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Artos had been almost avoiding Dany as of late

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Artos had been almost avoiding Dany as of late. It frustrated her but the constant presence of Beast let her know he still cared for her and wanted her safe. The night had taken over the lads now and the clear sky was riddled with stars. Artos stood next to Dany as they watched Unsullied dove into the water to sneak into the city.
"Do you think this will work?" Daenerys whispered to Artos. He did reply only turned to walk away.
"You don't love me anymore." She called after him, her voice cracking. Artos lowered his head turned around and kissed her forehead.
"I always will. I'm just finding it hard to forgive you." He told her. Dany felt her eyes water as she watched him step into their tent. She had almost forced him to share it with her. Everything in her wages to finish the war right now just to hear him say that he loved her, but it was dead from over and he still refused to say the words until it was.
"He's hurting, Your Grace. Just give him time." Barristan told her patting her lightly on the shoulder for comfort. Jorah on the other hand was loving the conflict, it gave him more alone time with her.

It has been a long night and early morning. They got little sleep as they waited for the city to be freed. Just as the sun began to peek over the pyramids the gates opened.
"Mhysa!" The former slaves began shouting as they dropped their collars at her feet. They made it through and began the journey up the long steps. Beast led the way followed by Dany and Artos, behind them walked Barristan and Jorah. The new smells and the happy chants of the people made the dire wolf prance around playfully and bring a ghost smile to Artos's face. They made it to the top and looked down at the cheering slaves and the masters corralled in a line of unsullied.
"Remind me, Ser Jorah, how many children did the Great Masters nail to mileposts?" She asked hatful staring down at them.
"163, Khalessi." Jorah answers her.
"Yes, that was it." She said looking over to Grey Worm who nodded to one of his men.
"Your Grace, may I have a word?" Barristan asked her. Dany nodded and stepped away with her. Artos stayed where he stood looking down at the masters. It was clear they feared him, the way he stood there with a stone-like expression on his face. He had been cleaned of the blood but they could still picture the animalistic and wolf look on his face when he ripped their champion apart.

Screams echoed the city as the masters were nailed to posts that once held children. Artos stood next to Daenerys looking out over the city below.
"He was right you know. Mercy may be the answer one day, I need to know if you understand that or if I'm following something I shouldn't." Artos told her. Dany looked over to him her bored creasing.
"They deserved this. They were children!" She shouted back at him. Artos chuckled and shook his head.
"Even if I was following something I shouldn't I don't think I would be able to stop. Especially not with you leading it. I thought I loved the mother of my child, but in the end, I think I loathed her. With you... no matter how much I want to I could never loath you. I could never dislike you. You will be the death of me one day and I would never want to go any other way." He told her still looking out. Dany however was watching his face. She hadn't known him before the scar or the pain, but she knew him now and if he treats her this way after she kept him from saving his family, she couldn't imagine how perfect how had been to her.
"You are to be my king. I know you said you have no care for the throne, but you do the people. If you ever believe me to be straying too far then tell me. I will listen to your advice. You know Westeros far better than I do, and I trust you." She told him pulling his face to hers and kissing his lips. Artos let his hands fall to her waist as he picked her up and sat her on the balcony edge. Dany's hands found the root of his hair but Artos pulled away. He looked over the edge and shuttered a bit.
"If you want me to be of any use to you... I would suggest we move it inside." He told in a rough but shaken voice. Dany smiled and hopped down pulling him inside the top of his pants. They had been stood on the top of the tallest pyramid and it rattled Artos to his bones. Once they were inside Dany pushed him back onto the bed and slowly removed her clothing piece by piece. She then pulled Artos's pants off and crawled on top of him. He tried to sit up and kiss her but Dany roughly pushed him back down. He held his hands up in mock surrender then rested them under his head taking in the view of her bare body on top of him. Dany rubbed her slick center over him moaning slightly under her breath before lifting up and sinking down on him. Artos's hand flew from behind his head to her hip quickly holding her in place and he hissed. Dany moaned pulling his hands from her hips and placing them on her breasts as she started to bounce in a rhythmic tempo. She sped up and tightened around him but her legs began to burn from the movement.
"Help." She gasped out falling against him. Artos rolled them over resting his forehead against hers and started to slowly rock his hips. The moment was slow and tender as they looked into each other's eyes. Daenerys let her fall shut as her orgasm rocked through her. Artos didn't last much longer and rolled his hips through his own. Once they had both come back down Artos started to pull away from her.
"Don't." She told him pulling him back in and rolling them both to their side.
"What's his name?" She asked him tracing his face with her fingers.
"Who's name?" Artos asked her confused.
"Your son's." She said smiling lovingly at him.
"Alastor." He told her smiling back.
"I don't think I can have children anymore. Maybe he can be our heir?" She asked him timidly. Artos looked down at her and rested his hand on her belly.
"If it's not possible, then I'm sure he would love that." Artos told her kissing her head.

[I can't seem to get caught back up on the schedule. Thank you so much for reading! Do you want them to have a baby? It won't be till the end of the book and show, but I would like to know your thoughts on it.]

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