The Old Gods and the New

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Artos was starting to grow helpless. He just received word that Greyjoy fleets were holding the port captive and he wouldn't find a ship home anytime soon. He was angry at his brother for trusting Theon so much. He was angry at Tyrion for sending him a months log voyage away from home. He was mad at Daenerys for considering Xaro's proposal and Doreah for avoiding him. Artos was angry at himself for allowing himself to be put in the situation he is in now. He hadn't heard anything about Arya and Tyrion is unable to notify him about Sansa. Artos was broken out of his rageful thoughts by Daenerys.
''He shouldn't make me wait.'' Artos let his head fall back against the pillar he was leaning on. He wasn't sure why they were here or why Dany asked him to come but her pacing wasn't doing much to help his mood.
"The Spice King is the second wealthiest man in Qarth. He makes everyone wait. Of course, you could have avoided this embarrassment if you married the wealthiest man in Qarth.'' Artos looked up at Daenerys. This is the first time he heard of her declining him.
''I already have a husband.'' Daenerys told Xaro refusing to meet Artos's eyes.
''Khal Drogo is gone, Khaleesi. You are far too young to be a widow forever and far too beautiful.'' Artos rolled his eyes at the man. She loved her husband, she deserves time to grieve him.
''And you are far too smart to think that I will succumb to flattery.'' She told his pacing once again.
''I have traveled very far in my life and met many women, but none that are immune to flattery.'' Artos winced at his words. Perhaps they were unimmune to the depth of his pocket because if this is his way of winning over a woman he needs help.
''The Mother of Dragons!'' Shouted the Spice King as he came down the stairs.
''Ah. Here he comes.'' Xaro said in a very monotoned voice. Artos pushed himself off the pillar standing up straight. Beast followed his lead standing tall next to his master making the scarred man even more intimidating.
''Forgive me. I had terrible dreams last night. Terrible dreams. I could not sleep until the sun was shining and the birds were singing. Look what a beauty you are now the red waste has been washed off you. I am sorry about all that unpleasantness. The silver hair of a true Targaryen. Xaro Xhoan Daxos, she is far too lovely for a glorified dockworker like yourself.'' The Spice King said huffing as he made his way down the stairs.
''Very true, and yet they say that your grandfather, who sold pepper off the back of a wagon, married a lady far lovelier and higher born than himself.'' Daenerys looked over her shoulder at Artos to see him staring blankly at the wall zoned out from the conversation. She couldn't help but imagine if he was worthy of her. She believed so but would others?
''Every lady alive was lovelier and higher born than my grandfather.'' Everyone laughed at his words and Daenerys cleared her throat.
''Did my servants not offer you something to eat, to drink? I'll have them flogged in the square.'' The Spice King started.
''Thank you, my lord. You are a gracious host, but there is no servant alive that can bring me what I want.'' Dany told him firmly. Artos couldn't help but agree. He wanted his family. He found himself thinking of his little Alastor and regret would build for leaving him.
''Oh, she has a talent for drama, this one. So, my little princess, what is it you want?'' He asked her.
''My birthright- the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros.'' Artos eyed her silently. His brother was fighting to make the North independent again. He knew they wouldn't give that up, not after all they had been through.
''I fear I'm no better than a servant in this regard. I cannot give you what I do not have.'' The Spice King told her not quite understanding her.
''I'm not asking you for the kingdoms. I'm asking you for ships. I need to cross the Narrow Sea.'' Artos was invested now. He also needed a ship to cross the Narrow Sea.
''I need my ships as well. I use them, you see, to bring spices from one port to another.'' Artos glared at the man and his condescending tone.
''Whatever you grant me now will be repaid three times over when I retake the Iron Throne.'' Artos wondered what she would do when she discovered the royal vaults were empty thanks to Robert.
''Retake? Did you once sit on the Iron Throne?'' He mocked her.
''My father sat there before he was murdered.'' She shot back.
''But if you did not sit on it yourself, would it not be correct to say take the Iron Throne?'' Artos groaned stepping forward next to Daenerys.
''She obviously didn't come here to argue about grammar.'' The Spice King backed up slightly at the hostility that seemed to roll of Artos in waves.
''Of course not.'' He told Artos quickly before looking back to Dany.
''You came to take my ships. So let me explain my position, little princess. Unlike you and your scary companion, I do not have exalted ancestors. I make my living by trade. And I judge every trade on its merits. You ask for ships. You say I shall be repaid triple. I do not doubt your honesty or your intentions. But before you repay your debts, you must seize the Seven Kingdoms. Do you have an army?'' The Spice King asked her.
''Not yet.''
''You do not have an army. Do you have powerful allies in Westeros? Until he is in Westeros he does not count.'' He said pointing to Artos.
''There are many there that support my claim.'' Dany shouted at him.
''When were you there last?''
''I left when I was a baby.'' She said this time a little sad.
''So, in truth, you have no allies.'' Artos had to agree with him now.
''The people will rise to fight for their rightful queen when I return.'' Artos sighed at her response. Her head was clouded by what she was told to believe.
''Ah. Forgive me, little princess, but I cannot make an investment based on wishes and dreams. Now if you'll pardon me.'' He turned to leave when Dany started shouting.
''Do you know Illyrio Mopatis, Magister of Pentos?''
''Yes, we've met, A shrewd man.''
''For my wedding he gave me three petrified dragon eggs. He believed- The world believed- that the ages had turned them to stone. How many centuries had it been since dragons roamed the skies? But I dreamt that if I carried those eggs into a great fire, they would hatch. When I stepped into the fire, my own people thought I was mad. But when the fire burned out, I was unhurt, the Mother of Dragons. Do you understand? I'm no ordinary woman. My dreams come true.'' She walked up the steps to meet him.
''I admire your passion. But in business, I trust in logic, not passion. I'm sorry, little princess.'' He told her turning to walk away again.
''I am not your little princess. I am Daenerys Stormborn of the blood of old Valyria and I will take what is mine. With fire and blood, I will take it.'' She shouted after him as he climbed the stairs.
''Yes, my lady, but not with my ships.'' He told her never once turning to look at her.

''The Spice King refuses me because I'm a bad investment. The Silk King won't support me because of his business with the Lannisters. Why offend his best customer? And the Copper King offers me a single ship on the condition that I lie with him for a night. Does he think I will whore myself for a boat?'' Daenerys said as they walked through a garden area. Artos held her arm like always and Beast once again placed himself between her and Xaro. The direwolf didn't seem to trust the man.
''When I came to this city, I had nothing. Truly nothing. I slept by the docks. And when I could find work loading the ships, I would eat. If not, I dreamed of food. Today I am the richest man in Qarth. Do you think the path from poverty to wealth is always pure and honorable? I have done many things, Khaleesi, that a righteous man would condemn. And here I am with no regrets.'' Xaro told her opening a door. As Artos led Daenerys though he quickly pulled her to him to hide her eyes. Through the door laid bodies of butchered Dothraki men. Dany gasped and pulled herself away from Artos taking his hand running towards where he could only guess was her room. Artos unsheathed his sword, Kavarro doing the same close on their heels. Xaro shouted something behind them that neither of them listened to. Bells started ringing and people started shouting as Artos followed Daenerys closely through the ally ways. They went upstairs leaping over more Dothraki men to see three empty wooden cages.
''Where are they?'' She asked near treas. Artos looked down to see Irri laying on the floor. He rushed over to her feeling for a pulse or a breath. He looked up at the hysteric queen shaking his head slightly letting her know she was dead. Artos ran his fingers through Irri's hair fighting back a few tears. The woman had reminded him of Sansa and he was sad to lose her.
''Where are my dragons?!'' She yelled before a sob fell from her. She collapsed against Artos crying into his chest.
''We'll find them, don't worry.'' He told her looking up at Xaro. He didn't trust the man. Not when he stood without an ounce of sympathy in his eyes.

[This chapter was supposed to come out right after the other but over halfway through it I miss clicked and deleted everything. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! Thank you so much for reading! After this book, I am going to take a break from Artos to start on Lucien Targaryen. I am by no means abandoning Artos as I love his character and I will be back. I just don't want to get burnt out on the same character and the chapters start to get worse. Sorry for another short chapter but after my deleting mistake I kinda wanted to cry.]

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