The Prince of Winterfell

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After Artos was sure Daenerys was safe he started back towards Xaro. He wasn't thinking clearly at the moment. All he wanted was justice for Irri. He wanted to know what they had done to Doreah. Artos may not have loved her but he cared for her deeply. Daenerys was quick to stop him though, she grabbed his arm tightly.
''Where are you going?'' She asked him, her voice uneven and still thick with fear.
''He did this to Irri. He might know where Doreah is. I need to go back and get answers, and if he refuses to give them I'll show him what his insides look like.'' Artos told her yanking his arm from her grasp. His tone made her jump slightly. His words were usually like honey when he talked to her, but now they dripped with venom. His comment about Doreah also hurt her, yes she wished her friend well. But she was jealous that he was thinking of another woman when she needed him.
''I need you here with me, please.'' She pleaded with him, her unique eyes watery and large. Artos sighed and nodded at her. Dany smiled and kissed him tenderly on the cheek keeping him close as the group started to move again.

Artos flowed Dany close as they approached a few abandoned stone buildings. Artos didn't like anything about this but knew she needed her dragons back.
''Careful, Khaleesi.'' Jorah told her from his position behind Artos. Daenerys was peeking through a few boards covered in dust and ivy. Artos was itching to pull her away from it but knew that would only anger her.
''Xaro owns this city and the warlocks have 1,000 eyes watching you.'' Dany sighed stepping down the stone steps once Jorah continued. She walked up to Artos who was watching the birds hop from tree to tree. His mind was occupied by other things.
''I found one- a ship with a good captain. She leaves for Astapor tomorrow.'' Jorah told her. He felt hot jealousy fill him as Daenerys eyes sparkled while she watched the handsome wolf.
''Astapor?'' She asked breaking from her daze and looking at Jorah.
''We cannot stay here.'' Jorah told her causing Dany to crease her eyebrows at him.
''They have my dragons. A mother does not flee without her children.'' Daenerys all but shouted at him finally breaking Artos from his thoughts. He walked up behind the small silver-haired girl, his closeness made her shiver.
''They are not your children. I know they call you the Mother of Dragons and I know you love them, but you didn't grow them in your womb. They didn't suckle at your breast. They are dragons, Khaleesi. And if we stay in Qarth, we'll die.'' Jorah told her much like he was scolding a child. Artos didn't like his tone and moved to confront the man. Daenerys stopped him with a gentle hand.
''You should sail to Astapor. I'm sure you'll be safe there.'' Dany told him turning around to look away from the older man. Artos let his gaze fall to Kovarro, the man was looking through another boarded door. Artos found humor in the man, he trusted him with Dany's life. Artos just didn't trust him not to steal every coin he possessed. He couldn't blame the man though, it was how he was raised.
''You know I would die for you. I will never abandon you. I'm sworn to protect you, to serve.'' Jorah said catching Artos's attention again. Daenerys sighed turning her head slightly to see him from the corner of her eyes.
''Then serve me. If my dragons are in the House of the Undying, then take me there.'' She said turning to face him fully. She could now see Artos as well, his new clean appearance flustered her.
''That's what the warlock wants. He told you so himself. If you enter that place, you'll never leave again. His magic is strong.'' Artos thought of his son at that moment. Jorah's words made him realize that nothing he said would stop her because he too would go if it meant saving his baby.
''And what of my magic? You saw me step into the fire. You watched the witch burn. What did the flames do to me? Do you remember?'' Asked him loudly and sternly and Jorah stiffened.
''Until my last breath I will remember. After I have forgotten my mother's face.'' Jorah told her with a crack in his voice. Daenerys smiled sadly at him reaching up and cupping his cheek in her slender hand.
''They are my children. And they are the only children I will ever have. Take me to them.'' She told him. Jorah parted his lips like he wanted to fight her on it but nodded his head instead. Daenerys released him turning to look at Artos. The young man nodded to her before tilting his head to signal he wished to speak to her alone. Dany smiled and followed him away from Jorah and Kovarro.
''I will help you in any way I can. I also want to say that I would help even if I got nothing in return, but I need to get home. My brother is at war, and he may be doing well now but he is impulsive when it comes to battle. After I help you get your children back help me get home to mine, please.'' Artos pleaded with her once they were far enough away from the others. His words shocked Daenerys, this was the first time he had ever mentioned a child to anyone of them.
''I didn't know you had children.'' Dany told him timidly. Artos clenched his eyes shut looking up to the sky. He muttered the word stupid to himself under his breath a few times before looking back to her.
''I have a son, he is almost 2 months old now. I believed I loved his mother, but I don't know if she ever truly loved me. I know she will keep him safe but with war raging through the Seven Kingdoms I need to know for sure.'' Artos told her. He sounded broken as he rubbed his hands down his face. He was being very open with the Mother of Dragons and he didn't know why. All he knew was that he felt relaxed and safe around her. He felt at home while he was so far from home. Dany hated to but she nodded at him. She would help him get home if it made him happy, but she had every intention to find him and keep him close once she got there as well.
''Once we get my dragons and leave Qarth I will help get you home.'' She told him. Artos rested his forehead against hers letting out a deep breath. He believed she would keep her words and it relaxed every tense muscle he had kept since the news about the month-long stay.

[Thank you so much for reading! There will only be one more chapter of this book because 2 of the episodes didn't have Daenerys in them so I had to skip them. I'm going to take a break from Artos and write book one for Damon and Lucien and I will be back once I've finished those. Thank you again to everyone who has stuck with me and my erratic upload schedule. Sorry for another short chapter.]

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