Sons of the Harpy

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It had been a few days now since Ned was born and Dany was pouting over the fact that the baby seemed to gravitate more towards Artos than her unless he was hungry. They were currently sitting on the balcony as Dany looked out over the people.
"Everyone looks happy enough from up here." She said once Barristan made his presence known. Barristan laughed lightly at her side.
"What?" Dany turned to look at him.
"I was thinking about all the times your brother made me go with him down from the Red Keep into the streets of King's Landing." Barristan told her while he looked fondly down at the baby in Artos's arms.
"Why?" Dany asked him.
"He liked to walk among the people. He liked to sing to them." He told her smiling at the memories.
"He sang to them?" Dany asked smiling at the thought.
"Yes." He laughed following the couple inside to the table.
"Rhaegar would pick a spot on the Hook or the Street of Seeds and then he'd sing. Just like all the other minstrels." He told them averting his eyes as Dany sat down to feed Ned.
"And what did you do?" She asked once they were settled.
"I made sure no one killed him. And I collected the money." He told her. Dany pulled a face at the money part and Barristan shrugged.
"What? He liked to see how much he could make." He told her.
"He was good?" Dany asked.
"He was very good. Viserys never told you?" He asked her.
"He told me Rhaegar was good at killing people." She told him leaning into Artos's hand after he placed it on her shoulder.
"Rhaegar never liked killing. He loved singing." Barristan told her.
"And what did you do with the money?" She asked tilting her head to the side.
"Well, one time, he gave it to the next minstrel down the street. One time, he gave it to an orphanage in Flea Bottom. One time, we got horribly drunk." He said making Dany and Artos laugh.
"Your Grace. Hizdahr is here, waiting in the audience chamber." Daario said walking into the room.
"How many others are there?" She asked. Laughter was now gone, replaced with her formal tone.
"50? 100?" He questioned.
"Will you be joining us, Ser Barristan?" She asked turning to the knight.
"I think I can protect you from Hizdahr zo Loraq. Plus with papa wolf over here and his companion, I don't think anyone would try and hurt you." He said nodding to Artos.
"I think I could protect me from Hizdahr zo Loraq. Go, Ser Barristan. Sing a song for me." She said with a smile handing the now full baby back to Artos before he started to fuss.
"Your Grace." He said bowing his head and leaving the room.

After Ned was born another throne was moved to sit next to Dany's. Artos wasn't a fan but it did make him feel more secure than holding the baby while standing did.
"All men must die, but not all can die in glory." Hizdahr told them eyeing the baby. They hadn't introduced him to the public yet due to the riot that had happened not long ago.
"Glory?" Dany questioned. Her tone was strong and demanding. Artos loved always, but when she was acting like the queen she was, it made stir in his already tight pants.
"Why else do men fight? Why did your ancestors cross the Narrow Sea and conquer the Seven Kingdoms? So their names would live on. Those who find victory in the fighting pits will never become kings, but their names will live on. It's the best chance they'll ever have." He told them.
"Is that what you used to tell men before you set them to butchering each other for sport?" She asked slightly annoyed.
"Your Grace, today is the traditional start of the fighting season." He started again.
"I do not recognize this tradition." She told him.
"Traditions are the only thing that will hold this city, your city, together." He argued. Artos held up his hand stopping the man from speaking.
"Maybe he's right. If you open them again but make it clear everyone must be there on their own. It has to be their choice." He whispered to her so the others couldn't hear. Dany looked over his face and lightly ran the tip of her finger over his scar.
"I wasn't there when you got this. I didn't know you then, but if I had I would worry for you while you fought. My heart would have broken to see this happen. What if they have someone that feels the same way?" Se asked him just a quietly.
"I got this saving a man's life. I protected his honor, they might just want the chance to protect their own." He said lightly kissing her lips and moving back to sit upright in his seat. Artos nodded to him to continue.
"Without them, former slaves and former masters have nothing in common. Nothing but centuries of mistrust and resentment. I can't promise this is the answer to all our problems, but it's a start." He finished. Dany looked back over to Artos and then the baby in his arms. Artos gave her a calming smile.
"You are the queen. I will stand behind whatever you decide." He told her quietly. Just as the words left his mouth the alarm bells filled the air.

[Thank you so much for reading!]

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