The Last of the Starks

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The aftermath of the war was tragic. Artos scooped up his sons and made a quick pace in search of Dany with what little strength he had left. He found her in the field outside the gate crying over a body and Artos's heart dropped. As he got closer he noticed Jorah's pale lifeless body beneath her and dropped to his knees beside his wife carefully setting his sons down and pulling her to him. Daenerys pulled back and looked him over letting out another strong sob once she noticed the blood-stained cloth wrapped around him. She pulled her boys closer to herself kissing them each on the head doing her best to keep her sobs at bay for her children. The rest of the night was spent collecting bodies to be burned or buried. Artos wasn't happy Dany had made him supervise after collapsed trying to help carry someone.

Just as the sun peaked over the walls of the Nothern castle their loved ones were ready to be put to rest. Sansa cried over Theon to one side of him and Dany cried over Joran to the other. The air still held its icy chill from the war and Ned held himself close in his father's grasp hiding in Artos's heavy furs. Artos had spent the night comforting Dany so he made his way over to his sister pulling her to him. Sansa placed her hand on the back of Ned's head careful not to squish him as she buried her head into Artos's chest. Sansa pulled away from him and placed a small Stark pin on Theon's armor and nodded to her brother before walking back to stand next to Jon. Artos walked back over to his wife pulling her back into him and leading her back to the people. Hundreds of bodies sat before them and sniffles rang through the crowd as Artos turned to face them
"We lost many lives tonight. Innocent people who had no business fighting in a war. Just know we didn't lose them for nothing. They helped protect the North. They saved our homes and our world. They helped protect their children and yours. They will not be forgotten and I refuse to let them be seen as anything but heroes. This day will be remembered not for the horrors we faced, but for the loved ones who died saving us from them. It's not easy to say goodbye to our brothers and sisters. To our fathers and mothers. To our friends. We will do it together, just as we fought together." Artos announced taking a torch and nodding to the leaders that remained smiling at young Lyanna as she fought back tears taking one of her own. Each following their king and lighting a pyre. The sorrow in the air numbed them to the warmth of the flames, the crunch of the snow falling silent to their ears as people held onto one another for comfort. Alastor held tightly to Dany's cloak and Ned refused for removes himself from his father's warmth.

The feast they held in memory was grand but quiet. It wasn't like the ones they had growing up. There was no dancing and singing. Artos wasn't sneaking off with some girl he had taken a liking to. It didn't truly feel like home anymore. Sure he lived for the cold, but it was at this moment Artos finally figured out that the North wasn't his home anymore. Daenerys and his children were. Even if that meant he would spend the of his life in Kings Landing. He knew the North would be left in good hands though, the people respected Sansa.
"You should eat, my love." Artos told Dany running his thumb over her cheek. He was handing Ned small bites of tender meat with the other. The two-year-old was gladly taking them as he looked around the candlelight in wonder. His large violet eyes were wide shifting from the ones hanging from the ceiling to the ones lighting the tables.
"Gendry." Dany called out after taking a small bite and noticing the man stand up.
"That's right, isn't it?" She asked as the room fell even more silent than it was before. Gendry turned and walked over to stand in front of her.
"Yes, Your Grace." He said with a bow of his head.
"You're Robert Baratheon's son." She said making Artos sigh. As Gendry nodded his head.
"You are aware he took my family's throne and tried to have me murdered?" She asked.
"I didn't even know he was my father until after he was dead." He told her.
"Yes, he's dead. His brothers are too. So who's Lord of Storm's End now?" She asked him tilting her head slightly. Artos chuckled finally picking up on what she was doing.
"I don't know, Your Grace." He told her a little confused.
"Does anyone?" She asked looking around the room. After no one answered her so she turned and looked at Artos who nodded at her agreeing with her idea.
"I think you should be Lord of Storm's End." She told Gendry. The man in question creased his brows and shook his head.
"I can't be. I'm a bastard." He disagreed.
"No, you are Lord Gendry Baratheon of Storm's End, the lawful son of Robert Baratheon. Because that is what I have made you." She told him with a smile. Gendry looks over at Artos looking a little overwhelmed. The king smiled and placed Ned in Dany's lap as he stood up holding his glass in front of him.
"To Lord Gendry Baratheon of Storm's End." He said bowing his head at the man. The people around the room stood as well holding their cups high echoing his words. Artos nodded to the cup in his hand and Gendry took it truing around to raise it to the people making them cheer.
"A fitting reward for a hero. And a Lord of Storm's End who will be forever loyal to you." Tyrion said as Artos sat back down.
"See? You're not the only one who's clever." She told him helping a squirming Ned back into his father's lap.

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