And Now His Watch Is Ended

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After the short moment Daenerys took to rethink giving her dragon to that man, here they stood. The big heavy doors opened they stepped out into a courtyard. The two men from before were waiting for them.
''The master says they are untested. He says you would be wise to blood them early. There are many small cities between here and there, cities ripe for sacking. Should you take captives, the masters will buy the healthy ones and for a good price.'' Dany looked more determined with each word spoken.
''And who knows? In 10 years, some of the boys you sned them may be Unsullied in their turn. Thus all shall prosper.'' Missandei finished the translation and Dany turned away from them and faced her new army. She held her head high and released Artos's arm walking towards her caged Drogon. She untied the rope and Beast began to pace at Artos's feet due to both Artos's and Dany's anxiety at that moment. Drogon screeched and flew up only stopped by the chain wrapped around his foot. Dany walked forward handing the chain to the man. He snagged it rough;y yanking the dragon down a little. He handed the whip off to Dany not once taking his eyes off Drogon.
''Is it done, then? They belong to me?'' Dany asked him looking down at the whip.
''It is done. You hold the whip.'' Missandei told her after the master spoke. Drogon continued to screech and fly around wildly in the man's grasp as Dany turned to the Unsullied.
''Unsullied!'' Daenerys called out in Valyrian. Artos had no idea what she was saying but the look of shock on everyone's faces made him smile. She commanded them a few things and they marched forward a few paces and stopped. The man started yelling something as Drogon fought back harder. Dany told him something making him stop. Artos swore he would have him teach her the language because no matter how beautifully she spoke he still wished to know what she said. She turned and exchanged a few words with the master before turning back to her army. She spoke loudly and firmly. She sounded angry and in control. Jorah reached for his sword and it prompted Artos to go for his as well. The Unsullied started drawing their own and butchering the men with whips in their hands. Daenerys turned to the now screaming man and said the one word Artos knew.
''Dracarys.'' Drogon drownded the man holding his chain in fire as he screamed. Artos had only seen it once before and this time was no less alarming than the last. Slave owners and guards were butchered and Drogon ignited the master that stood above them. Artos made his way to Dany's side as quickly as he could just in case something happened to her. He didn't fear much as Beast had been in step with her since the start.

Smoke and ash filled the quiet air as Jorah walked up to them. Dany didn't say anything to him, she just grabbed Artos's upper arm and pulled him away. Dany mounted a white horse and patted the back for Artos to climb on as well. He laughed lightly before doing as she wished. He listened to the way the words rolled off her tongue as silence surrounded them. It wasn't long before the first man started tapping his spear on the ground followed by the rest.

They were riding out of the city now. Each on their own horse apart from Artos. Dany had protested when he tried to leave hers. The sun was getting low and Dany tossed the whip she had in the dirt. She reached back and took Artos's hand lacing her finger through his and wrapping his arm around her middle. Artos sighed and chose to give in for a moment and rested his forehead against the top of her soft silver hair. The sound of the Unsullied marching echoed through the land and the sun sank further and further behind the distant mountains.

[This one is short I know. Thank you so much for reading!]

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