Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things

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Artos felt like a caged animal

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Artos felt like a caged animal. He had stayed longer than he had intended to. He had already informed his sisters and father he would be leaving after the tourney. He planned to leave before but fell victim to Sansa's pleading him to accompany her to the event. He agreed with his father, they were a waste of time and coin. He was growing tired of trying to avoid the queen. It seemed like every corner he turned she was there. He found himself hiding away buried deep in the sweet whore Colette. The girl had missed him in between his visits, she had even grown to enjoy seeing the giant wolf who had grown twice its size since arriving in King's Landing. It's was quite obvious to anyone who met them though that they both belonged in the North. They belonged in the ruthless temperatures and the unforgiving land. Artos walked around in sheer tops and thin breaches most days and even that wasn't enough to cool his steaming skin. He nearly gave the poor people heart attacks when they saw the eldest Stark child leap from the castle wall and into the water that lay far below. Artos had woken up overheated and stripped naked, still sweaty and fed up. He had been terrified of heights since he was a little boy, but he spotted the water from his window and all sense of thought left him as he dove out into the air as naked as the day he was born. His body barely missed the rocks below and sighs ripped through the people when his dark head of hair emerged from beneath the grey water. Ned was becoming worried for his son. Yes, Artos was known to be reckless but never stupid. When Artos told him he was going back North Ned finally felt himself relax, even if it was only slightly.

Artos sat in his chambers writing a letter to Robb questioning him once again about Bran's condition. Artos had started to become uneasy with the situation. Now that Bran was awake he let his mind drift to the incident, Bran never fell. A soft knock was heard before his door opened and Cersei walked through closing it behind her.
''No.'' Artos told her quietly as she laid a soft hand on his tense shoulder. Cersei sighed and walked around him taking a seat on the desk in Infront of him.
''I have news for you.'' Artos shook his head and stood walking away from her.
''You have tried to speak to me for weeks, what makes you think I want to talk now?'' His voice was rough and deep. Cersei felt a shiver of desire run down her spine.
''Because what I have to tell you I believe you would be very interested to hear.'' Artos gave her I sideways glance at the smug tone in her voice. Cersei took the look as a sign to continue. She felt her palms start to sweat. She knew him and his honor but part of her doubted this news would keep him here with her in King's Landing.
''I'm with child, your child.'' Her words were soft but they sent a cold chill through him. He turned to look at her eyes falling to her still flat stomach. He knew he wasn't careful but what was to stop him from thinking it had been her brother that fathered the unborn babe.
''How do you know it's not Jamie's. You two are rather close are you not?'' His tone mocking but his eyes panicked. Cersei felt anger ripple through her at his accusation. Sure it was true with her other children but she knew in her heart this one was a Stark. She had been loyal to him since the night he caught her kissing Jamie at the inn.
''I haven't been with anyone but you.'' Artos rolled his eyes at this.
''I'm meant to take your word for it? How am I not to believe that this is just another ploy to lure me back into the lioness's bed?'' His voice became more aggressive with each word. Yes, he believed he loved her but with rumors and accusations circling the walls of the keep how could he?
''It's not a ploy, as much as I can't stand the rest of your family I love you and this is your child whether you like it or not. I guess if you don't want to believe me I could pass your beautiful dark hair off as Robert's spawn.'' Artos was almost comforted by the idea. He knew if the baby even resembled Robert slightly it wouldn't be dubbed a bastard and kept safe in the walls of the palace. As he thought of it more he felt sick to his stomach. He wouldn't get to raise his baby, he would have to hear about it through gossip as a drunken king called them his. Artos walked up to Cersei and dropped to one knee in front of her. She was tense when he placed a hand on her belly. She didn't understand what he was doing as Artos pressed his forehead next to his hand. Cersei then wove her fingers through his thick wavy hair.
''I know you will never be able to call this child yours, but I want you here to see them grow.'' She told him softly. She was met with a shuttered breath as he wrapped his arms around her upper thighs keeping his head firmly on her belly.
''Why would you be so cruel. You want me to stay close to a child I can never hold, a child I can never teach. You want me to listen to another man claim my child as his own, and you expect me to take it and endure it?'' She could still hear the tenseness in his voice. Cersei almost felt ashamed of herself.
''If you will no longer be mine at least I will still have a piece of you.'' She told him pulling away and leaving the room. Artos leaned over and laid his head on the floor. He was going to be a father and as much as he hated the situation his heart warmed at the thought of a small dark-haired human with Cersei's brilliant green eyes. Artos pulled himself to his feet and walked over to his wardrobe pulling out something worthy of the tourney later this morning. He was having trouble focusing on the ties and clasps, he was still picturing the future 'prince'. Artos left his room in search of Sansa, he promised to walk her to the stands. He knocked lightly on her door and leaned against the frame. Sansa opened it and peeked out shortly after and smiled widely when she spotted Artos. She stepped out of her room closing the door behind her. Artos held his arm out to her.
''You look beautiful sweet sister.'' He told her with a smile. Sansa grinned and looped her arm through his with a small thank you. The pair started their walk to the stands making small talk about her time here in King's Landing and how she was enjoying it.
''What if I only have girls?'' The question came out of nowhere and caused Artos to snap his head to her creasing his brows. He motioned for her to elaborate.
''Septa was walking with me through the throne room and she was talking about my future children and how I would present my son there. What if I never have a son?'' Artos sighed, he was tired of the baby talk for the day.
''The prince has brothers and uncles and you have brothers and uncles. Both sides of the family overpopulate the girls with boys, I'm sure you will have plenty of sons. It's the daughter you have to worry about, you might not get any.'' Artos nudged her with a teasing smile at the end. Sansa smiled at him relief washing over her body. Her eldest brother always knew how to cheer her up in times like this. He was her everything and she dreaded the day he went back North. Who would she have then? Artos led them through the crowds and to the bleachers. He pulled Sansa in Infront of him slightly allowing her to sit closer to the middle so he could take the end seat. He did his best to avoid the queen's gaze as he sat down and faced the empty arena that was set up for a joust. People were cheering and hollering for the knight they wished to win while Artos was sitting up tall scowling slightly at the thin layer of sweat that was working its way onto his brow. He felt Sansa grip his arms and turned to her. She was turning her head away from the prince with a slight pout on her lips. Artos turned to look at him with a glare and Joffrey tensed trying to look anywhere but at the terrifying man. Artos turned back to Sansa and placed a kiss on her temple.
''Don't let him upset you. You are to be a queen, show the world a Stark doesn't let anyone control them.'' Sansa perked up and let an emotionless expression fall onto her beautiful features. She smiled at her brother once again thankful for his presence.
''Lover's quarrel?'' The Stark children turned to the voice only to see Lord Baelish.
''I'm sorry. Do I...?'' Sansa was cut off by the Septa.
''Sansa dear, this is Lord Baelish. He's known--'' Petyr cut her off. Artos was growing annoyed with everyone interrupting each other.
''An old friend of the family. I've known your mother a long long time.'' He took a seat next to Artos leaning forward to keep his gaze on Sansa. Artos didn't like the man and he definitely didn't like the interest he was showing Sansa. Artos shifted slightly and clenched his jaw.
''Why do they call you Littlefinger?'' Arya asked loudly. Artos fought back a smile and coughed slightly adjusting his tunic.
''Arya!'' Sansa shouted at her seemingly rude question.
''Don't be rude!'' The Septa told her. Arya looked over to Artos for back up and he winked at her with a small smirk. she smiled and looked down in hopes to hide it.
''No, It's quite all right. When I was a child, I was very small...'' Through Artos hated interruptions he didn't care for this man or his story.
''Excuse me for a moment.'' He stood from his seat walking back down the steps towards a more secluded area of the arena. he was pulled to a stop by a small had and turned around to see Colette.
''Where are you running off to?'' Her voice was light and airy.
''Away from the unwanted company, But I need to be back soon.'' His voice was dismissive though he didn't mean to be. He liked Colette he really did, but with the new circumstances he didn't know how to feel. He couldn't stand the thought of her carrying his child too and thought it best to just distance himself from her altogether.
''What do we have here?'' Colette tensed when she saw who was standing behind Artos and bowed before quickly walking away. Artos didn't need to see who it was, he knew the voice. It was the same one that haunted his dreams. Artos turned and started walking past her.
''It should be starting soon.'' He told her. Cersei reached out to grab his arm but he shook her off and turned the corner. He couldn't talk to her right now he was too pissed off and high-strung to have a reasonable conversation. He walked back to his sister and notice Petry had moved to a new seat. Relief washed over him as he took his seat. He looked forward just in time to see Ser Gregor's lance break off in his poor opponent's neck. Artos quickly wrapped his arm around the back of Sansa's head and covered her eyes with his hand. He wasn't too worried about Arya, she was tough and lived for violence. Sansa on the other hand wasn't and didn't. He knew he wasn't quick enough because of her scream and tight grip on his hand over her eyes holding it in place. Gasps rippled through the crowd as the knight's body roughly hit the ground. He twitched as blood spurted from his neck along with his life. Artos reached over with his other hand and gripped Arya's much smaller one in hopes to comfort her. He held them close until the body was removed from the arena and out of sight.
''Not what you were expecting? Has anyone ever told you the story of the Mountain and the Hound? Lovely little tale of brotherly love. The Hound was just a pup, six years old maybe. Gregor a few years older already a big lad, already getting a bit of a reputation. Some lucky boys just born with a talent for violence much like your dear brother. One evening, Gregor found his little brother playing with a toy by the fire Gregor's toy, a wooden knight. Gregor never said a word, he just grabbed his brother by the scruff of his neck and shoved his face into the burning coal. Held him there while the boy screamed, while his face melted. There aren't very many people who know that story.'' Artos felt a low growl rumble from his throat at Lord Baelish's words. His input wasn't wanted nor needed.
''I won't tell anyone, I promise.'' Sansa told him in a shaky voice. Her hand tightened on her brother that she grabbed halfway through the story.
''No, please don't. If the Hound so much as heard you mention it, I'm afraid all the knights in King's Landing would not be able to save you. Not with your brother leaving so soon.''
''I don't think they need your stories.'' Artos told him in a hard tone that sent fear through the cunning man. He had heard plenty of stories about the large young man and knew well enough not to go against him. Artos looked away from the man and searched for his father. He figured he would be here. Artos excused himself having had enough of the festivities. He left the arena headed towards his father's room. Artos had plans to leave at night to keep from traveling in the southern heat, he still needed to pack and say goodbye. Artos turned the corner that lead to the Hand's tower and halted in his steps. He watched as the queen and her guards left his father's room walking down the hall away from him. What was the queen want with his father? He picked up his speed and knocked firmly on his father's door. A faint come in was heard through the heavy wood. Artos opened the door to see his father leaning over a large thick book.
''What was that about?'' Artos asked his father. He was a little worried the queen told him about the baby in hopes to keep him here.
''Nothing you need to concern yourself with. Just matters of the Hand.'' Ned knew Artos knew he was lying. He also knew Artos trusted him and knew he wouldn't question him.
''I've come to tell you I was going to pack up and leave just before sunset.'' Artos informed his father. Ned was relieved his son wouldn't be present now that things were getting tense in the capital. The only thing he didn't like about his son leaving was his men leaving with him. He needed all the help he could get protecting the girls.
''Make sure you keep your eye out for your mother, will you?'' Artos's handsome features were taken over by confusion.
''What do you mean I need to keep my eye out for my mother? She is meant to be in Winterfell looking after Bran.'' Ned sighed and shook his head and sat down in his chair.
''No, Your mother was here. I will let her tell you why when you find her. The last thing I need is your temper taking control and you spilling blood through King's Landing.'' Artos narrowed his eyes slightly at his father. He knew if he asked he wouldn't get an answer.
''If you are that worried you can ask you know.'' Ned raised a brow at his son.
''I know my men miss the North but they would stay and help protect the girls if that would help. The last thing I need is to be worried about their well-being when I a months ride away.'' Ned smiled at his son. Artos was always able to read him.
''We both know you could get here quicker than that.'' The men laughed at Ned's comment.
"It's only 9 men, but they are strong.'' Ned nodded his head grateful for his son and the loyalty his men showed him and his family.
''I'll inform them before I start packing.'' Artos told his father on his way out the door to the rooms reserved for the Stark soldiers. He had given the men the day off to do as they pleased and most of them opted to stay in to write letters home. They looked up and greeted their commander.
''I hate to say it, but you are needed here.'' Artos told them. He felt bad for denying them their home and own beds but they vowed to protect him and his family and right now his sisters need them more than he did.
''Can we ask why?'' It wasn't a rude response it was genuinely curious.
''I need some people I trust to look after my sisters. Father believes it could get dangerous here in the capital and I need to find my mother.'' After confirmation from the men he turned and left the room. It was getting late and he still needed to gather his thing. He needed to tell Cersei he was leaving, not for her peace of mind but for his. He needed to say goodbye to his unborn baby. Cersei may be cruel to others but she would do anything for her children. He knew the baby would be safe here with her and the royal guard. He made it to his room and opened the door to see the queen seated on his bed.
''I was just going to come and find you.'' He told her softly. Cersei was filled with hope but also fear. She was hoping he was telling her he would stay but part of her knew deep down he was telling her goodbye. Cersei stood and pulled him down into a kiss. Artos sank into her and laced his finger through her hair. They were breathless when he pulled away.
''Our baby will be safe right?'' Artos asked her with hands on either side of her face forehead against hers. Cersei nodded her head tears coming to her eyes. She knew she had lost him long ago, she just didn't want to believe it.
''I love you.'' Artos mumbled lowly to her kissing her head lightly. The moment was sad and tender. They looked like a husband and a wife sharing a goodbye before he left for war. A sharp gasp ripped them apart. They whipped their heads around and saw Sansa standing in the doorway hands tightly grasped over her mouth. Artos pulled away from the queen and walked swiftly to his sister He grabbed her upper arm leaning out of the door to check the hall before pulling her all the way inside and closing the door behind her.
''Sansa you can't.'' She could hear the fear in her brother's voice. If it was anyone else she would have but the thought of him losing his head for loving someone made her want
to cry.
''What's going on?'' She asked him. Artos shook his head and turned to the queen.
''I'm telling her and you can't stop me. You can either leave or sit down and be quiet.'' Cersei sat down on the bed worried tears filling her eyes. His tone told her not to argue.
''Sansa, I love her and I know it's wrong. I wish I had gone about things differently. Sansa, I need you to promise me you won't tell anyone what you saw here. I need you to promise me you won't for the baby's sake." Artos pleaded with her while holding her upper arms gently.
''What baby?'' She asked him hoping she had heard wrong.
''Cersei is carrying my child and I need you to keep quiet so my baby, your niece or nephew won't be branded a bastard and possibly killed.'' Artos's voice was thick with tears at the thought of his innocent child being blamed like his brother was. Sansa nodded quickly at his words. Artos sighed in relief and pulled her into a tight hug. Sansa whispered a quiet I promise in his ear before excusing herself and rushing out the door closing it behind her.
''Why would you tell her?'' Cersei's voice was hushed and angry.
''Because she is my sister. She won't say anything, I trust her. If I find out you have done anything to her once I leave I will raise an army and march them through your gates do you understand me?'' He was harsh and it frightened her, She knew he wasn't lying and that no matter how much he claimed to love her he would take her life if it meant his family could keep theirs. She nodded her head at him and brushed past him out the door. Artos sighed and closed it behind her. He didn't know what he was going to do anymore. He walked over to his wardrobe and threw his clothes messily into his bag. With a low whistle, he and Beast left the room for the last time making their way to the stables where he saw his family waiting next to his horse. Arya was the first to run up to him and hug him around the middle tightly.
''I'm going to miss you.'' Arya muttered into him. Artos gripped the hair on the back of her head lightly.
''You will be so busy water dancing you won't even notice I'm gone.'' He teased her lightly. Arya smiled up at him through her tears and pulled away. Artos pulled his father into a hug next.
"My men will watch them closely. They follow your orders now. Do you have anything you wish me to tell mother once I reach her?'' Artos asked his father.
''Tell her I love her.'' Artos smiles at his father and nodded. He turned to Sansa who stood quietly further away from the rest of the family. Artos sighed and walked over to her, Beast sticking close to his side.
''I'm so sorry Sansa.'' He told her as he pulled her into a tight hug.
''You have no reason to be sorry, you can't help who you love.'' Artos smiled at his sister's words before frowning at her.
''I've already asked so much of you, but if you ever get to the point you have to run because our family is in danger. If the baby is born, please save them.'' Artos hated to ask her such things but her knew she would protect his child.
''I will.'' Sansa told his firmly, voice full of promise. Artos pulled her into one last hug before mounting his horse. The horse's muscle rippled with anticipation for a good run he had been deprived of for so long.
''I'll be back for your wedding.'' He told her before taking off through the gates of the city. Ned held his girls close as they cried for their departing brother. Artos rushed down the road Beast running alongside as his horse snorted happily to be back on the road once again.

[Im still trying to decide if Cersei should have the baby or not. Let me know who you want to see Artos interact with and how and I will try and work them into the story. Thank you for reading!]

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