Stark was a simple man. Just then the two Stark men were approached by the Lady of Winterfell. Catelyn grabbed Artos's leather-covered shoulder and nearly pulled him off his feet and she spun him around and into her arms for a crushing hug.
''I think my men will look down on me if they find out I had died being suffocated by my Lady mother.'' He told her in a teasing tone. Catelyn scoffed slightly before letting go and gently whacking him on the arm. The sound of an arrow hitting something much harder than the target pulled their attention back to Robb, Bran, and Jon. Jon leaned down to tell Bran something and they all looked up at then before Bran turned and loosed another arrow, missing once again.
''Why haven't you come to tell us you were back yet?'' Catelyn asked her eldest son all while keeping her eyes on little Bran.
''I had barley ridden through the gates when I was met with Bran begging me to come with them to practice. He didn't want me to leave until he hit the target.'' He told her as Bran once again missed and was laughed at. Catelyn didn't say anything back just looped her arm through her son's not wanting to let go of him again just yet.
''And which one of you was a marksman at ten?'' With that comment from Ned Artos let loose a deep laugh and raised his hand sending a goofy smile to his now smiling mother.
''Keep practicing, Bran. Go on.'' Ned told his son in hopes to encourage him. Bran was just about to lose another arrow when one flew past him and hit the bullseye. Artos let a grimace grace his handsome features realizing who it was and he was to blame. Catelyn pinched him lightly on the side and they all laughed when Arya took off running from Bran.
''Lord Stark! My lady. A guardsman just rode in from the hills. They've captured a deserter from the Night's Watch.'' Rodrik Cassel Ned's master-at-arms told him as he approached with Theon Greyjoy his father's ward.
''Get the lads to saddle their horses.'' Ned told Theon with a sigh.
''Do you have to?'' Catelyn asked her husband.
''He swore an oath, Cat.'' Ned told her.
''The law is law, my lady, and welcome home Artos.'' Rodrik added. Artos nodded his head to the older man in respect and thanks.
''Tell Bran he's coming too.'' At Ned's command, Rodrik nodded and left the three starks to themselves.
''Ned. Ten is too young to see such things.'' Artos decided not to add in as he was younger than that when he first went with his father. Remembering how angry his mother had been was the reason he kept his mouth shut.
''He won't be a boy forever. And Winter is coming. Come Artos.'' With that's said Artos placed a kiss on his mother's head and the two Stark men made their way to the stables.

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