The Wolf and the Lion

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Artos had been on the road for a while now

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Artos had been on the road for a while now. He already had to stop himself from turning back several times, he worried for his family. His father's words still hanging heavy in his mind. What could have been so bad he didn't want Artos around to see. He was closing in fast on his mother, he would ask people in villages he went through the last time they had seen her and her riding party. Artos moved quicker than they could, he was just one man a horse, and a direwolf. The air was getting cooler and his clothes thicker the further North he got. He could feel his spirit lift and his irritation fade, he was getting closer to his home. He was getting closer to where he belonged. Beast was happy too, here he could hunt and run. Here he didn't despise his long thick coat, much like his owner he lived for the cold. Artos spotted Stark men and his mother's red hair over the hill. A grin broke out on his face as he pushed his horse a little harder to reach them. They had stopped moving and looked to be setting up camp for the night ahead. Artos reached them jumped down from his horse and was nearly pulled off his feet by his mother's strong hug.
''Father wished for me to tell you he loves you.'' It was the first thing said between the two and it brought a bright smile to Catelyn's face.
''Why were you in King's Landing mother?'' Catelyn sighed at her son's question.
''I had to speak to your father. I believe Bran was thrown from that tower. Someone was sent to kill him and I was told the dagger used belongs to Tyrion Lannister.'' She then gestured to a small man bound at the wrists and a bag over his head. Artos was angry and if it wasn't for his mother's grip he would have stormed over to the dwarf and taken his head. Catelyn noticed his skin heat up in his rage and it was now hot to the touch. His grey eyes were black and hard, her son was a scary man. They watched as Tyrion was pulled from the horse he was perched on.
"Remove his hood.'' Catelyn told the man that pulled him down. Another man was singing a mocking tune but the blood pumping his Artos' ears kept him from paying attention to the words.
''This isn't the Kingsroad. You said we were riding for Winterfell.'' Tyrion told her. He faltered slightly when he noticed the eldest Stark and his snarling wolf. Beast was bigger than Greywind had been when he last saw the wolf.
''I did... often and loudly.'' Catelyn told him. Tyrion couldn't force his eyes away from the large man standing menacingly behind his mother.
''Very wise. They'll be out in droves, looking for me in the wrong place. Word's probably gotten to my father by now. He'll be offering a handsome reward. Everyone knows a Lannister always pays his debts. Would you be so good as to untie me?'' Tyrion ranted on. Artos watched him closely. He was finally allowing his brain to work, he was coming to the conclusion Tyrion wasn't to blame for Bran's fall or assassination attempt.
''And why would I do that?'' Catelyn asked the small pacing man.
''Why not? Am I going to run? The hill tribes would kill me for my boots. Unless is shadowcats ate me first, and I wouldn't put it past your son to sick that beastly thing after me.'' He shot back a bit more at ease when he noticed Artos's posture relax slightly.
''Shadowcats and hill tribes are the least of your concerns.'' Catelyn told Tyrion walking closer to the small man. Tyrion noted she didn't say the same thing about Artos or his beast. Artos reached forward and gently took her arm. He may have started to believe the man innocent for Bran but if he was anything like the woman he loved they should still be cautious of him.
''Ah, the Eastern Road. We're going to the Vale. You're taking me to your sister's to answer for my imagined crimes. Tell me, Lady Stark, when was the last time you saw your sister?'' Artos had to admit Tyrion was a smart man.
''Five years ago.'' Catelyn answered him.
''She's changed. She was always a bit touched, but now you might as well kill me here.'' Artos was confused by Tyrion's response. He didn't remember much of his aunt but what he could she seemed sane.
''I am not a murderer, Lannister.'' Catelyn told him firmly. She was never one for violence.
''Neither am I! I had nothing to do with the attempt on your son's life'' Tyrion all but shouted back. He was trying and failing to reason with her.
''The dagger found-'' Catelyn started but was cut short by Tyrion.
''What sort of imbecile arms an assassin with his own blade?'' Artos understood where he was coming from, but part of him hoped he was responsible so this could all be over and they could bring justice to his brother.
''Should I gag him?'' Rodrick Cassel asked from behind Artos. A small grin found its way onto the wild wolf's lips. He was glad not to be the only one growing tired of this back and froth.
"Why? Am I starting to make sense?'' At that moment something whipped through the air and struck the man that was singing before. Artos heard his mother call out his name as he drew his sword and pulled her behind him spotting a group of men in the tall shrubbery around them. The rocks being thrown from slings were obvious to him now as he pushed his mother into Rodrick's arms and commanded Beast to stay close to her. Four men came running down the road towards them, Artos stuck one down as soon as he was in reach. He felt his blood pressure rise as adrenaline and thrill coursed through his veins. More men ran down from the hills surrounding them. Artos ran his blade across the neck of the next man brave enough to approach him. Blood painted his handsome face in warm thick red. This is where Artos was made to be, in the middle of a battle coated in another man's hot blood. They were outnumbered but then men that attacked were dirty and undertrained using axes, clubs, and dull blades. They didn't stand a chance, a loud growl overpowered the screams of the dying men as Beast took a man's head in his mouth as he tried to approach his master's mother. With a shake, a sickening crunch was heard from within the direwolf's mouth. Catelyn recoiled away from the wolf slightly at the sight of then now limp man's slightly crushed head that laid in front of her. Artos watched as man after man fell before him. Their death was brought on by either his blade or bare hands. The screams and grunts became less and less until they stopped altogether. Artos took a deep breath and turned to his mother, Beast still standing firmly in front of her snarling and bloody. Rodrick was injured along with what was left of their men. Bronn walked up to Tyrion with Artos not far behind.
''Your first?'' He asked the panting dwarf who was standing over a body with a bloody shield in hand. He nodded in confirmation.
''You need a woman. Nothing like a woman after a fight.'' Bronn told him. Artos chuckled from beside him.
''He's right you know.'' He told Tyrion before walking past them to his mother's side. He ran his fingers through Beast's fur checking for wounds and was relieved when he found non.

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