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Dany, Artos, and Missandei stood at the top of the platform with Jorah, Barristan, and Daario just one step below them. Unsullied surrounded them and the Dragons stood at their feet and Beast at Artos's as they waited outside the gates of Yunkai.
"They will come, Your Grace. When they're ready." Barristan told her noticing the look of worry in her beautiful features.
"Perhaps they didn't want to be conquered." She said doubting herself. Artos placed a hand on her lower back for comfort.
"You didn't conquer them. You liberated them." Jorah told her.
"People learn to love their chains." She said as the gate clicked a creeks open. Pop began pouring out. The only thing heard was hundreds of footsteps filling the field in front of them. The unsullied lowered her spears once they started to get too close for comfort and the dragons screeched prompting Beats to growl. Missandei stepped forward to introduce Daenerys.
"No." Dany told her disagreeing with something she had said. Missandei stepped back and Dany stepped forward. Men, women, and children stared up at her. They were all birth and malnourished and it made Artos's heart ache for them. Dany started to speak now. Her voice sounded hurt and sad. She stopped talking and silence overtook again. Only a few seconds passed before a man holding a little girl held up his hand and shouted.
"Mhysa!" He was followed by his daughter and then the others. Dany tilted her head to Missandei.
"What does it mean?" She asked her.
"It is old Ghiscari, Khaleesi. It means 'mother'." Missandei told her. The people all started to walk forward again and the guards stepped forward as well.
"It's all right. These people won't hurt me." She said taking Artos's hand as he helped her down the rock.
"Are you sure about this?" He asked her lowly in her ear.
"Do you trust me?" She asked them as they walked a little closer to the crowd.
"With my everything." He told her honestly.
"Then trust me when I say they won't hurt me." She told him kissing his cheek. Dany commanded the Dragons to fly and Artos reluctantly let go of her as she stepped into the horde of former slaves. He was stressed and worried as he lost sight of her in the mass. He watched as she was lifted and placed on the shoulders of two men. The people chanted and reached out for her. The smile that grew across her face made Artos grin back just a wildly. He had fallen completely in love with someone he believed to be completely pure and kind. He would never wish Cersei away because he would never wish his son away, but right at this moment, he did wish she was the only woman apart from his family he had given his heart to.

[Super short chapter, my bad

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[Super short chapter, my bad. I will start Season 4 on Monday. Thank you so much for reading! Do you think Artos and Daenerys so get married? If they do it won't be until later in the story though.]

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