High Sparrow

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Artos held close to Dany with his fingers weaved through her hair as she screamed through each push. Why women wanted children was beyond him at this point. He felt helpless as he did his best to comfort her at the moment. There was nothing he could do for her pain and that in turn pained him. With a final high-pitched scream, the baby was free and admitting loud squeals.
"Give me my baby." Dany demanded almost fearfully. The midwife was quick to place the baby in her arms and back away to give the couple some space.
"Look at him. Look at all that hair." She said softly as the little boy calmed and stared up at them with stunning violet eyes. He had a head full of dark hair but his eyes belonged to his mother. Looking down at him made Artos's heart sting. Alastor had his hair and his mother's eyes. Artos gently ran the tip of his finger over the babe's forehead. His breath caught in his throat as the baby's eyes let go of Dany's gaze and locked with his. Artos leaned over and kissed Dany on the top of the head.
"I love you." He muttered against her hair. Dany pulled away from him and turned to look into his eyes.
"You said it." She gasped out, her expression shocked and awed.
"I know." Artos told her with a smile before looking back down at his son.
"What will his name be?" Artos asked as Dany pulled him to her and latched onto her breast.
"Ned., but I want him to hold the Targaryen name. The ones that follow will be called Stark though." She said looking down at the little boy. Artos chuckled slightly and nodded his head.
"Ned Targaryen. My father would get a kick out of that." Artos told her smiling. After he was done eating Dany held him up to Artos. He was hesitant until the babe was nestled into his arms.
"You look good with a baby in your arms, my king." Daenerys told him teasingly knowing full well he hated the title. Artos gave her a mock angry look.
"You should rest, my queen." Artos told her in the same tone.
"If he wants me..." Dany started but paused.
"I will not hesitate." Artos promised as he carefully stood and walked over to a chair holding his new son close.

[Super short chapter just so the baby can be born. They didn't have any parts in this episode so it's just a filler. Thank you so much for reading.]

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