The Red Woman

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Artos and Daario rode side by side and Jorah had fallen a little behind them. Artos figured it had something to do with him not wanting to talk to either of them. They rode fast through a grassy field cut of my mountains before slowing slightly to go up them. They came to a flat area at the top of one of the peaks. There was a large ash pile surrounded by bones at the center. Jorah and Artos jumped down from their horses to inspect the mess. Jorah picked up one of the skulls by the horn.
"Goat?" Daario question.
"Ram." Jorah corrected him.
"You think our friend got him?" Daario asked.
"Don't know anything else that can melt a ram's horn." Jorah informed him.
"The ground is still hot." Artos told them feeling the heat seep through his boots.
"We're on the right path, then." Daario said once Artos remounted his horse.

They made their way back down the mountain and the silence was making Artos's head spin with worry. Daario seemed to notice so he tried to help.
"Perhaps she's tired of being queen. I don't think she likes it very much." Daario spoke up.
"She's too smart to like it." Jorah told him.
"Maybe she's flown somewhere else, somewhere far away from men like us." Daario added.
"I've been all over the world. There's no escaping men like us." Jorah protested.
"There's no escaping her eh? You keep coming back even though you know you can never have her. Why?" Daario asked him.
"You know why." Jorah told him.
"I've moved on. Isn't it frustrating wanting someone who doesn't want you back?" Daario asked him.
"Of course it is." Jorah told them truthfully.
"You're a romantic. I admire that. Sometimes I look at you and I think, 'So that's what I'll be like when I grow old.'" Daario teased him.
"If you grow old." Jorah shot back.
"If I grow old. I hope I do. I want to see what the world looks like when she's done conquering it." Daario said.
"So do I." Jorah agreed.
"If you are going to be by her side and the North is going to the Starks... Who will rule it?" Daario asked Artos.
"Judging by our current predicament, I'd say maybe all the problems we have are because men like us have been in charge. I'll be giving it to my sister Sansa. If she doesn't have children it will go to Alastor." He told them.
"He is your son. Won't he be men like us?" Daario asked him.
"No, hopefully, he'll be men like my father. He cared more about the people than himself. He died trying to save Westeros from another Mad King." Artos told them. The conversation fell off then and Jorah once again fell behind. They continued to ride in silence until they reached an open area that had been trampled but hundreds of horses.
"Huh, an army?" Daario questioned.
"It's too scattered, chaotic." Artos answered him.
"A horde." Jorah told them with worry in his voice. They rode forward a little further to see the ground beet down in a circular pattern. Jorah and Artos dismounted and walked to the center.
"Dothraki?" Daario asked Jorah. Artos clenched his eyes and looked down at his feet before opening them again. He spotted something on the ground and frowned his brows tilting his head slightly before leaning down and picking it up.
"Dany." He said inspecting the ring that held two pearls. The discovery only made him worry more. She hadn't taken it off since Artos had given it to her. He told her that each pearl represented Drogo and Rhaego and that now she would always have them with her.
"They have her." Jorah said looking at it over his shoulder. Artos sighed and tucked the ring into his pocket and remounting his horse.

[Welcome to season 6!! Thank you so much for reading!]

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