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The night had been stormy. Loud thunder and bright lightning flashed all night driving Alastor into his father's bead. It had been a long night with the boy but Artos embraced it. The next morning came a knock at the door. Artos opened it to see a man standing there holding a scroll.
"From Dragonstone, Your Grace." He said handing the letter over. Artos quickly bid him farewell. And shut the door and quietly as he could not to wake Alastor. The note informed him of Daenerys arrival. Artos grinned called a maid into the room. She blushed brightly at the king's bare chest as he ordered her to gather Alastor's this while he gathered his own. She nodded and left quickly after. After he was packed and had a horse ready Artos, Alastor, and the handful of Unsullied were sent off by Sansa, Jon, Rickon, and a few lords that remained in Winterfell. He knew it would be a long journey with Alastor with him. He couldn't ride through the night like he had before.
"Wait!" Sansa called out giggling as Jon chuckled behind her. Artos turned and looked down at his sister and brothers from his horse.
"You're a king now." She told him holding up a crown. Artos scoffed and shook his head with a smile.
"I don't think so." He told her but Alastor made a sound in protest taking it from his aunt and using his father's arms for balance and stood on the saddle placing it on Artos's head. Alastor grinned and sat back down while Artos look to his siblings in disbelief.
"He is your son after all." Jon said with a shrug. Artos laughed again and straightened the crown before riding off.

Artos reached Dragonstone a few weeks later and laughed at Alastor's amazement at the dragons flying over head from his place on his father's shoulders. They stepped through the doors and Alastor started messing with the crown on his head. He was nervous about meeting Dany. Artos had tried to take the crown off several times during his trip but Alastor protested every time so he gave in. After learning Dany's location Artos made his way towards the war room. He had to stop and ask once or twice if he was going the right was but he made it in the end.
"Be a dragon." Artos heard as he pushed open the doors. Dany whipped her head around and grinned at the sight of him. She stood and ran towards him pulling him down into a kiss. She pulled back and looked up at Alastor.
"Hello." She said smiling wildly at the boy before laughing loudly at the crown.
"I never though I would see they say you act the part." She teased Artos making Alastor laugh along with her. Artos couldn't care about the jest he was to busy taking in her features. He had missed her and Ned. At the thought he started to look around only to notice the growing baby sat on some furs not to far away. Artos kissed Dany again before lifting Alastor off his shoulders and leading him over to Ned. Daenerys turned to excuse the people in the room who all nodded in understanding before exiting. Artos sat down and pulled Ned onto his lap and motioned Alastor closer.
"This is your brother, Ned." Alastor told him softly. Alastor smiled and ran his half over Neds head of dark hair.
"I will protect you always." Alastor whispered to his little brother making Dany and Artos look at each other and smile. Alastor rested his head on Artos shoulder sleepily tired from their trip.
"I think it's time for a nap." Artos hinted.
"I'll show you to his room. I had it made up once we got here." Dany told him picking up Ned so Artos could carry Alastor. Once the boys were tucked in Dany lead them to their room.
"You are never allowed to leave again." Dany said in a serious tone as she pushed Artos back into the bed. With his help they were both naked and pressed against each other. Artos rolled them over so he was hovering over her. He placed kissed down her body blowing hot air on her chilled skin. His beard ticked her as he made his was between her slowly spreading legs. Dany let out a sharp gasp as Artos ran his flat tongue though her folds. She squirmed underneath him for what felt like and eternity as he got drunk off the taste of her.
"Stop, please, stop." Dany begged as Artos continued to worship her oversensitive clit. Artos pulled away from her breathing hard kissing his way back up her body.
"Are you okay?" He breathed out pressing his tip against her. Dany looked down between them before meeting his eyes again and nodding. Artos pulled her into a kiss as he slid himself completely into her. She let out a loud moan and he laughed as he buried his face in her neck. His thrusts were fast and hard as he held her close to him. Daenerys was no more that a babbling mess as she fell through orgasm after orgasm brought on my the new feeling in her still over sensitive pussy. Artos gave a few more rough thrust before he reached his own and rolled over again bringing her with him. Still firmly inside her the couple drifted off in their own blissful nap.

(I'm pretty sure this is Jon's crown but for the purposes of this story it's now Artos's just imagine it without the fur at the bottom.)

[Thank you so much for reading! I can't wait to see how well Daenerys and Alastor bond

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[Thank you so much for reading! I can't wait to see how well Daenerys and Alastor bond.]

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