The Queen's Justice

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The last few days since Artos and Alastor arrived home had been spent perfectly. Artos and Dany would spend the day with the boys watching Alastor ad Ned bond and after they went to bed the young couple found themselves wrapped up in each other sweaty and bare. The bliss could only last so long though, Dany was trying to take back the Iron Throne and Artos was trying to help prepare for the fight with the Knight King. He had yet to discuss it with Daenerys, until now. Jon had sent a letter stating that Dragonstone sat on a mountain of dragonglass and that it can kill the dead. So here they were clothed properly while Dany messed with the crown on Artos head fussing over it not sitting properly. Artos didn't know why he needed to wear it while they were only meeting with his brother. He figured she just liked the way it looked on him. Artos let out a sigh of relief as he finally go Daenerys into her throne with little Ned perched on her lap Artos stood on one side of her and Alastor sat on a little throne on her other side. He had taken to Dany like she was his mother and for that Artos was relieved. Dany had also taken him in as if she birthed him herself.
"I still don't see why you want them to hand over their weapons." Artos told her as they waited.
"The Dothraki and Unsullied are worried that all North men fight as you do. This is only easing their minds." She told him smiling lovingly at her husband. Artos chuckled and shook his head. The doors opening pulled their attention forward as Alstor leaped from his seat.
"Uncle Jon!" He shouted running towards him. He stumbled a bit down the stairs and his knees hit the stone floor roughly, but just as Dany moved to check on him the young boy was up again and wrapped around Jon's legs. Jon smiled down at him and patted his head before ushering him back to his chair.
"You stand in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, rightful heir to the Iron Throne, rightful Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Six Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains." Missandei announced followed by silence.
"This is Jon Snow. He's the king's brother." Davos said after a moment making Artos fall into a deep laughing fit. Dany reached up and placed a hand on Artos's arm before speaking.
"Thank you for traveling so far, my lord. I hope the seas weren't too rough." She finished just as Artos had caught his breath.
"The winds were kind, Your Grace." Jon said fighting back a smile at how happy Artos was.
"Not that I am not delighted to meet brother-by-law, but why are you here?" She asked him kindly.
"Because I- We need your help, and you need ours." Jon said gesturing to Artos.
"Did you see three dragons flying overhead when you arrived?" She asked making Artos roll his eyes at her hurt pride.
"I did." Jon answered.
"And did you see the Dothraki, all of whom have sworn to kill for me?" She asked again.
"They're hard to miss." Jon answered with a sigh.
"But still, I need your help?" She asked this time looking at Artos for an explanation. She remembered him saying the North would already be on her side.
"Not to defeat Cersei. You could take King's Landing tomorrow and the city would fall. Hell, we almost took it and we didn't even have dragons." Davos told her.
"Almost." Tyrion shot back.
"But you haven't stormed King's Landing. Why not? The only reason I can see is you don't want to kill thousands of innocent people. It's the fastest way to win the war, but you won't do it, which means, at the very least, you're better than Cersei. Which with Artos record I was a bit worried." Jon teased at the end making Artos toss his hands up and scoff at the jab. Dany gave Artos a teasing glare and turned back to Jon in a bit better of a mood.
"Still, that doesn't explain why I need your help." She told him.
"Because right now, you and Artos and Cersei and everyone else, are children playing at a game, screaming that the rules aren't fair. Your Grace everyone you know will die before winter's over if we don't defeat the enemy to the north." Jon told her.
"Artos told me you fight with the wildings." She said confused.
"The dead, my love." Artos told her. Dany creased her brows and turned to Jon.
"The Army of the Dead is on the march." Jon agreed.
"The Army of the Dead?" Tyrion asked skeptically looking between the brothers.
"You don't know me well, my lord, but you know Artos. Do you think he would go along with this if he thought I was a liar or a madman?" Jon asked him.
"No, I don't he would." Tyrion told him.
"The Army of the Dead is real. The white walkers are real. The Night King is real. I've seen them. If they get past the Wall and we're squabbling amongst ourselves... we're finished." Jon told her. Dany turned to look at Artos who nodded at her in return. Before she could say anything to Jon Verys walked in alerting them of grave news.
"Please forgive us. We'll have baths drawn for you and supper sent to your rooms" Dany said before relaying a similar message to a Dothraki man standing to the side.
"We'll speak more later." Artos promised Jon on their way out.
"Our ironborn and Dornish allies were attacked en route to Dorne." Verys told them once the doors closed. Artos turned to look at Dany angrily once it was brought up she had made allies with the ironborn.
"And?" She asked choosing to ignore Artos for the moment.
"Two or three ships escaped, the rest, sunk or captured. Ellaria and the Sand Snakes, dead or captured. The Greyjoys, dead or captured." He said avoiding Artos's gaze.
"All of them?" She asked getting a nod in return.
"Missandei, please?" Artos said gesturing to the children. She looked between the couple before nodding and escorting the two young princes out. The rest of the room's occupants followed shortly after.
"The Greyjoys." Artos said looking at the wall over her head once the room was empty. Daenerys didn't know what to say so she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his waist. Artos shook his head and stepped away from her pulling himself free.
"You promised me. You said that you wouldn't stand in my way when it came to avenging my home and family. That is exactly what you did when you allied with the Greyjoys." He said shouting at the end. any jumped slightly at the boom in his voice.
"I needed the ships to get here." She told him lightly.
"The only thing I want with any Greyjoy is to rip out Theon's eye and hang his wailing body from the gates of Winterfell for betraying Robb." Artos told her harshly.
"If I didn't have them I wouldn't have ships, if I didn't have ships I wouldn't be here with you." She cried out. At the sight of her tears, the anger washed from Artos's face and he pulled her into his arms.
"If Theon is alive and I find him I will be disgracing my name because he will die." Artos promised her. Daenerys nodded against him happy that their fight seemed to be over.
"Can we move this to the council room now and discuss this dragonglass situation?" Artos asked her calmly. Daenerys pulled away from him wiping her face.
"I think that would be good." She agreed and lead the way.

Once Tyrion had walked into the room Dany spoke up.
"Dragonglass?" She asked not quite sure what it was.
"Volcanic glass, obsidian. Jon believes there is a tremendous amount here." Tyrion told them.
"What does he want with dragonglass?" She asked this time to Artos.
"It can be turned into weapons to kill the white walkers." Artos answered her.
"I know he is your brother and you believe him, but what do you think about the army of the dead?" She asked him.
"I grew up in the North. I was told stories of the day true winter would come. The dead would rise and the world would fall. As I grew older I began to believe they were just stories, but then I saw you and Ned emerge from fire unhurt. I rode a dragon and was almost killed by a warlock. I went into the House of the Undying with you and spoke to my dead father, uncle, and aunt. If all that was real why can't this be?" He asked her rhetorically.
"Tell Jon to meet us at the lookout. I need some air." She told Tyrion leading Artos out by the hem of his shirt.
"You know I could just give him permission." Artos jokingly told her.
"I know, but you won't. It is one of the many reasons I love you. You respect me." She said smiling at him.

They were overlooking the sea and the dragons when Jon approached them.
"Amazing thing to see." Jon said looking out at them.
"I named them for my brothers, Viserys and Rhaegar. They're both gone now. The both of you lost a brother and a missing one." She sort of asked Jon. He nodded sadly while Artos stepped closer to her pressing his front to her back and kissing the top of her head.
"People thought dragons were gone forever, but here they are. Perhaps we should be examining what we think we know." She said.
"You've been talking to Tyrion." Jon said.
"He is my hand." She agreed.
"He enjoys talking." Artos said broadly.
"We all enjoy what we're good at." Dany told them.
"I don't." Jon disagreed and Artos patted him comfortingly on the shoulder.
"I will allow you to mine the dragonglass and forge weapons from it. Any resources or men you need, we will provide for you." She told him.
"Thank you. So he got you to believe me, then, about the Night King and the Army of the Dead?" Jon asked looking at Artos.
"You better get to work, Jon Snow." She told him with a smile. She didn't want to answer the question. On one hand, she wanted to believe because Artos did, but on the other, she was having a hard time doing so. Artos kissed Dany and offered her a farewell as he left to help Jon. Dany stood there and watched the brothers go. She loved the Artos she knew in Essos, but she absolutely adored the man he was in the lands he knew. He was more carefree and alive.

[Thank you so much for reading!]

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