The Spoils of War

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Artos had been walking through there they would be mining with Jon when they rounded the corner to see Dany and Missandei descending the steps. Artos sent Missandei a smile and laced a hand on Dany's waist kissing her gently on the lips.
"Where are the boys?" he asked not seeing either of them.
"Alastor insisted he was old enough to start training with a sword and Ned is with him watching. They are in good hands." She told him lightly patting his cheek.
"Your Grace." Jon greeted. Dany moved to walk with the brothers and the Dothraki moved to follow.
"It's all right." She told them looping her arm through Artos's and Artos held his other arm out to Missandei and he led them down the stairs and through the wet sand.

The walk was long and a bit chilled from the sea air and Dany's cheeks were flushed pink by the time they made it to the mine entrance.
"We wanted you to see it before we start hacking it to bits." Jon said taking the torch from Davos. He led the group through the narrow passageway to a large open cave. Jon lit the fire and Dany looked round amazed by the sight.
"Well, this is it. All we'll ever need." Jon told them smiling as they all took in the walls of obsidian that shined against the rock like jewels. Jon looked over at Artos who nodded before he turned back to Dany.
"There is something else I want to show you, Your Grace." Artos took the torch and handed it to Dany placing himself closely behind her as he led her through another tight passage. Inside a much smaller room paintings covered the walls in shiny gold paint. She leaned back into Artos as she took it all in.
"The children of the forest made these." Artos told her.
"When?" She asked wide-eyed as she looked around.
"A very long time ago." Artos answered her.
"They were right here, standing where we're standing. Before there were Targaryens or Starks or Lannisters. Maybe even before there were men." She said amazed by the thought.
"No." Artos said leading her over to another wall and tapping it gently with his finger.
"They were here together, the children and the First Men." He said.
"Doing what? Fighting each other?" She asked a bit less excited. Artos lightly took her chin and turned her head to see a painting just a little to the right but higher up.
"They fought together against their common enemy." He said taking in the carving of thin men with blue eyes.
"Despite their differences, despite their suspicions. Dany, we need your help, we need fire and Valyrian Steel. We need the dragonglass to save not just the North but possibly the world. What I need most is your faith in me and in Jon. I need you to trust me with what I know you to believe is a myth or legend. I need you by my side in this Daenerys Stormborn." Artos told her cupping her cheek and pressing his forehead against hers.
"I will always fight for you. You are the embodiment of the North, so I will fight for it as well." She told him softly. Artos smile and kissed her almost roughly.

The five of them emerged from the mouth of the cave both brothers with wide smiles as they pushed and joked with each other. Daenerys, Missandei, and Davos are just behind the pair laughing at the childish behavior. Artos cleared his throat and straightened up once they saw Verys and Tyrion stand there watching them.
"What is it?" Dany asked them.
"We took Casterly Rock." Tyrion told them.
"That's very good to hear. Isn't it?" She asked after neither one of them responded.
"Highgarden and the Tyrells are gone." Tyrion told her sadly. Dany's face turned hopeless and then angry as she gripped Artos's sleeve pulling him quickly towards the keep.
"You'll want to discuss this amongst yourselves. Perhaps-" Davos started but Dany cut him off.
"You will stay. All my allies but one are gone. They've been taken from me while I've been sitting here on this island." She shouted.
"You still have the largest armies." Tyrion tried to comfort her.
"Who won't be able to eat because Cersei has taken all the food from the Reach." Dany told him spitting out her name.
"Call Grey Worm and the Unsullied back. We still have enough ships to carry the Dothraki to the mainland. Commit to the blockade of King's Landing. We have a plan. It's still the right plan." Tyrion told her.
"The right plan!" She shouted turning to look at him. Her grip on Artos made him slam into her. He quickly steadied her on her feet before she started talking again.
"Your strategy has lost us Dorne, the Iron Islands, and the Reach." She told him harshly.
"If I have underestimated our enemies-" Tyrion started but Dany bean talking over him.
"Our enemies? Your family, you mean. Perhaps you don't want to hurt them after all." Dany paused as dragon screeches ripped through the air around them.
"Enough with the clever plans. I have three large dragons. I'm going to fly them to the Red Keep." She told them. Artos tensed up behind her but Tyrion spoke before he could.
"We've discussed this." He started.
"My enemies are in the Red Keep. What kind of a queen am I if I'm not willing to risk my life to fight them?" She asked the dwarf.
"A smart one." He told her. Dany huffed and turned to Artos.
"What do you think I should do?" She asked him almost desperately.
"I think you need to take a breath. If you fly your dragons to the Red Keep now hundreds of innocent people will die. I can't and won't watch that happen. Before the wars and the anger, everyone is feeling I fought to keep them safe. I promised to stand behind you and you promised to stand behind me. You also promised to listen to me when it came to the people of Westeros because I know them. I played with children in the flea bottom during my time in King's Landing. I listened to old men sing to their wives and I watched women dance around with babies." Artos told her softly. Dany looked back out over the sea where the dragon flew in and out of the water catching fish. She curled her hands into Artos's top and pressed her body against his.

Artos rode fast towards where they knew the Lannister army to be. The Dothraki horde behind him made the ground rumble as they approached. Topping the hill Artos spotted the sea of signature Lannister red in the field below. Artos lacked the armor he would normally wear in fear of a blood-drunk Dothraki mistaking him for the enemy during battle and it filled him with a rush of adrenaline. Drogon lit the first row of men on fire as Artos led the Dothraki through the blistering flames. Artos jumped from his horse pulling his sword as he cut through Lannister men. The wails of the Dothraki seemed to wake a more animalistic side to him as he and Beats ripped through exposed skin side by side. Horses trampled through shields and men as they tried to hold their lines. Artos never fought properly because he learned to fight off savages. He could only imagine these men were wishing they had been the same. Artos broke his focus as he spotted the archers taking air for Drogon and Daenerys. It was just long enough for a man to tackle him to the ground. Artos landed face first in the mud and ash. The grim stuck to the blood that splattered his skin. Artos shoved the man off him and rolled over the top of him. Not having his sword in reach Artos grabbed the man by his ears and slammed his head into his making him fall limp but still conscious. Artos then shoved his thumbs into the wailing man's eyes as he bashed his head into the ground below them. After the man was nothing more than a pile of mush Artos stood to his feet wavering slightly as Beast leaned against him to support his master. Artos looked around the smoke and ash to see a worried Dany looking around the charred and butchered bodies. Artos patted Beast thankfully on the head as the two ran towards her. Dany felt tears well in her eyes as she saw Artos and Beast running towards her and met them halfway. She threw herself into Artos making the semi-stable man back onto the ground bringing her with him. She laughed as she wiped his lips clean and kissed him.
"I need your help." She told him pulling away. Artos nodded and stood helping her stand as well. She led him to Drogon who had a large bolt sticking out of where his wing meets his body. Artos looked at Dany before she stood Infront of the dragon to keep him calm. Artos grepped the bolt tightly and pulled it free. Drogon screeched and knocked Artos off his feet.
"I think it's time we go home." Artos said looking up at the ash-filled sky.

" Artos said looking up at the ash-filled sky

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