Breaker of Chains

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Artos rode closely go Dany as they grew closer to the city of Meereen

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Artos rode closely go Dany as they grew closer to the city of Meereen. They had passed and buried countless bodied and it did nothing but add to the rage inside of Artos. The city ahead of them held large pyramids and cluttered buildings. The walls surrounding it were tall and thick. Artos glanced over at Dany to gauge her reaction but his attention soon landed on her exposed shoulder the flesh was red and starting to blister so he reached over and pulled her cloak around. She turned to smile at him in thanks but her had already placed his attention back on the city. They had been riding for hours and he had still not said a word to her since that left. She knows part of him still blames her and she can't blame him. She felt guilty for it but was happy he hadn't gone and gotten himself killed. It would have killed her just the same. The army placed themselves in a grid taking up most of the field in front of the gates. Dany and Artos rode forward together. It had already been known to all her people that they were betrothed and they had started treating him like their king much to his disagreement. Slaves and their masters lined the walls from above as they approached. The gate started to open and Artos took a step in front of Dany.
"Are they attacking?" She asked anyone who could answer.
"It's a single rider." Artos told her.
"A champion of Meereen. They want you to send your own champion against him." Jorah told her. The people on the wall started to cheer and Artos made a move to step forward.
"No." She said grabbing his arm.
"We had a deal. Did we not?" He asked kissing her on the head before walking forward. The man stepped off his horse and began peeing on the ground.
"What is he doing?" Dany asked as Artos stopped walking for a moment to observe him.
"What is he doing?" Dany asked Missandei.
"He says that we're an army of men without man parts. He claims you are no woman at all, but a man who... hides his cock in his own asshole." Missandei told her with a bit of hesitation. Artos began to laugh humorlessly blocking out what they were saying to each other. He looked like a man gone mad and maybe he was. The man took a jousting stick but Artos refused his horse. He started walking into the field pulling his sword from its sheath.  As the man began to ride faster towards him Artos dropped his sword and sidestepped the horse taking hold of the man's leg and yanking him from it roughly. The man hit the ground and struggled to regain his breath as Artos stalked around him like a hungry beast. The man pulled himself to his feet and drew a sword. Artos smiled at him sending a shiver of fear down the man's spine his cold eyes and scarred face matched with his height and mass made the man second guess himself. Artos took several large steps forward dodging the man's wild swings before grabbing his wrist and crushing the bone in his fist. The man started to scream but was cut short when Artos reached forward locking his fingers around his neck and yanking as hard as he could. Blood splattered his face as the man fell leaving his throat in Artos's hand. He was breathing heavily as he dropped it and turned to the walls pulling out his cock and pissing in the body. He with bloody and grinning and people from both sides believed they were witnessing a God. Dany walks towards him caustically wrapping her arm around him and locking their hands together. She began to speak to them the power in her voice and her acceptance of him at any time only making Artos love her all the more. He watched as the slaves began to breathe new life and their maters shift around nervously. Heavy catapults were pushed forward and Artos smiled larger. At her command, Artos felt chills cover him and the barrels were launched. Collars from the dead and the freed spilled out in the hundreds. It grew quiet as the slaves looked down at them glancing between Daenerys and their masters. Artos was craving violence and by the looks on their faces he believed he was about to get it.

[A short chapter but here it is. Thank you so much for reading!]

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