A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

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Artos had begun to regret flying off with Dany at a time like this. Jamie Lannister was now standing in front of them. Artos was unsure who he should protect at the moment. His wife or the man who killed her father. On one hand, Artos wanted him dead too after he found out it was him and Cersei who shoved Bran from the Broken Tower, but the more logical side of his brain knew they needed all the help they could get. He even hated to admit he liked Jamie even if they didn't talk often. He was like Daario, hard to get along with at first but then a great friend after.
"When I was a child, my brother would tell me a bedtime story... about the man who murdered our father. Who stabbed him in the back and cut his throat. Who sat down on the Iron Throne and watched as his blood poured onto the floor. He told e other stories as well. About all the things we would do to that man... once we took back the Seven Kingdoms and had him our grasp. Your sister pledged to send her army north." Dany told him reaching over to hold Artos's hand.
"She did." Jamie answered her.
"I don't see an army. I see one man, with one hand. It appears your sister lied to me. If she sent you here to bring back my son that is a problem." Dany told him sharply. Artos smiled to himself at her acceptance of Alastor, but guilt bubbled in his gut at the thought of Cersei losing him.
"She lied to me as well. She never had any intention of sending her army north. She had Euron Greyjoy's fleet and 20,000 fresh troops. The Golden Company from Essos, bought and paid for. Even if we defeat the dead, she'll have more than enough to destroy the survivors. I'm not here for Alastor, I love my nephew and I want to keep him safe. It's why I'm here. She seems to only care about either imprisoning Artos or winning him back. I don't think the latter was ever an option." Jamie told them.
"We?" Dany asked choosing to ignore the part about the woman wanting her husband.
"I promised to fight for the living. I intend to keep that promise." Jamie told them letting his eyes glide over to the two sleepy princes that toddled into the room. Alastor had a tight hold on Ned to keep him upright as they walked toward their parents.
"Your Grace, I know my brother--" Tyrion started.
"Like you knew your sister?" Dany questioned as she watched Artos lift the boys onto his lap, Ned already falling back to sleep against his father's chest.
"He came here alone, knowing full well how he'd be received. Why would he do that if he weren't telling the truth?" Tyrion argued.
"Perhaps he trusts his little brother to defend him, right up to the moment he tries to slit my throat." Dany told him.
"You're right we can't trust him. He attacked my father in the streets. He tried to destroy my house and my family, the same as he did yours." Sansa spoke up.
"Do you want me to apologize? I won't. We were at war. Everything I did, I did for my house and family. I'd do it all again. The only difference this time is part of my family is sitting in this room." Jamie said harshly looking between Alastor and Tyrion.
"The things we do for love." Bran called out looking over the Lannister.
"It's not my choice. I promised my husband when I married him to never stand in his way when it came to avenge his family. I've already broken that promise a few times. I won't do it again." Dany told him looking over at Artos for his decision. Brienne stood after her words bringing all attention to her.
"You don't know me well, Your Grace." She said walking forward.
"But I know Ser Jamie. He is a man of honor. I was his captor once. But when we were both taken prisoner and the men holding us tried to force themselves on me, Ser Jamie defended me. And lost his hand because of it." She told Artos before turning to Sansa.
"Without him, my lady, you would not be alive. He armed me, armored me, and sent me to find you and bring you home because he'd sworn an oath to your mother." Brienne finished. Artos turned to look at his sister who looked back at him. Artos sent her a small nod and Sansa took a deep breath before speaking.
"You vouch for him?" Sansa asked her.
"I do." She answered.
"You would fight beside him?" Sansa asked.
"I would." Her answer came strong and sure as it had before. Sansa turned to Artos this time.
"I trust her with my life. If she trusts him with her, we should let him stay." Sansa told her brother. Dany looked uneasy between Sansa the boys and Artos at her words. Brienne nodded to the Starks then Dany and moved to retake her seat. Artos caught Dany's uneasy gaze and rested a hand on her cheek for a moment before turning forward again.
"I understand you would do anything to protect your family, I would too. I am willing to give up my peaceful nights and pace the halls in fear that you're lying. We need anyone willing to help with the storm that's coming. I will warn you though Jamie Lannister, you make one ill move toward my family or people. I will rip your spine out and watch you fall to the floor like a soggy piece of paper." Artos told him letting his voice drop an octave and he threatened the man. His world came out in a wolfish growl that sent true fear through the lion's bones. Beast stood at the tone in his master's voice standing close to the boys and huffing out growls so deep they rattled through his soul. He could see now why the North claimed him as their king. He was the north, cold and hard, yet to his people, he was warm as the fires that kept this retched place from freezing.
"I understand." Jamie answered not once thinking the young man was bluffing. Artos nodded to Grey Worm who picked up Jamie's sword and walked it back over to the man.
"Thank you, Your Grace." Jamie said with a slight bow. Artos stood taking the boys in his arms making Alastor giggle slightly.
"Can I say hello to uncle Jamie now?" Alastor asked him lowly so only he could hear.
"Wait till we are alone." Artos told him equally as quiet. As the room began to dismiss Artos cut his eye between his wife, Alastor, and Jamie. Dany know what he was insinuating and reluctantly nodded taking Ned from his hold.
"Jamie, please." Artos called out gesturing for him to follow. Jamie did so reluctantly and soon they found themselves in Ned's old office. The office that now belongs to not the Lord of Winterfell, but the King of the North.
"He would be proud of you." Jamie said taking a seat as Artos closed the door and placed his hand on the back of Alastor's head as they both observed the Lannister man.
"I'm not so sure sometimes. We aren't here to bond, Alastor wanted to say hello." Artos said sighing heavily taking his spot at the desk across from Jamie and started replying to letters he had been sent from the houses they were still waiting to arrive. Alastor took that as his go-ahead and walked up to his uncle. Jamie smiled at his nephew as he pulled himself up into the chair next to him. His smile was short-lived as he began to speak through.
"She doesn't miss me." Alastor said almost timidly making Artos halt his writing.
"Alastor?" Artos questioned him carefully.
"She didn't even miss me while I was there. I spent all my time with aunt Sansa. It's okay though because daddy missed me. Aunt Sansa missed me too. Mama missed me and she didn't even know me yet. I have a little brother too." Alastor told Jamie happily though it didn't help ease either of the men.
"She loves you very much." Jamie tried to sway him. Alastor shook his head.
"She didn't send help. If she loved me, or daddy, or you. She would send help." Alastor told him.
"I don't want to admit it but his intelligence didn't come from me." Artos said trying to lighten the mood.
"Why don't you go and find your bother for supper, yeah?" Artos asked him. Alastor perked up at the mention of food and with a quick nod and a short hug to a surprised Jamie he dashed out of the room with Beast on his heels slamming the door behind him.
"That boy can eat like a group of starved savages." Artos mumbled out signing the letter and moving it to the side.
"I meant what I said. Don't make me act on it, his heart has been broken enough by Lannisters." Artos told him standing up.
"Only the one." Jamie shot back.
"The only heartbreak he should ever feel is when he has to leave his wife in the morning. It's the only kind I wish I felt." Artos told him holding the door open. Jamie nodded in agreeance before stepping out. Artos shut it behind him and moved back to his desk to finish his work.

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