Fire and Blood

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Artos sat silently at the edge of Sansa's bed. He had counted the bricks on the wall over 20 times now waiting for his sister to wake. He leaned over for what seemed like the 100th time to feel her head for a fever. Artos was broken out of his thoughts when a warm small hand lightly grasped his.
''We are wanted in the throne room. You can stay here but they said I need to be there.'' Artos told his sister softly. Sansa didn't say much in reply she just stood up took his arm, and began to lead him out of her room. Artos allowed her to lead him through the castle keeping his steps short as to not overtake her. They made it to the crowded throne room standing off to the side where they would be visible but the king and Cersei but not easily seen by most of the occupants. A Jester came into the room and kneeled down in the center and started to play a song.

'The boar's great tusks, they boded ill
For good King Robert's health
And the beast was every bit as fat
As Robert was himself
But our brave king cried, ''Do your worst! I'll have your ugly head! You're nowhere as murd'rous as
The Lion in my bed'' Artos glanced over at Cersei to see her looking at him. When she met his hard grey eyes she looked away tears filling her own. Cersei looked down to hide her tears, and Artos let his eyes fall to her round belly. Cersei had been clutching it tightly as if she was trying to hold onto what little piece of him she could.

'King Robert lost his battle and
He failed his final test
The lion ripped his balls off
The boar did all the rest' The last line was rushed as Cersei sent the man an annoyed glance. Quiet mutters swept through the room as the nervous man waited on his knees. After a prolonged moment of silence, Joffrey started to clap prompting the other highborns to do so as well.
''Very amusing. Isn't it a funny song? Thank you for your rendition. I imagine it was better received at that tavern.'' Joffrey teased the man. Artos was growing tired of his voice and Artos was fairly certain he could relieve him of his head just as easily as he had called for his father's.
''I'm so sorry, Your Grace. I'll never sing it again, I swear.'' Said the man while he shakily got up to his feet.
''Tell me, which do you favor: your fingers or your tongue?'' Joffrey asked him. Artos reached up pulling Sansa's head to his chest to shield her from the blood he knew the king was about to call for.
''Your Grace?'' The man stupidly asked.
''Fingers or your tongue? If you got to keep one, which would it be?'' Joffrey asked him once again this time with more context.
''I- I-'' The man stumbled on his words. Artos wanted to stand up and protect the man who had been asked to come and sing the song, but then he remembered his father and the promise he made him. Artos feared he would hate himself by the time he got Sansa out of King's Landing.
''or I could just cut your throat.'' Joffrey cut off his stuttering.
''Every man needs hands, Your Grace.'' The man said finally in a clear voice.
''Good. Tongue it is.'' Joffrey let a grin break his stern expression.
''Your Grace, please. I won't sing- Your Grace.'' He began to beg when a few guards grabbed ahold of him.
''Ser Ilyn, who is better than you to carry out the sentence?'' How about yourself Artos asked him in his head. He figured if kings had to carry out their own command there would be far less bloodshed.
''I beg you!'' Shouted the man in an attempt to save his tongue. Ser Ilyn walked over to a fire holding a blade and plyers over the bright yellow flame.
''Your Grace, please. I beg you, I will never sing again!'' Sansa began to squeeze Artos tightly at the man's pleas.
''I'm done for the day. I'll leave the rest of the matters to you, Mother.'' Joffrey stated taking off his crown and walking out of the room. Artos looked over to Cersei who had the decency to look more solemn than proud. With the king leaving Artos lead Sansa out of the room making sure he kept her eyes away from the screaming man. His screams turned into gargles by the time they reached to door and a small sob fell from Sansa into Artos's firm chest. He led her back to her room and once again commanded Beast to stay with her. He didn't trust her safety alone in the castle and he severely needed a nap.

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