The Pointy End

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[I skipped the episode 'You Win or You Die' because Catelyn never appeared and Artos is currently with her.]

Artos and his mother didn't stay long after the trial. Artos couldn't say he was disappointed with being far away from Lysa and Robin, they were both mad and he would rather not remember the moon door. The road had been uneventful to say the least and Artos was sulking that his fear got in the way of him enjoying his fight. His mother wasn't pleased he stepped forward as the dwarf's champion and had been giving the silent treatment most of the journey. Artos wasn't to bothered, it was better then a lecture. They were currently on their way to his younger brother Robb. Before they left the Vale they received a letter that said his father had been imprisoned and Robb had called the banners and has declared war against the Lannisters. Artos informed his mother that when they find Robb he was leaving back to the capital to try and negotiate on his father's behalf. The whole situation made his blood burn, the nights before he slept and dreamt of holding Cersei in his arms as her belly grew round with his child. Now all he can dream of is Lannister blood, he dreams of bringing his sisters and father home. He wants the Starks far away from the capital and back in the North were that belong.

Artos couldn't fight the smile that tugged his lips when they reached the top of the hill to see and field full of tents and soldiers ready for war. He knew he would miss the first for the fights as he was returning to King's Landing but it thrilled him to see all the men ready to bring his father home.
"Summer snows, my lady." Rodrik told Catelyn taking note of the white dusting the ground.
"Robb's brought the North with him. Something he no doubt picked up from his brother." She sent Artos a slight smile with her reply. It was the first time she had really spoken to her son in a few days and he couldn't help but send her a beaming  grin back. They ride down the hill and through the tents earning a few nods of respect from the men they passed.

Artos helped his mother down from her horse when they reached the battle tent and looped his arm with hers leading to the opening where they saw the lords of the North huddled around his little brother. Greatjon Umber was the first to spot then as he stood and bowed his head. It caused a chain reaction through the lords and Robb spun around to see who had entered.
"Mother! Artos!" His voice was surprised and a smiled pulled lighting at the corners of his mouth.
"You look well." Catelyn told him tightening her grin on her eldest son's arm. She feared for Robb, he had never been to war before.
"Lady Catelyn, you're a welcome sight in these troubled times." Lord Umber told her from his spot at the table.
"We had not thought to meet you here, my lady. We had expected Artos to send you home." Theon informed them.
"I had not thought to be here. I would speak with my sons alone. I know you will forgive me, my lords." The slight quiver in Catelyn's voice was barely noticeable but still present.
"You heard her! Move your asses! Come on, out. You too, Greyjoy. Are you bloody deaf? Have no fear, my lady. We'll shove our swords up Tywin Lannister's bunghole, and then it's on to the Red Keep to free Ned." Greatjon said ushering then men out of the tent. Artos chuckled and patted to large man on the shoulder.
"You old devil, Rodrik." Greatjon greeted the older man in passing.
"Jon." Rodrik greeted back with a smile happy to see his old friend again.
"You're not wasting away, are you?" Was the last thing the Starks heard Greatjon say as he led Rodrik away from the tent. Catelyn finally let herself smile pulling Robb and Artos into a crushing group hug. She released her two eldest boys and threaded the fingers of each of her hands onto their hair looking back and forth between their matching grey eyes.
"I remember the day and night you both came into this world red-faced and squalling. And now I find one ready to run into a another battle field, and the other leading a host to war." She told them hold each boy tightly.
"There was no one else." Robb told her.
"No one? Who were those men I saw here?" She asked finally letting go of her grip.
"None of them are Starks, Robb is." Artos told his mother.
"All of them are seasoned in battle. Robb is not." She told them sternly. 
"If you think you can send me back to Winterfell-" Robb started to defend himself before their mother cut in.
"Oh, would that I could." Catelyn knew her boys. She knew there was no possible way of changing their minds once they have been set.
"There was... a letter." Robb said walking over to the map table picking it up.
"From Sansa." He told them handing it to Catelyn.
"From the queen, you mean." She shot back taking a seat the read it. Artos leaned over her shoulder to see his sister's delicate writing.
"There's no mention of Arya." Catelyn said.
"No." Robb said back.
"I just came here to make sure mother was safe with you. I'm riding for King's Lading to see what I can do. I'll look for her and send her back if I'm able." Artos told them. Catelyn reached over and gave his hand a tight squeeze.
"How many men do you have?" She asked Robb.
"18,000. If I go to King's Landing and bend my knee to Joffrey-" Robb started.
"You would never be allowed to leave. Artos stands a chance, he's been there. You, no. Our best hope- our only hope- is to defeat them in the field. It's to hope Artos can get the girls somewhere safe." She told them.
"And if I loose?" Robb asked finally letting his worry show.
"Do you know what happened to the Targaryen children when the Mad King fell?" Artos asked his brother recalling the stories.
"They were butchered in their sleep." Robb answered back turning slightly away from them.
"On the orders of Tywin Lannister. And the years have not made him kinder." Catelyn finished. Robb turned back to his brother and mother. His face hard, it reminded Catelyn of when Artos went off to his first battle. Eyes stormy and determined ready for anything.
"If you lose, your father dies. If Artos isn't able to get your sisters out of King's landing, they die. We die." She told Robb trying to push him away from his fear so he can see the bigger picture.
"Well, that makes it simple then." Robb responded in a hard tone.
"I suppose it does." Artos said back, his voice deep and gravely. He stood from his mother's side looming over them.
"I'm going to gather some food and be on my way then. The sooner I get them back the sooner we know they're safe." Artos said pulling Robb into a hug and kissing his mother in the top of her head. Robb ran a thumb over the healing wound in his brother's face. He hasn't had the chance to ask about it, but the soon to be scar made him terrifying. He was scary before but now he screamed intimidation. Artos grinned at his brother and Robb noticed that his smile still sent a peaceful feeling through him. He trusted his brother with everything. Robb knew Artos would get the girls back. He knew he would keep them safe. He just hopped he could keep up his end and win the war to come.

Artos was sat on top of his horse, Beast ready at his side giving a last farewell to his mother and brother before taking off quickly towards the main road. He would normally try and avoid it but it was the quickest way to his desired location. He would need to cut East after awhile to avoid the Lannister armies, but other than that the King's Road will be his path of choice. It didn't take long for Artos to lose sight off the Northern army. If he wasn't in the current situation he would enjoy the wind in his hair and the howl of the happy wolf running beside him. Artos sent a quiet apology to Beast and his horse for the night ahead. He will be pushing them hard for the next few weeks, he needed to get to his sisters as fast as he could. He kept up his pace only slowing when he noticed Beast and his horse started to grown tired. The first time he truly stopped was when he spotted a stream close by and lead them over for a well deserved drink. Artos was tempted to leave Beast with Robb knowing that the capital was going to be tense, but he fought against the idea. Beast was a Stark as much as he was, he would stay by his side and help bring his family home.

[This is a really short chapter I'm so sorry. I hope you enjoyed it anyway, I hope to hear feedback and suggestions for his future. I can't promise they will all be in the story, but I want everyone to love his character and journey as much as I do. This was also written on my phone so I apologize is there are a few more mistakes then normal.]

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