Mother's Mercy

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Artos was sitting next to Tyrion on the top step of the throne room with Beast to his other side bouncing his leg. They could hear Drogon screeching in the distance but after hours of fighting Artos was bloody bruised and anxiously waiting for his wife and son to return.
"You love her, don't you?" Tyrion questioned breaking the silence. Daario and Artos both looked at each other before looking at Jorah. Artos was aware Daario used to harbor feelings for his wife, but he also knew that the man chose to let them go in order to build a friendship with him.
"How could you not?" Jorah asked looking down at his feet.
"Of course it's only hopeless for you. A disgraced knight. You are not fit for a queen married to a nobleman's son." Tyrion said almost teasingly while lightly bumping Artos's arm.
"But we always want the wrong woman." He continued staring off into the air.
"You did at one point as well if I remember correctly." He said to Artos after a moment of silence.
"Does he always talk so much?" Daario asked looking between Artos and Jorah.
"Yes." Artos answered him while Jorah nodded his head. Footsteps brought their attention back to the front where Missandei was leading Grey Worm in.
"Jorah the Andal" He greeted him while Artos stood and began walking down to the man.
"Torgo Nudho" Jorah greeted back. Artos had finally reached them and helped Missandei steady him.
"You should not be here." He said gripping Artos arm for support. He was thankful for him after not wanting to put any weight on Missandei.
"No, but he is." Daario agreed.
"Our queen ordered him exiled from city." Grey Worm protested.
"Our queen would be dead if not for him." Daario argued back. Grey Worm turned to look at Artos for confirmation.
"The Sons of the Harpy attacked up at the pits. He helped lead her away while I went back for Tyrion and Missandei." Artos told him. Grey Worm then turned to look at her.
"It's true. And I would be dead if not for the... little man." She told him hesitantly not wanting to offend him.
"Dwarf. I believe that's the word. Apologies, My Valyrian is a bit nostril." Tyrion said in thought. Artos chuckled and Missandei smiled a bit.
"A bit rusty." She corrected him. Tyrion echoed her last words under his breath.
"Thank you." He told her.
"I am sorry. Sorry I not there to fight for our queen." Grey Worm said regrettably.
"You missed a good scrap. Artos here is very hands-on." Daario said.
"Nobody blames you. We are just glad you're still alive." Artos told him easing the guilt a bit.
"None of that matters now. The longer we sit here bantering, the longer Daenerys is out there in the wilderness with a baby." Jorah said harshly.
" He's right. The dragon headed north. If we're going to find her, that's where we'll have to go." Tyrion said standing up.
"We? You're a Lannister. The queen intends to remove your family from power." Jorah said defensively.
"And I intend to help her do it." Tyrion told him.
"You've been here for how many days now? I've fought for her for years. Since she was little more than a child." Jorah tried to prove his point.
"You betrayed her." Tyrion shot back.
"Careful now." Jorah warmed.
"And she exiled you. Twice, I believe." Tyrion continued.
"The second time thanks to you." Jorah accused.
"Don't blame me for your crimes, Mormont." Tyrion shouted back at him.
"Right now I trust him more than I trust you. This is my wife and child we are talking about. I have half a mind to lock you up until she got back if I didn't need the help." Artos said loudly. His voice echoed off the walls so fiercely it could have stopped the wind. The arguing stopped and the room fell quiet once again.
"Fine, fine. I suppose he can join us. Just as long as he promises not to kill me in my sleep." Tyrion told Artos while glaring at Jorah.
"If I ever kill you, your eyes will be open." Jorah told him.
"If you don't top I'll kill you both right now." Artos warned.
"Forgive me, but why would we bring you?" Daario asked Tyrion.
"Pardon me?" Tyrion asked back a little offended.
"Have you ever tracked animals in the wilderness?" Daario asked him.
"Not precisely, but I have other skills that would be useful." Tyrion started a little less hostile now that he knew it wasn't about his size.
"Can you fight?" Daario quizzed him.
"I have fought. I don't claim to be a great warrior." He answered.
"Are you good on a horse?" Came another question for Daario.
"Middling." Tyrion hesitated.
"So mainly you talk." Daario concluded.
"And drink. I've survived so far." Tyrion defended himself.
"Which I respect, but you would not help us on this expedition." Daario said turning to look at Artos.
"You're not coming with us Tyrion. I'm leaving you in charge here while we're gone." Artos told him.
"He's a foreign dwarf that barely speaks the language. Why would the Meereenese listen to him?" Jorah argues with him.
"They will listen to Grey Worm though." Artos told him gesturing to the man beside him.
"I'll come with you. I'll find our queen." Grey Worm protested as he released Artos to stand tall.
"You are not strong enough to go anywhere." Missandei told him softly.
"I am." Grey Worm whispered to her.
"He is. He's the toughest man with no balls I ever met. But you still can't go." Daario agreed.
"The people believe in you. I need you here commanding your men and making sure the people listen. They're scared and stressed after what happened today. They aren't likely to listen to a stranger." Artos told him in Valyrian. He didn't speak it often and understood it better and saying the words but he hoped it would help Grey Worm understand better.
"It's true. Only the Unsullied and keep the peace in Meereen. If you leave, half the city will consume the other half." Missandei agreed with Artos.
"Missandei, Dany trusts you. She respects your thoughts and decisions. I do too." Artos told her softly.
"Thank you, Your Grace." She told him with a smile.
"Let's not start that though." Artos winked at her.
"Let go." He said turning to Daario and Jorah.
"The queen's closest confidante, the commander of the Unsullied, and a foreign dwarf with a scarred face. Good fortune, my friends. Meereen is ancient and glorious. Try not to ruin her." Daario called out as he followed Jorah, Beast, and Artos out of the room.

[Thank you so much for reading! I like the idea of Daario and Artos becoming friends. Maybe Daario can bring a more playful side to Artos.]

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