The North Remembers

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Artos sat across from Cersei, his knee was bouncing out of boredom. Today was Joffrey's name day and he elected to skip out on the festivities. Artos wasn't really sure you could call them that, it was just a bunch of people hoping to kiss the king's boots watching a few knights fight. Cersei caught wind of his absence and feigned pregnancy upset. She was rather large now and the maester had claimed only a month or two before the baby would be here. Artos was growing restless and nervous, he was nervous for the babe to be born. He was restless having been in one place for so long. Cersei was currently talking about the Targaryen girl across the great sea. She was going on and on about how people claim the red comet meant dragons but she believed it meant their baby would be strong and one day rule the world. Artos never humored her with a response, he just slouched a little further down in his chair watching the untouched wine in his glass swirl with the movement he put into it. Cersei didn't mind that he never replied she wasn't really asking any questions. She just wanted to talk to someone she knew wasn't going to run off spilling all her secrets. Artos began thinking of dragons at that moment, he always wished to see one. He used to tell his father that he would find one and show the Targaryens that they weren't the only ones who could ride one. That was of course before he discovered his fear of heights. Artos believed they were just the dreams of a little boy now. Though he was barley 19 he liked to think he was mature enough to no longer be called a boy. Cersei stood saying something about a council meeting before leaving her beloved to his thoughts. Artos watched her leave out of the corner of his eye letting out a loud sigh once she shut the door. He set down his cup and stood up looking around the room. His bag was still packed from when he arrived a little over a month prior and his sister and baby were the only things stopping him from taking it a leaving at this very moment. Maybe his father had been right, he wasn't one for marriage. He desired to run off and fight the war his brother was in. He wanted to be there to make sure he wasn't making stupid choices. He knew Robb and he knew his brother was impulsive at the best of time and downright infuriating at the worst. Artos rolled his shoulders slightly letting out a groan turning and leaving the room. He whistled lowly and Beast came bounding out after him. Artos walked out of the Red Keep making his way down to the market. People looked at him differently nowadays, a little more frightful, a little more aroused, and a little greedily. Rumors have spread that Cersei's child is actually Artos's after the common people saw her hold onto his arm during his father's execution. Though they were true like most rumors about the Lannister woman the pair ignored them. Artos mindlessly looked through the stalls itchy for a good fight or a good fuck. The day of his father's death had been the last time he allowed Cersei in his bed. He told her she was the mother of his child but no longer his lover and the way she fought him afterward made him want to retract his statement. Artos wasn't a hard man to please, he found himself enjoying the female form in its entirety no matter the shape or form. But a woman with fight and fire made him ache in ways he never thought possible. Perhaps that's why he was so hung up on the former queen. She wasn't afraid to fight with him. He could still feel the sting on his cheek after he had called her a deceitful bitch, it brought a smirk to his face and made his pants just a little tighter than they already were. He walked around most of the day before returning to the castle.

He wasn't in the walls of the keep long before Cersei and a group of guards came walking towards him. He didn't get the chance to say anything as Cersei looped her arm through his and began dragging him down the hall. Artos didn't know what to think but he knew the men behind them, they had all been paid off by Cersei to keep quiet on the things they saw between Artos and herself. They rounded a corner and spotted Petyr Baelish ahead.
''Lord Baelish.'' Cersei called out to him causing the man to halt.
''Your Grace.'' He said with a slight bow walking up to them.
''I wonder if I might ask you for a favor.'' Artos glance down at her from the corner of his eye. Why did he need to be here for this?
''Of course, Your Grace.'' He answered without hesitation.
"Ned Stark's youngest daughter Arya- We can seem to locate her.'' Artos felt his whole body tense in her hold. She had to know that he got her out why else would she be having this conversation in front of him?
''If she's escaped the capital. Winterfell seems the logical destination.'' Baelish told her as he began walking in step with them.
''And yet my friends in the north report no sigh of her.'' Artos wasn't liking where thing whole thing was going.
''Curious.'' Petyr said cautiously looking over at the eldest Stark child.
''If we choose to negotiate with the Starks, the girl has some value. Whoever finds her- well, you know what they say about Lannisters and debts.'' Artos could feel his palms begin to sweat the further along this conversation went.
''Well, you could ask Varys where she is. He'll have an answer for you. Whether you believe it... myself, I have always had a hard time trusting eunuchs. Who knows what they want? They aren't like tall strapping young men who bend to sex.'' Petyr took a jab at Artos at the end though was quick to regret it when the man in question's eyes darkened and a low growl rumbled from his chest. Cersei chuckled lightly.
''A mockingbird. You created your own sigil, didn't you?'' She asked him playing with the pin on his tunic.
''Yes.'' He said back.
''Appropriate... for a self-made man with so many songs to sing.'' Cersei told him tilting her head slightly leading into Artos.
''I'm glad you like it. Some people are fortunate enough to be born into the right family. Others have to find their own way.'' He seemed proud of himself but Artos knew Cersei enough to know she wasn't really complimenting him.
''I heard a song once about a boy of modest means who found his way into the home of a very prominent family. He loved the eldest daughter. Sadly, she had eyes for another.'' Artos let his eyes fall between the two as they talked. He figure she was talking about his mother. He had heard stories from his father about how Petyr tried to fight his uncle for her hand.
''When boys and girls live in the same home, awkward situations can arise. Sometimes, I've heard, even between brothers and sisters develop certain affections. And when these affections become common knowledge, well, that is an awkward situation indeed, especially in a prominent family.'' Cersei tightened her grip on Artos the more he went on and it only pushed his hatred for the man. Artos grabbed the hilt of his sword ready to pounce if she commended it.
"But prominent families often forget a simple truth, I've found.'' Petyr continued not having noticed Artos's aggressive stance.
''And which truth is that?'' Cersei asked him calmly.
''Knowledge is power.'' He told her smugly. Cersei nodded at him and then turned and sent Artos a nod. Before Petyr could comprehend what was happening Artos had him against a wall ready to strike. Just before The cool steel of the blade met his throat Cersei placed a hand on Artos's arm bringing him to a halt.
''I've changed my mind let him go.'' Artos let Cersei pull him back away from the trembling man.
''Power is power. Do see if you can take some time away from your coins and your whores to locate the Stark girl for me. I would very much appreciate it.'' She told him grasping Artos's arm for leading him away, the guards following close behind.

Once they reached Cersei's room Artos took her arm roughly and pulled her inside.
''What was that!'' Cersei jumped slightly. Artos wasn't one to raise his voice and it frightened her when he did.
"I'm trying to find your sister. To make sure she's safe.'' She told him in a pathetic attempt to lessen his anger.
''Don't lie to me. Don't try and trick me. Why do you really need her? Are you trying to manipulate my brother is that it? Well, it's not going to work. Arya is out of the capital and far away from here. You aren't going to find her, and use her as some pawn in your sick little game.'' Artos curled his lip in a snarl when the last few words came from him.
"I need her here! Bring her back! Or I will have you locked away for treason!'' Cersei and Artos both knew she was bluffing at this point but it pushed at the last thread of patience Artos had left. He let out an unamused chuckle before he turned and walked out of the door. There was one man in this castle that actually had a say about things. The same man happened to owe him a favor. Artos stormed down the halls towards Sansa's room. He pushed open the door without knocking and took ahold of his sister pulling her down the hall towards the Hand's room. His fist landed on the wooden door hard before he pushed it open. Normally he would have the decency to wait for a response but he was in a hurry. Tyrion turned his head to see the intruder and smiled at the sight of the man you won him his life.
''You need to get us out of King's Landing now!'' He told the dwarf in a hushed tone.
''No, I can't. I still have to marry Joffrey if I leave or they catch us trying they will kill me.'' Sansa told him tugging her arm from his grasp. Artos shook his head and leaned down to her level.
''I can't stay here, and I can't leave without you. If I am forced to stay within these walls a moment longer you will be standing there watching me lose my head next!'' Sansa jumped at her brother's harsh tone tears welling in her eyes.
"I'll be safe here on my own. The king won't hurt me in fear of you and Robb.'' Sansa told him trying her best not to cry. Artos was breathing heavy and his eyes the intimidating dark grey they turned when he was ready to kill.
''I could look after her, but the best I can do I a trade ship headed for the free cities. You can charter a ship once you are there and be back in the North in a few months.'' Artos rubbed his eyes groaning he looked to Sansa who nodded her head.
''If anything happens to her you will with you wish they tossed you out of the moon door. Your father's entire army wont be able to stop me.'' Atros told the little man in a deep threatening voice.
"I believe you. You will have to leave soon though, I will have someone see that your horse is safely on board but you will have to bring the wolf yourself.'' Tyrion told him turning to write a few things down on a piece of paper. Artos turned to look at Sansa. The girl threw herself into his arms.
''I'll be ok. You will get home and help Robb win this war.'' Sansa told him. Artos nodded his head holding her tight. He pulled back and kissed her on the head before turning and leaving the room. As soon as he stepped foot in the hall a scream broke the quiet of the air. A guard rounded the corner grabbing Artos and pulling him towards the queen's chamber.

Artos stepped inside to see Cersei screaming and panting. Sweat covered her withering form.
''Artos I need you!'' She shouted once she saw him. Artos broke out of his shock and dashed over to her taking her hand and a cool wet cloth someone had handed him. He began pressing the cloth to her head letting her squeeze his hand. It felt like days but was really only a few hours before a cry filled the room. The maester walked over to a smiling Cersei and stunned Artos handing a squirming baby to Her. The baby was a boy, he looked just like Artos had pictured in his dreams. His head was full of dark hair and his eyes were green as grass. Cersei looked over to Artos lifting the baby up for him to take. Artos took the small babe in his arms and stared into his green eyes. At this moment he didn't want to leave, but he knew it would be best that he did. He knew Sansa would make sure his son was safe like she promised so long ago.
''What are you going to name him?'' Artos asked her not one time taking his eyes off his son.
''Alastor.'' Artos nodded to her. He didn't care what his name was. He only cared that he got to hold him. He cared that he is healthy.
''You can't raise him like Joffrey. You have to promise me.'' Artos all but begged her.
''I promise.'' Cersei said taking the baby back allowing him to suckle at her breast. Artos leaned over kissing his son on the head then Cersei. He stood up making his way towards the door.
''Where are you going?'' She asked him barely awake.
''I just need to take care of a few things. Please, let Sansa see him every now and then.'' Cersei nodded at him with a small I promise and Artos walked out of the door. He made his way down the hall towards his room grabbing his bag and leading Beast down to the docks.

He found Tyrion talking to a ship captain then handing him a purse full of coins.
''I bid you safe travels.'' Tyrion told him walking away Artos sighed looking back at the Red Keep before boarding the ship with his faithful companion.

[Well the baby is a little early and Artos is off to the free cities. I felt like the bo

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