The Rains of Castamere

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Dany and Artos were both reluctant to get out of bed the next morning but the real world waited for no one. They were currently looking over a map for the city given to them by Daario but Artos was not distracted by the contrast the fitted part of her blue dress had with her silver hair and pale skin.
"Where?" Dany asked pulling him from his thoughts for the first time this morning.
"There. It's a back gate." Daario said moving Dany's hand and pressing his chest against her side. Artos and Jorah both glared at the man and Daenerys backed into Artos looking slightly annoyed.
"My men use it when they visit Yunkai's bed slaves." He said looking between Artos and Jorah.
"Your men, but not you?" Jorah asked him. Watching Daario made Jorah almost crave Artos to hold Dany's heart. Yes, it may mean that he wouldn't but at least Artos was a good man.
"I have no interest in slaves. A man cannot make love to property." Dany blushed and looked at Artos who sent her a subtle wink in return.
"This is where we enter the city. Very few guards. They know me. They let me inside-" He told them but Barristan cut him off.
"We're not gonna sneak an army through a back gate." He told him.
"I kill the guards. I take your three best men and lead them through the back streets, which I know well, and open the front gates. Then comes the army. Once the walls are breached, the city will fall in hours." Daario told them.
"Or perhaps you'll lead Artos, Grey Worm, and me to the slaughter, cutting the head off our army. The masters of Yunkai will pay you your fee and you won't have to split it three ways 'cause you've already slaughtered your partners." Jorah told him making Dany look at Artos in slight fear.
"You have a very suspicious mind. In my experience, only dishonest people think this way." Daario said smiling smugly at him. Jorah sighed turning to Grey Worm.
"You command the Unsullied. What do you think?" Daenerys translated the words. Her voice was like honey and it soothed Artos's soul. He answered her and she looked at them all.
"You leave tonight." She informed them.
"Very good. We'll prepare." Jorah said as they all started to exit the tent leaving Dany and Artos alone.
"You will come back." She said to him. Artos rested his hand on her cheek and kissed her lips lightly.
"Of course, I will. Until then know I am leaving my heart with you." He told her lips lightly pressed against the top of her head.
"I love you." She said as he started to pull away. Artos smiled at her whistling for Beast to join him as he started to leave the tent.
"Why won't you say it back?" She asked making him stop in his place.
"Why won't you tell me you love me?" She asked once she was sure he wasn't going to leave just yet.
"I've only ever told four women that in my life. Three of which were my mother and my sisters. The last one gave me a son. I've currently lost them and I don't intend to lose you. So if that means I have to reframe from saying something we both know to be true then I will." He told her softly then walked out of the tent. Dany smiled at his retreating form. She didn't need to hear it then. As long as she got to keep him.

Artos was tired and bloody but Beast seemed bouncy beside him. They were both covered in blood and the dire wolf was ready for more. They walked through the camp and turned the corner entering Dany's tent. She took one look at them and ran towards Artos. He grunted slightly when she threw her arms around him holding him close.
"It was just as you said. They did not believe until it was too late. Their slave soldiers threw down their spears and surrendered." Jorah told her with a smile Dany finally let go of Artos looking around.
"And Daario Naharis?" She asked them after not seeing him present. As if he heard his name he walked through the guards and kneeled before her showing her the city banner.
"The city is yours, my queen." He said looking up at her. Dany smile at Artos and patted the more energetic than normal sore wolf on the head. Daario and Jorah both seemed to deflate upon seeing the care she showed Artos.

Artos was in a bath with his head leaned back and Dany perched on his lap.
"You were gone longer than we- I thought you would be." She said running a sponge down his muscular chest.
"There were more men than we thought there would be." He said lifting his head to look at her.
"If you won't say you love me... what can you say?" She asked him looking lovingly at him. She had a beautiful post-sex glow and Artos felt himself stir. He was still inside her from the passion they shared before and he was starting to believe with the way she looked he would stay there for a lot longer.
"I am yours Daenerys Targaryen. From this day till my last." He said rutting his hips against hers. Daenerys moaned at the feeling.
"Those are vows from Westeros. Last I checked we are not getting married." She teased him as she started to roll her hips.
"Maybe not before the Gods or even the maesters, but as far as I'm concerned I am completely yours." He told her letting his hands fall to her hips. Dany's breath started to pick up as she neared her finish as did Artos's. The two released together as Dany collapsed against his chest.
"As I am yours." She told him sleepily.

[So the Red Wedding happened. How do you think Artos will take the news? Thank you so much for reading!]

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