Valar Dohaeris

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Gentle rocking and a soft warm hand drew Artos from his sleepy state. His ache and burn brought the memory of the wizard and his knife. If it hadn't been for the pain he would be sure he had died. His body and mind were otherwise peaceful. He opened his grey eyes and they locked with a beautiful set of amethyst.
''You're awake!'' Dany shouted jumping to her feet beside his bed. Her large smile made Artos smile back, but her abrupt movements and him wince and Beast let out a warning growl. Artos reached down and ran his fingers through the now grown back thick fur on Beast's head and the dire wolf pushed back against his palm.
''Where are we?'' Artos asked the Queen standing next to him with tears welling in her eye. Daenerys feared he would stay as he was forever. She feared another man she loves would be stuck inside his own body.
''On a ship to Astapor.'' She told him running a smooth hand down his cheek. Without giving it much thought Artos grabbed it a lightly kissed her palm. Though soon after he thought of Doreah.
''Did you find her?'' He asked her. He knew she would know who he was talking about and he was right.
''She was dead.'' Dany lied. She was angry at such a peaceful and happy moment he would think of her. She was a traitor and she used him and her both.
''I need some air.'' Artos said avoiding the subject now. Dany nodded quickly and helped him to his feet and onto the deck of the ship. The cool ocean air was nice on his slightly sweaty skin. It had been hot in the room he woke up in but this was nice. AS if the dragons knew Dany was on deck they started screeching as they flew overhead. Dany smiled up at them as Jorah met the two of them to help Artos up the stairs.
''Dany was worried you would never wake up. I told her not to, you Stark men are hard to kill.'' Artos laughed at Jorah's words but took a deep breath at the tug it pulled against his sutured wound.
''I am supposed to be headed North by now.'' Artos said once they reached to top.
''You are in no condition to go North right now.'' Dany protested. Though it had been true she decided to make it her mission to keep him close. She discovered how devastating it would be to lose him. She couldn't and she refused to risk it by him fighting a war so far away. Artos sighed not wanting an argument. Silence overtook them and they watched as Dany's black dragon Drogon dove under to water and came back up with a wiggling fish. He tossed it up in the air and charred it black as it fell into his open mouth. He landed in front of Dany as he chewed and she smiled down at him scratching his chin.
''They're growing fast.'' Jorah said walking up behind Dany and Artos. He didn't like how close the two were. He had been jealous and often times in the middle of the night he thought about suffocating the man in his coma. He knew with Artos around it could pardon him with the Northmen, but he also knew with him around it meant he couldn't get as close to Daenerys as he wished to. She loved him and everyone could see it, even Artos could. He wanted to act but he made himself a promise to do whatever it took to get home to his family.
''Not fast enough. I can't wait that long.'' Dany answered after a moment of admiring the way Artos's calloused fingers ran over the rough scales of Drogon. Jorah handed Artos a letter once he was close enough to him.
''From your sister.'' That was all he said. Artos pulled the letter from his hand and opened it quickly.
'Dear Artos, The only kindness the queen shows is when we are alone with Alastor. He looks more like you every day. Tyrion has been keeping me safe from Joffrey as he promised. Verys says he can get this letter to you and said he was doing it as a dept to our father. I'm not sure how many of these I will be able to send to you, but I love you and miss you very much. Cersei is set on destruction and if I ever get the chance to leave I will be running for the Essos. I can't leave Alastor here with her, I won't allow her to corrupt him as she wishes. He is of the North and that is where he belongs.' Artos crumbled the paper and pressed his fists to his forehead. He was happy Cersei was letting Sansa see Alastor, but not so happy about how she was intending to raise him. Sansa was right, he is of the North and he belonged there. Starks never did well in the South and he didn't think Alastor would be the exception.
''Bad news?'' Dany asked pulling his hands from his face. Artos laughed lightly and shook his head. He didn't want to worry her about something she didn't need to. She turned to Jorah once she was certain Artos wouldn't tell her.
''I need an army.'' She told him still observing Artos. His grey eye fell from dragon to dragon with worry causing a crease between his brows.
''We'll be in Astapor by nightfall. Some say the Unsullied are the greatest soldiers in the world.'' Jorah told her hoping to impress her with his idea to go to them.
''The greatest slave-soldiers in the world. The distinction means a good deal to some people.'' She said cutting her eyes to Artos who was still off in thought.
''Do those people have any better ideas about how to put you on the Iron Throne?'' He asked staring heatedly at the back of Artos's head.
''It's too beautiful a day to argue.'' She said not wanting to spoil how happy she was Artos was awake and moving around. Just as the words left her mouth though a Dothraki man vomited over the edge of the ship.
''You're right. Another lovely day on the high seas.'' Jorah said flatly looking over the all but crumbled Dothraki men laying around.
''Don't mock them. They're the first Dothraki who have ever been on a ship. They followed me across the poison water. If they'll do it, others will. And with a true khalasar-'' Daenerys started but was cut off by Jorah.
''The Dothraki follow strength above all, Khaleesi. You'll have a true khalasar when you prove yourself strong. And not before.'' Jorah told her.
''Let's prove you strong then.'' Artos said taking his place by her side.

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