The Night Lands

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Artos was leaning on rail of the ship

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Artos was leaning on rail of the ship. It rocked him back and forth as he stared out into the abyss. He had been woken by a poor man who couldn't grasp his sea legs even this far into their journey. The captain informed them they would be landing in Qarth in a few more days. Artos couldn't say he minded the sea, a week into their journey they were caught in a storm. They lost 6 men to the waves but the thrill of fighting against something he could never overpower made him selfishly pray for another to come. They did go unanswered as the sky has been clear and the sun blistering. Artos had been red for the majority of the trip but now his skin held a gentle tan that made his grey eyes glow. It was warmer here than anywhere in Westeros so poor Beast had been shaven down to his undercoat to keep him cool. As you could imagine the prideful direwolf wasn't too thrilled about it. Artos turned and sank to the floor his back against the railing and his head leaned back on top of it. He was looking directly at the sky trying to count stars when the seasick man came over to him and plopped down.
''Where is the beastly wolf of yours?'' Artos side-eyed the man a light smirk pulling at the corner of his lips.
''Looking for the fool that disturbed his sleep.'' Artos's reply was quiet but it seemed to echo across the still ocean around them. The man swallowed hard not catching onto the joke before he stood up to seek shelter away from the supposedly prowling wolf.

Artos woke to shouting, it had been a few days of the same thing. Helping around the deck and stargazing. He heaved himself out of bed walking onto the deck to see birds and the shoreline of the city. It wasn't like anything he had seen before. It was almost painstaking waiting for them to dock. Artos led Beast over to his horse, he was one of 3 not many people aboard could afford to bring one with them. It was just another thing he had to thank Tyrion for thinking of. Artos mounted his horse giving a low whistle to Beast once they had left the ship walking slowly through the crowds of people. Eyes drifted from the large man to the large wolf and back and whispers began to spread like a wildfire. A man came through the crowd coming to a stop in front of Artos.
''Do you know what they say about you?'' The man asked him. Artos raised a brow and let an amused smile.
''Please, enlighten me.'' Artos beckoned him to continue.
''They say you are a man who can't be killed. They spread stories ship captains have told. They say you bathed in the blood of pirates that tried to take over the northern port. A pirate who happened to escape the massacre says he can still hear the screams of men you cut down when they tried to rape and murder. Says you put weapons in the hands of their slaves and let them loose to slaughter their masters.'' The man told him with a slight sneer when he mentioned the freed slaves.
''You know for being called the free cities you don't really like it when people are free do you?'' Artos asked him smugly. The man chuckled and held out his arms.
''Welcome to Qarth Fearsome Wolf. Let us get you clean, yes?'' Artos frowned his brows at the man.
''Who are you?'' Artos felt as though he was at a massive disadvantage.
''You can call me the Silk King. I'm a member of the Thirteen. We run the city together. I am here to invite you to the palace to house you until you decide where you are going next.'' Artos shrugged and gestured the man forward. He smiled largely leading the famous north man through the heat of Qarth.

Artos was shown to a large room with a marble pool in the middle. The balcony overlooked to city, soft silk curtains blew softly in the wind. The bed was made up of feather and silk and much too soft for Artos to even attempt to sleep on. Artos stripped down and stepped into the warm water he had hoped would be cool. He leaned back against the marble watching the way the silk moved in the breeze. The upside to his bad news is that it was a large city but it didn't stink like King's Landing did. The cause of the bad news was there wasn't another ship going North for 2 months. Artos's skin began to prune by the time he pulled his tired body from the water. He walked over to the window bench with a paper and ink panning to send a letter to his brother informing him of Sansa and Arya.

Arya is out of King's Landing and should be reaching her destination soon. Sansa is safe in the care of someone I trust. I left the capital the only way I could, on a trade ship to the free cities. I will be stuck here for two months waiting on a vessel to bring me to the northern port. Hold out for another four months at most and I will be there by your side. Keep a strong head and remember father is proud and so am I.
   - Artos'

Artos had just finished signing his name when the door opened. He placed down the letter while standing up. Artos turned to the door to see a man maybe his age but much smaller looking down at the floor. It was then Artos remembered he hadn't redressed from his bath. Now Artos wasn't a shy man and he never had been but who he guessed was a servant looked uncomfortable. Artos walked over and wrapped a silk cloth around his waist, but looking down he realized it didn't really hide anything. The silk clung to every dip and curve of his body showing everything his normal breeches would cover. Artos held a grimace when he looked back up at the man.
''I did try.'' He told him in a slight sorry tone. he couldn't allow himself to feel completely bad, the man did walk in without knocking.
''It's alright. I've come to summon you for supper.'' He told Artos very timidly. Artos figured if it wouldn't have been for the tan of his skin a blush would have been seen.
''If you would prefer you can wait in the hall while I dress.'' The humor in Artos's response made him relax slightly before darting out of the room. Artos sighed before looking through his bag for anything that didn't stink and wasn't made of leather. He stumbled across the thin sheer cotton shirt he wore on his first day to King's Landing and a pair of cotton pants. After dressing Artos tied his hair in a half up half down style telling himself he needed to cut it soon. It had grown past his shoulders now and was starting to get in the way. Lacing up his boots he left the room to see the still embarrassed man standing by the door. Artos smiled at him and motioned him to lead the way. Without further instruction, the man began leading Artos down the Hall towards the dining area. It was a large room though it was rather empty on 3 men sat at a table being served wine.
''Ah, Artos Stark. I'm glad you've come to join us.'' The man who called himself the Silk King stood and shouted over to him. Artos sighed, he missed the loud dinners and unruly men of the North. All the fake politeness and awkward silences put him on edge.
''Yes well, I figured you had more than dried fruits and stale bread." Artos told him taking a seat across from him next to a balding man. Artos forgot all his manors when a plate of meat, cheese, and bread was placed in front of him. Artos stuffed his mouth quickly. His cheeks were full when the man next to him decided to speak.
''They call me the Spice King.'' Artos wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, then wiped his hands on his pants he shook the Spice King's hand.
"Are you call kings of something?'' Artos asked him with a slight laugh.
''I am Xaro Xhoan Daxos.'' A dark-skinned man sat next to the Silk King said. Before Artos could reply the Spice King began speaking again.
''So what brings you to Qarth? Women, culture, food?'' Artos shook his head.
''No, I'm just on my way to war.'' Artos told him taking a bite of his bread.
''You are a bit far from the war in Westeros don't you think? Unless you've come to fight for the Dragon Queen.'' Artos looked up at him with the mention of the Targaryen girl.
''Last I heard about her she was ready to have a baby in Vaes Dothrak. I don't think she is very prepared for war.'' Artos told him leaning forward to rest his arms on the table.
''Oh, I'm afraid that's not true. You see, we heard she was on her way to acquire an army and ships with 3 dragons to take back the throne.'' The Spice King told him. Artos smiled and leaned towards his slightly. Artos spoke clearly in an intrigued tone.
''Is that so?''

[I will, unfortunately, be skipping 'What Is Dead May Never Die' because the episode was more based around Theon and Artos isn't anywhere near there. I hope you liked this chapter, it was a little short. Thank you so much for reading! I have covid so I have nothing to do but sit in bed and type so hopefully this book will be done a little quicker than the last.]

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