The Iron Throne

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To say the people rejoiced at the news of their new king and the food he was bringing in was an understatement. Children being served first happily munching away forgetting about the horrors that had happened. The fight was being forgotten as bellies were filled. It had been a few days since the fighting had stopped and Artos had ordered the streets to be cleaned of filth and dead. Ned and Alastor were set to arrive soon with Missandei and the rest of the Stark family. Rickon had asked to live in the capital with Artos and Sansa was coming to sign their new treaty. Jamie and Brienne were returning as well to send his sister off to her new home in exile and teach Alastor all he knew about the art of war. It was still chaotic and Artos wanted to rip out his own hair at all the questions being thrown his way. In just a few days things seemed to switch with him and Dany. Instead of him comforting her after a long day she was comforting him.

Artos was currently looking out the window of their new room watching as the snow fell on King's Landing.
"Do you think my dream will come true?" Dany asked him pressing her body against his and resting her head on his back.
"Which one?" He asked rubbing her arms.
"A lot of little boys before we get our little girl." She told him turning him to face her. Artos looked at her a little confused but let a smile reach his face when she placed his hand on her belly.
"Are you?" He asked falling to his knees in front of her. Dany smiled nodding her head and running her fingers through his hair as he placed a kiss on her belly.
"I think we should have banners made." She told him running her thumb over the embroidered wolf and dragon on his coak. Artos looked down at it and nodded.
"I agree." He told her standing back up to face her.

The next few days passed quickly as Artos and Dany met everyone in the dragon arena. Alastor made his way as fast as he could without leaving little Ned behind to his parents. Artos laughed as he scooped them up hugging them close. Alastor leaned back slightly and placed his father's crown back on his head. Artos laughed again lightly knocking his forehead against his sons. Ned leaned towards Dany now holding out her own. Dany blew a raspberry on his cheek and the little boy giggled. Beast was next as he bounced through the crowd topping the family over. He didn't like to be away from Artos much and he had missed him. Artos knew none of this was kingly behavior but if he was forced to be one he wasn't going to act like one unless absolutely necessary. Pleasantries were exchanged and Artos handed Sansa a wrapped package.
"What is it?" She asked him carefully opening it up.
"You told me once a king needed a crown. A queen needs one as well." She told her as she opened it enough to reveal the steel crown with double wolf heads.
"I guess we're here to discuss what's going to happen to the empty holds." Artos said as they all took their seats.
"Bran, we would like you to stay here and help teach people about Weastros's history." Dany told him with a smile. Bran seemed to think for a moment before nodding his head in agreement.
"Jon, I would like it if you would return to the Wall and train the new occupants, or stay here and be the head of the Kingsgaurd. It's up to you. You could even retire and father children of you like." Artos told him. Jon laughed and shook his head.
"It's to hot here for me and I'm not sure if I have what it takes to be a father." Jon told him ruffling Ned's hair.
"So the Night's watch?" Artos asked him in disbelief.
"I've been around. I never really felt as at home as I did there." Jon told him. Artos smiled and nodded his head.
"Arya?" Artos asked turning to his sister.
"I have a ship ready, and a crew. I'm going to sail West where no one has before." She told him leave little room for debate. Artos grinned.
"Good, it will keep you or of my hair." He teased making Arya look at him in mock offended look.

The meeting drug on as people were assigned to holdfasts and castles. Titles were given and job accepted. It was late in the evening as Artos and the Starks walking down to the docks to send Arya off.
"You know once upon a time I would have
joined you." Artos told Arya.
"They were wrong you know? They said
you were built for war. I've been all over
this land, and every one who dared utter
your name talked of how perfectly you
were made for fighting. They were
wrong." Arya told him. Artos raised a
teasing brow at his little sister. Arya
laughed shaking her head.
"You are one of the best at it, but you
weren't made for fighting." She paused
looking over at Dany who stood holding
her barley visable bump with one hand
and Ned's hand with the other. Alastor stood
just beside growing tall fast like Artos had
before him
"You were made for them. Father and
mother always liked to fuss bout you
never getting married and having babies.
You even gave up your title to live a life of
battle. They didn't get you see you like
this. You are perfectly made to be a king
and above that, a fater and a husband.
They would be proud." Arya told him.
Artos smiled at her and pulled her into a
"They would be proud of you too. Mother wouldn't understand but father would be
cheering you on." Artos told her kissing
the top of her had.
"Now go and see what's out there so you can come back and tell me all about it." Artos said as he nudged her towards the boat. Arya smiled brightly ans waved as she climed aborde. She couldn't wait to tell him about it, and maybe one day before he's too old he will join her.
"You have your needle?" Jon asked her before she could climb onto the ship. Arya's eyes teared up as did the rest of them.
"Right here." She said resting her hand on the thin blade.
"You're going to do amazing things little sister." Artos told her. Arya turned and and leaned against the ship rail looking down at them.
"I know I am." She called back smiling as the ship began to sail away.
"I guess your next." Artos said as the men going to the Wall began to board a ship of their own. Jon nodded and pulled each of them into a hug.
"Don't be like uncle Benjin was a right. Visit more then every few years." Artos told him as Hon too boarded his ship. Sansa would be riding back to the North so they were holding their farewells off till then. They made their way back to the keep quietly just embracing the calm. The sound of the crashing waves lulling Ned to sleep in his father's arms as the cool air drifted around them. 

Artos made his way to the council room for his first meeting as king. Tyrion already there at one end of the table. He sighed as the chairs were half hazardly pulled out as thier new council sat. Artos chuckled at his dismay as he took his own seat at the other end of the table. Samwell walked in and placed a book in front of Artos.
"What's this?" He asked flipping open the front cover.
"A Song of Ice and Fire. Archmaester Ebrose's history of the wars following the death of King Robert. I helped him with the title. It's the story of the Wolf King of ice and the Dragon Queen of fire." She said proud of himself. Artos was flipping through a few pages as he smiled at the man as watching him take his seat. They waited a moment for Bran to join them, and once he was pushed though the door Artos stood and removed the chair to his right so he could be pushed up to the table. Brienne taking a seat as well. Bran looked around the table before turning to Artos.
"We appear to be missing a Master of Whisperers. And a Master of Laws. And a Master of War." Bran told him.
"Actually, I was meaning to ask Brienne to be my Master of War after Jon's refusal." Artos said turning his head to the shocked woman.
"Do you accept?" He asked her after a moment of silence. Brienne stood and bowed down to one knee.
"Yes, Your Grace." She said thankfully.
"There is no need for that here. I'd like to believe you are all my friends. I would really prefer it if nobody bowed." Artos said gesturing her back up.
"Bran will be the Master of Law. I was told a suitable prospect will be brought forward for the Master of Whisperers." Artos told them.
"Ser Bronn of the Blackwater, Lord of Highgarden, Lord Paramount of the Reach and Master of Coin, would you say the crown's debt to you had been paid?" Tyrion asked.
"In full, my lord Hand." Bronn confirmed.
"Good. Time to start incurring a new one. We have hungry people to feed. Can we expect some assistance in this regard?" Tyrion asked him.
"Indeed we can." Bronn agreed.
"Lord Davis, we have an armada ports to repair." Tyrion said now turning to Davos.
"We have. These projects will begin as soon as the Master of Coin and Lord of Lofty Titles provides funding." Davos told him.
"The Master of Coin looks forward to helping the Master of Ships, but first he had to ensure we're not wasting coin, or soon there won't be no more coin." Bronn said.
"Any more." Davos corrected making Artos laugh to himself.
"You Master of Grammar now too?" Bronn but back sarcastically.
"Grandmawster, ahem, it is my theory, based on my years of work on the Casterly Rock sewers, that clean water leads to a healthier population." Tyrion cut the two off from bickering.
"The Archmaester has done some research on this subject and it turns out-" Samwell started but Bronn cut him off.
"The strong love and the weak don't." He said.
"Find the best builders and set them to the task. Everyone should live." Artos told him shooting Bronn a look.
"Oh, speaking of builders, all the best brothels burned down in the wildfire incident. The Master of Coin is willing to fund reconstruction." Bronn added in.
"Uh... the Archmaester is less then enthusiastic about the salutary effect of brothels." Samwell spoke.
"Well, I imagine he isn't using them properly." Bronn argued.
"I think we can all agree that ships take precedence over brothels." Brienne agreed.
"I think that's a very presumptuous statement." Bronn once again disagreed.
"I once brought a jackass and a honeycomb into a brothel." Tyrion said lost in thought. Artos laughed letting his head fall against the table. Maybe being king wasn't so bad. He could truly help people this way.
(Sansa's crown for anyone who doesn't remember.)

[Thank you so much for reading! I'm going to do an epilogue then a a chapter for Cersei's pov for after Artos left and one for when Sansa left with Alastor

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[Thank you so much for reading! I'm going to do an epilogue then a a chapter for Cersei's pov for after Artos left and one for when Sansa left with Alastor. Then I'm going to do one for Sansa for when she left with Alastor. Then the story will come to an end.]

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