A Golden Crown

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Artos was woken up by a cold nose pressed to his exposed side

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Artos was woken up by a cold nose pressed to his exposed side. A sharp gasp left his lips when it made contact with his warm skin. He let his hand rise and weave its way through Beast's thick coat. Artos peaked over to the other side of the bed to see Ariana gone. He wanted to be disappointed she left but part of him was relieved. All he wanted to do was get a little more sleep but low wine from Beast caused a groan to fall from him as he stood up to find something to wear. They were still relatively far away from the cold North and the weather today was warm. Artos slid himself into a pair of thin riding breeches and cotton tunic before leading Beast out to the yards. He was still dreading what the day would bring. Artos didn't want to deal with his crazed aunt and deranged cousin. The sounds of someone clearing their throat made Artos quickly spin around. Ariana was standing there with a smug smile. She knew she had caught him off guard and if it wasn't for the fact that he was lost in thought she knew she wouldn't have.
''You are wanted inside for the little man's trial.'' Before Artos could respond she spun around on her heels walking back inside. Artos smiled at her back and gave a loud whistle for Beast. Stepping through the main doors he spotted his mother standing next to her sister. His aunt was seated on her throne with her son once again in her lap. Tyrion was standing in front of a large round shallow pit in the middle of the room.
''You wish to confess your crimes?'' Lysa started as soon as Artos found his place next to Catelyn.
''Yes. my lady. I do, my lady.'' Tyrion told her with his head bowed slightly.
"The Sky Cells always break them.'' Lysa told Artos and Catelyn smugly before turning back to Tyrion.
''Speak, Imp. Meet your Gods as an honest man.'' Artos closed his eyes and took a deep breath to keep the snort that threatened to works its way out of him when Beast fell to the ground with a loud huff at his feet.
''Where do I begin, my lords and ladies? I'm a vile man, I confess it. My crimes and sins are beyond counting. I have lied and cheated... gambled and whored. I'm not particularly good at violence, but I'm good at convincing others to do violence for me. You want specifics, I suppose. When I was seven I saw a servant girl bathing in the river. I stole her robe. She was forced to return to the castle naked and in tears. If I close my eyes, I can still see her tits bouncing.'' Tyrion stated in a mock ashamed voice. Gasps filled the air at his last words and Artos turned his face away from his mother to hide the smile on his lips. He was starting to hope the little Lannister was innocent because the eldest Stark boy was beginning to like the dwarf.
''When I was 10, I stuffed my uncle's boots with goatshit. When confronted with my crime, I blamed a squire. Poor boy was flogged and I escaped justice.'' Tyrion continued and Artos took a step back out of his mother's peripheral vision when his body started to shake in a silent laugh. Artos knew what the man was doing and with a loathing for politics, he appreciated it.
''When I was 12 I milked my eel into a pot of turtle stew. I flogged the one-eyed snake. I skinned my sausage. I made the bald man cry into the turtle stew, which I do believe my sister ate. At least I hope she did. Once I brought a jackass and a honeycomb into a brothel--'' Artos was red in the face clutching his calloused hand tightly over his mouth when his aunt Lyas interrupted Tyrion.
''Silence!'' Her voice echoed through the room stopping the shocked noises and giggles.
''What happened next?'' Robin asked excitedly. That was the last straw and Artos bellowed loudly drawing in every eye in the room. He looked up and saw his mother's glare and straightened up, cleared his throat, and sent her a smile.
''What do you think you're doing?'' Lysa asked him pushed Robin behind her slightly.
''Confessing my crimes.'' Tyrion told her like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Catelyn heard her son let out a quiet chuckle behind her and sighed stepping forward.
''Lord Tyrion, you are accused of hiring a man to slay my son Bran in his bed, and of conspiring to murder my sister's husband, Lord Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King.'' Catelyn's voice was hard and firm and it pulled any humor of the situation out of Artos's body.
''Oh, I'm very sorry. I don't know anything about all that.'' Despite his smug tone and expression Artos couldn't help but believe him.
''You've had your little joke. I trust you enjoyed it. Mord, take him back to the dungeon. But this time find a smaller cell... with a steeper floor.'' Artos let his head fall back at Lysa's words. He wanted it over with, he wanted to be back on the road towards Winterfell. If he hadn't promised his father he would look after his mother he would be by now. He trusted Rodrick enough to get her home safely.
''Is this how justice is done in the Vale? You accuse me of crimes, I deny them, so you throw me into a cell to freeze and starve? Where is the king's justice? I am accused and demand a trial!'' Tyrion shouted through the room and mutters flowed.
''If you're tried and found guilty, then by the king's own law you will pay with your life.'' Lysa shouted back.
''I understand the law.'' Tyrion told her in a flat tone.
''We have no executioner in the Eyrie. Life is more elegant here. Open the Moon Door.'' Artos scoffed lightly at her words. The North had no executioners either. They were always taught that the one who gave the sentence should carry it out. Life wasn't elegant anywhere, the world was hard and cruel to everyone. Some just had it a little less hard and a little less cruel. Artos felt his mind go blank and his mouth go dry when two men pulled a lever and the floor opened up in the middle of the room to a long drop to the ground far far below them. Artos had never been a fan of heights and he felt sweat start to build even though he was standing across the room and was in no danger of falling to his death. He reached new levels of disturbed as Robin began to giggle and clap from his seated position.
''You want a trial, my Lord Lannister. Very well. My son will listen to whatever you have to say, and you will hear his judgment. Then you will leave... by one door or the other.'' Artos tensed up even more at his aunt's words. Robin wasn't right to judge this, he was will to see anyone fall through the death hole whether they were guilty or not.
''No need to bother Lord Robin. I demand a trial by combat.'' Tyrion told her, but he had his eyes locked on Artos. Laughter filled the room and Artos could have sworn his heart stopped. He may have found the little man not guilty but there was no way going anywhere near the hole in the floor, especially not while fighting.
''You have that right.'' Lysa told him with a shake in her voice. She was worried she wouldn't be able to send Tyrion to his death.
''My lady, I beg the honor. Let me be your champion.'' Said a knight Artos had met on the way in, he had long forgotten the man's name, he didn't make a very lasting impression.
''The honor should be mine. For the love I bore your lord husband, let me avenge his death.'' Said an older knight while he stepped forward.
''I'll fight for you, my lady.''
''It'll be my honor.'' Both responses were heard from somewhere in the room Artos couldn't see. A few more allow me's and it would be my honor's went around the crowds of people but were interrupted by Robin.
''Make the bad man fly!'' He shouted jumping up from his seat.
''Ser Vardis... you're quiet. Don't you want to avenge my husband?'' Artos turned away from his psychotic cousin to see the knight kneel in front of them.
''With all my heart, my lady. But the Imp is half my size. It would be shameful to slaughter such a man and call it justice.'' Artos couldn't help but agree with the knight.
''Agreed.'' Tyrion spoke up.
''You demanded a trial by combat.'' Lysa said angrily.
''Now I demand a champion. I have that right, same as you.'' Tyrion told her once again eyes on Artos.
''My lady, I will gladly fight the Imp's champion for you.'' Vardis said standing from the floor.
'' I wouldn't be too glad, Ser. I name Artos Stark.'' Tyrion told them proudly. Artos felt sick rise in his throat. He would have to step closer to his only fear to save an innocent man. At this moment he wished he was a lesser man who could allow him to die for crimes he didn't commit. Everyone was looking at Artos now, his aunt with betrayal, the court with excitement, Vardis with nervous sweat, and his mother with worry. She knew he would win and Tyrion would be set free, she wasn't worried about that. She was worried because of her son's fear. Even as a small boy he would quiver in the presence of a sizable drop. Artos nodded slightly at his mother and began to walk slowly to the center of the room. Beast let out a low growl at his master's discomfort but quieted down when Artos leveled his hand to reassure the direwolf.

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