Kissed by Fire

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They had been on their journey for a few days now and Artos was finally at full mobility again. The wound was still stitched and bled if he moved too much but it no longer hurt to move.
''It was a bitch of a siege.'' Jorah said making conversation with Barristan
''Mm, you were first through the breach at Pyke?'' Barristan asked him.
''The second. Thoros of Myr wet in alone, waving that flaming sword of his.'' Jorah said waving his hand around. Artos was only half-listening, he was watching Dany as she quickly rode by. He had finally convinced her he would be okay riding alone.
''Thoros of Myr. Bloody madman. Robert knighted you after the battle?'' Barristan said more than asked.
''Proudest moment of my life. One knee in the dust, the king's sword on my shoulder, listening to the words. 'In the name of the Warrior I charge you to be brave.' All I could think of was how badly I had to piss.'' Artos laughed along with Barristan.
''In full plate metal for 16 hours. Never occurred to me till the fighting was over. I was very nearly the first man knighted to piss on the king's boots.'' Jorah said as the men dismounted. Barristan laughed while Artos just smiled lightly.
''Robert would have laughed. He was a good man, a great warrior. And a terrible king. I burned away my years fighting for terrible kings.'' Barristan said almost sadly.
''You swore an oath.'' Jorah reminded him.
''Yes. And a man of honor keeps his vows, even if he's serving a drunk or a lunatic. Just once in my life before it's over, I wasn't to know what it's like to serve with pride, to fight for someone I believe in. Do you believe in her?'' Barristan asked. His question was directed toward both men. Sure he wanted to know what Jorah thought but it was Artos who really mattered. His father was a good trustful man and he raised Artos to be just like him.
''With all my heart.'' Jorah said looking back at her.
''I think she will do wonderful things. I also think she needs guidance. She is still young, we all make mistakes. We all make rash decisions. Robb is off at war, I'm here far away from my family and left my son in the hands of a cruel power-hungry woman.'' Artos said walking away. Barristan and Jorah looked at each other shocked. Artos Stark was the last man they expected to have a bastard son. Barristan could only guess who the mother was.

Artos was making his way around the small body of water. The sound of clanging steel met his ears as the Unsullied Dany was talking to moved at command. He stood behind Dany as she talked to a man. He looked like I giant standing behind her tiny frame. Artos was intimidating even to the men who feared nothing. Daenerys pulled him to the side once she was done and lifted his shirt.
''It's healing nicely.'' She said smiling up at him. Artos grabbed her hand pulling it from his side.
''That means it's time for me to be heading home, your promised.'' He told her softly.
''Just a bit longer. Until I know you are fully healed.'' She begged him with glassy eyes. Artos sighed and tried to pull his hand from hers. Dany protested and pulled him closer to her.
''I don't want you to leave.'' She told him wrapping her arms around his middle.
''I have to. My brother is at war.'' Artos said still as softly as he could.
''A war he started!'' She protested.
''So I should stay for a war you're starting instead?'' He asked her almost mockingly.
''Yes!'' She shouted back at him. Artos chuckled and shook his head.
''Why?'' He asked her.
''Because I love you and need you here.'' Her hands quickly covered her mouth at her confession but Artos moved them away and cupped her cheek pulling her into a hot kiss. Daenerys pulled him closer and held on tight terrified he would pull away and regret this.
''What if he needs me?'' Artos whispered against her lips.
''You said it yourself. He is strong, smart, and he has your mother to guide him.'' She told him running her fingers through his hair.

Artos found himself once again on Dany's horse with her. This time he was holding the reins as she leaned back against him. They still had a long journey ahead of them but Daenerys was ok if she got to spend the whole time just like this.

[This happened a little sooner than planned but his part in this episode was really short and I needed a little filler. Thank you so much for reading!]

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