Valar Morghulis

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Artos followed at the end of the group. The steep hill made for a tiresome walk. Kovarro was speaking to Daenerys in Dothraki so Artos turned his attention to the tall tower up ahead. He wasn't sure how they would find 3 small dragons in such a large structure but he hoped they did it quickly. The power coming from it made Artos twitchy and uneasy. They all came to a stop at the base of the step looking up at it. Kovarro, Daenerys, and Jorah spoke back and forth to each other for a moment before Dany starts her way up the stairs.
''Is this a riddle?'' Dany asked slightly out of breath once they reached the top. Artos had no idea but was quick to follow her once she started to walk around the tower. She took his hand picking up speed looking for what he assumed is a door. After finding an opening they walked inside only to be covered in darkness. A single torch lit the wall right where the door had been. Artos felt his blood run cold as Daenerys picked up the torch still keeping a firm grip on his hand. They could faintly heat Jorah shouting Khaleesi from a distance.
''Are you trying to frighten me with magic tricks? You want me? Here I am. Are you afraid of a little girl?'' Dany shouted through the halls. At the sound of her voice, the dragons screeched from further in the maze-like halls. The screeching continued as Dany led Artos through a tight door was up a few stairs. The screeching brought them to a short but wide wooden door. Artos pulled her back and opened the door first. Inside the room were several more doors and a round stone table in the middle. Dany followed him in walking around the room to a grate on the floor. She shot her head up once the screeches were heard again. The sound led them to the last door in the row. Daenerys pulled it open and inside they were met by a room coated in snow. It looked much like the throne room in Kings Landing. Though the roof was broken and falling snow covered the Iron Throne. Dany dropped the torch and looked up at the burnt and broken wood and stone that once made up the ceiling. Artos watched as Daenerys walked up to the throne reaching to touch one of the many swords that made up the seat. She stopped right before her fingers could touch the snow cover iron. The screeches of her children once again filled the air. Dany took one last look at the throne before she made her way towards the sound. Artos followed her and a rumble filled the air. A large gate that resemble the one that closed off to the wild north from Westeros began to open. Dany hugged herself once they stepped through, but Artos welcomed the cold. He had only been past the Wall a handful of times but he soaked in the vast white landscape all the same. A tent was seen in the distance and Artos held Daenerys close to keep her warm as he lead her to it. Once inside Dany faded from his arms. Artos looked around in panic for the girl when he spotted another. This once couldn't be older than 16, she had dark brown hair and Stark grey eyes. She smiled at him before stepping behind a tree. It was then Artos noticed he wasn't in a tent at all, he was in the Godswood back in Winterfell. He followed the girl around the tree and watched as she sat beneath the heart tree. Beside her was his father and next to him was a man who looked like him. The girl patted Ned on the shoulder gesturing towards Artos. His father smiled and stood walking over to his son. Artos felt tears sting his eyes at the sight of him.
''There are a few people I would like you to meet.'' Ned told him placing a hand on his back leading him to the other to Starks. They couldn't be anything else, not with the way they looked.
''This is your uncle Brandon and your aunt Lyanna.'' Ned told him gesturing to the two people who were now standing in front of him. Artos would be joyful had he not known they were dead. If he had not remembered where they were. Atos shook his head stepping back from the 3 of them.
''Where are you going? What's wrong?'' Lyanna asked him reaching out for his hand. Artos felt the first tear fall down his face as he took another step back.
''You are all dead and if I stay here the rest of us may die as well.'' Artos turned to look at his father who smiled and nodded to his son.
''I made you a promise and I intend to keep it.'' Artos told him taking another step back closing his eyes. He opened them again once he heard the sound of a dragon and his large firm back met a small soft body. Artos turned around to see he was back in the tower standing by Dany's side. She smiled at him taking his hand leading him onwards. In the middle of the room sat the 3 dragons with chains around their necks.
''They missed their mother. They want to be with you.'' Artos and Daenerys turned to see the warlock behind them. They whipped around once they heard the same voice from across the room.
''Do you want to be with them?'' His copy asked. They turned again once the original one started talking again.
''You will be. When your dragons were born, our magic was born again.'' The doubles were walking around them switching off.
''It is strongest in their presence. And they are strongest in yours.'' Another copy appeared in front of them talking this time.
''And you will be with them, through winter, summer, and winter again. Across a thousand seasons you will be with them. And we will be with you until time comes to an end.'' They said as cuffs appeared on Daenerys wrists as the warlocks pulled them through metal rings on the walls. Artos was unaware of his one until his back was roughly pulled against the wall. The dragons screeched loudly at Dany's distress.
''Welcome home, Daenerys Stormborn. We don't need him though.'' It was the last thing Artos heard before a long sharp dagger found its way in between his bottom ribs. He felt the air leave his lungs and his blood rushing in his ears. He looked down at the hand that was now removing the blade. Artos pulled roughly at his chains trying in vain to break loose, take the dagger, and run it through the man's head. He felt his shirt begin to cling to his body as blood began to seep through the wound. Artos's eyes began to blur as she struggled to pull in a breath. He could faintly hear Daenerys scream his name as his knees began to buckle. Artos believed he would be fine if only he could breathe. He could see the fire light the room through his blurred vision, his knees hit the floor painfully as the chains holding him up turned to ash. His eyes focused slightly once Dany was kneeling in front of him. She was lightly patting him on cheek calling out his name. Artos mumbled to her letting her lift him up Stark her with a lot of help from himself. Dany helped him walk out of the tower where Jorah caught him once he slipped from her grasp. He closed his eyes at that moment. The pain stopped and darkness consumed him.

[Well...that's not good. This ends book two of Artos Stark. I feel like it's a spoiler but I'm pretty sure I've already said it so oh well. I am hoping to get chapters 1 and maybe 2 of the third book out sometime next month if not sooner depending on how my insomnia is going for me. Thank you so much for reading! If you have any title suggestions for the next book I would really appreciate it. The title is something I have always struggled to come up with and if you wish I will credit you in the description if I pick your title.]

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