Blood of My Blood

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They had been riding for a while now and Ned and fallen asleep against his father. Dany looked over at the two and laughed at the sweat dripping from her husband.
"Are you alright, my love?" She asked him sweetly.
"I grew up in a place where on shines 3 months out of the year. The walls of Winterfell steam due to a hot spring it was built on top of. and the snow piles knee-high in the spring, fall, and winter." Artos told her longingly.
"I can't wait to see it." She told him making Artos smile lovingly at her. Dany thought for a moment then looked back forward and slowed to a stop so Artos and Daario both held up and hand to stop the horse behind them.
"Everything all right?" Daario asked her.
"How many days' ride did you say it was to Meereen?" She asked Artos.
"About a week." He answered her.
"How many ships will I need to bring my khalasar to Westeros?" She asked.
"Dothraki and all their horses, the Unsullied, the Second Sons- 1,000 ships easily. Probably more." Daario answered.
"And who has that many?" She asked.
"Nobody." Daario answered.
"Nobody yet." She corrected.
"So we ride for Meereen and after that we sail for Westeros. And what then?" Daario asked her.
"I help my husband restore his family, and I take what is mine." She told him.
"You weren't made to sit on a chair in a palace." Daario disagreed.
"What was I made for?" She asked back.
"You're a conqueror, Daenerys Stormborn." He told her.
"He's right." Artos told her in a singing-type tone. Dany smiled at him before looking forward again.
"Wait here." She said nudging her horse forward.
"One of these days I won't listen to her." Artos said watching her ride off.
"Not likely." Daario told him with a smile. Artos laughed and shook his head then shrugged his shoulders.
"I'm going after her. Wait for me here." Daario said after they had waited close to ten minutes for her to return. Just as the words left his mouth a dragon screech filled the air and Artos grinned.
"Seems fine to me." He told Daario. Drogon flew overhead startling the Dothraki before landing in front of them.
"Every khal who ever lived chose three blood riders to fight beside him and guard his way. But I am not a khal. I will not choose three blood riders. I choose you all." Yelled down to them causing them to cheer.
"I will ask more of you than any khal has ever asked of his khalassar! Will you ride the wooden horses across the black salt sea?" She asked making the cheer again.
"Will you kill my enemies in their iron suits and tear down their stone houses?" She asked and they once again cheered.
"Will you give me the Seven Kingdoms, the gift Khal Drogo promise me before the Mother of Mountains? Are you with me? Now and always?" She finished and the khalassar cheered even louder than before. Dany looked down at a proud Artos and reached out her hand.
"Absolutely not." He called up to her.
"If your son can do it so can you." She told him encouragingly.
"My son is part dragon. I am a wolf. I belong on the ground... in the woods." He told her.
"You are my husband. You belong by my side." She told in finally. Artos looked back to Daario for help.
"I don't think this is the moment you go against her either." Daario told the defeated king. Artos sighed and dismounted his horse and handed Ned up to Dany before taking her and climbing up behind her.
"You know this scar you love so much. Well, I got it because a bit hole in a floor scared me, and now you somehow convinced me to ride a dragon." Artos told her with a waver in his voice.
"Just place your beautifully scarred face in my neck and close your eyes then." She told him before they shot up in the air.

[Thank you so much for reading! Artos is facing his fear. He will either ward off all taking his feet off the ground after this or who knows maybe he will ride a dragon on his own. Maybe somewhere in between.]

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