A Man Without Honor

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Stress levels had been high since the dragons have gone missing. Artos must have threatened and terrified half of Qarth by now all while trying to keep Daenerys calm. Right now she was walking quickly through the halls tightly gripping Artos's hand pulling him along.
''I've demanded a meeting of the Thirteen. One of them did this or knows who did.'' Xaro told them trying to keep up with their fast pace.
''You are one of the Thirteen.'' Artos told him making sure to keep his body between the man and Dany.
''If I wanted her dragons, I would have taken them. They mean nothing to me on their own.'' Xaro told him. Artos had to steady Daenerys when she abruptly stopped at his world causing the large man to slam into her.
''Nothing? They're more valuable than anything in the world.'' Dany told him. Her voice was broken and fragile.
''Shall we look inside my vault and see what selling your dragons would buy me I cannot buy already? We will get them back.'' Xaro told her gripping the key around his neck. Dany pushed past Artos keeping a firm hand on his arm.
''There is no we, so why would you help me get them back?'' Her words were meant to be commanding but came out more frightful. She was worried about the dragons she saw as children. Artos felt for her, he had a son a sea away. And not to forget about Beast. He would start a war if anyone was to harm or take either of them.
''I took you under my protection in front of the rulers of my city. A man is what others say he is and no more. If they say that Xaro Xhoan Daxos is a liar, my word is worth nothing. I cannot let this thing happen to you under my roof.'' Dany stepped towards him slightly and Artos could feel the angry heat coming from her. He looped his arm around her waist keeping her steady on her step and away from the man he deemed untrustful.
''But it did happen under your roof.'' She told him allowing Artos to hold her close to his calm heartbeat.
''Khaleesi, many times in my life I have been-'' Xaro started but was quickly cut off by the now rageful queen.
''I don't care where you've been.'' She shouted at him pulling Artos's arm from around her waist dragging him up the stairs. She sent one last look to Xaro before they turned the corner.
''What do you think?'' She asked Artos once they were alone. Artos sighed rubbing his forehead, he didn't know what to think anymore. His brain was clouded with too many things to keep track of.
''I think we need to find your dragons and I think Xaro can't be trusted. I think I need to get out of this hot city and back home to the North. I think I need a shave.'' Artos told her only mentioning the last part when he ran a large calloused hand down his cheek. His beard has grown long, what once was a nice short scruff that covered the lower half of his handsome face was now a long mess of coarse black hair. The scar he had was now mostly covered over with hair and his face itched. Daenerys laughed lightly for the first time since her dragons had gone missing. She reached up with a small hand running it through the thick black strands. Artos looked down at her, his grey eyes getting lost in a sea of amethyst. He had heard plenty of stories about Targaryen's eyes, he never believed they could be as beautiful as the stories said until he met Daenerys Stormborn.
''I don't think I've ever seen you without a long beard.'' She told him stepping a little closer. It was true after all. It had grown long on the month he spent on the ship. He never thought to shave when he made land either. She never saw was he called his hideous scar or the fullness of his lips. He was a man hidden behind long messy waves and an unruly black beard.
''Maybe once we find your dragons you will. They are more important than my face.'' He told her pulling her hand from his cheek and placing a gentle kiss on her knuckles. He took a step back offering his arm and leading her back to her room where he knew she would be safer.

Artos was sat on a chair reading a letter from Robb. It said they were doing well but still haven't heard from Arya. Artos hoped and prayed that they just stopped at other holds to find more men and it was delaying their trip. Robb told him not to worry about having to wait for a ship, he said they have still held strong and have yet to lose a fight. Robb also spoke of a nurse, one he believed he may love. Artos was happy for his brother, he hoped for him the best. Artos was pulled out of his letter when Jorah entered the room.
''You came back.'' Daenerys said to him. eyes red and puffy.
''As soon as I heard. Do you know anything?'' He asked her and Artos both. Artos shook his head burning the letter in a candle. Dany shook her head too.
''Irri is dead.'' Dany told him with a lump forming in her throat.
''I know. She was a good-'' Jorah started but Aetos stood from his seat cutting the man off.
''She's dead. She died alone. She died after I told her I would be there for her.'' Artos was taking her death hard. It was hard for him to see her lying there cold to the touch and not imagine Arya or Sansa just a still. He liked Irri, sure he may have only spoken to her a few times but she was strong. She knew what she believed in and didn't care how loud she spoke about it.
''Doreah?'' Jorah asked Artos. He was fully aware of how close the two were. Dany shudders a little speaking up.
''We can't find her. She must be dead, too.'' She walked over to Artos leaning against him looking out of the window.
''I lead my people out of the Red Waste and into the slaughterhouse.'' She said as she rested both hands on the edge of the window. Artos rubbed her back turning to look out as well.
''I should have been here.'' Jorah told her. Artos hated to admit it but even though he still didn't trust the man he had grown to like him.
''You went to find me a ship.'' Dany told him turning to look at the approaching man.
''My place is by your side. I shouldn't have left you alone with these people.'' Jorah said voice rising.
''These people?'' Dany asked him taking Artos's hand in her much smaller one.
''They are not to be trusted.'' He told her looking down at her hand in Artos's. Artos gave her a little squeeze when he noticed.
''And who is to be trusted? Who are my people? The Targaryens? I only knew one- my brother, and he would have let a thousand men rape me if it had got him the crown. The Dothraki? Most of them turned on me the day that Khal Drogo fell from his horse.'' Dany said sinking against one of the only men she believed she could trust.
''Your people are in Westeros.'' Jorah tried to convince her.
''The people in Westeros don't know I'm alive.'' Her voice came out hard and tired. Artos began to softly massage her shoulders feeling her relax under his palms.
''They will soon enough.'' He started but before he could continue she was talking again.
''And then what? They'll pray for my return? They'll wave dragon banners and shout my name? That's what my brother believed, and he was a fool.'' She told him pulling away from Artos walking to the other side of the room.
''I never met your brother.'' Artos started causing Dany to turn and look at him.
''But from what I have heard of him, you are nothing like your brother. When I heard you were coming to the city I was angry. Your father burned my grandfather and uncle in the middle of the throne room. If you listen to anything I ever tell you, listen to this. We are not our fathers, our brothers, our sisters, or even our mothers. We are exactly who we are meant to be. So if you want to believe that the people of Westeros are shouting your name then believe it. Just make sure you have enough courage to make it happen.'' Artos told her while walking up to stand toe to toe with her. Dany looked up to see his stormy eyes staining down into her soul.
''You are not your brother. Trust me, Khaleesi.'' Jorah told her trying his best to break up the moment that was passing through the two pairs of eyes.
''There it is- 'Trust me.' And it's you I should trust, Ser Jorah? Only you? I don't need trust any longer. I don't want it, and I don't have room for it.'' Dany said pulling away from Artos turning her back on them both and crossing her arms against her chest. The way Artos looked at her made her sick to her stomach. Not because of him but because at that moment she wished Doreah was dead. She wished for it so Artos could always look at her that way. She felt sick to her stomach for wishing that on someone she cared for.
''You are too young to be so-'' Artos grabbed his wrist before he could place his hand on her shoulder. He had sisters, he knew when a woman didn't want to be touched. Dany whipped her head around to look at the older man. She first saw his hand then Artos's.
''And you are too familiar.'' She told Jorah who took and step back hanging his head.
''Forgive me, Khaleesi. No one can survive in this world without help. No one. Let me help you, please. Tell me how.'' Jorah pleaded with her. Daenerys turned to look at him.
''Find my dragons.'' She told him firmly. Jorah turned to leave the room and Artos turned to follow him.
''Not you. You need to go shave.'' Artos stopped at her words turning to look at her. Her eyes help a please she couldn't get herself to say. Artos saw it pointless at this particular moment in time but sighed and nodded his head at her leaving to room in search of a barber.

It didn't take him long to find the man he was looking for. As he sat in the chair watching his locks fall Artos thought of the day his life went to hell. His brother Jon sitting there as Robb and Theon mocked him. It was the same day their royal company arrived. The man had cut his long waves to fall in curtains around his face. He then pushed lightly on Artos's forehead leaning his head back to work on the monstrous beard.
''Don't take it all, please. Just shorten it.'' Artos told him sill slightly in his daze of memories. The man nodded taking some scissors and began lopping off the long curly strands of hair from his face. When he was done Artos looked over to a mirror beside him. He looked younger and battle worn now. His scar was now visible and intimidating. The beard was now short and stubbly like he used to keep it. His hair was shorter than it used to be kept. It once fell to his shoulders in thick waves, now it fell just barely past his ears. Artos stood thanking and paying the man. He knew Dany would be at the meeting of the Thirteen now and made his way to the great hall he knew they help said meetings. He opened to door just in time to hear Dany.
''But there is no King of Qarth.'' He watched as Xaro stood up from behind her. Artos made quick work on placing himself close to the man, hand resting on the hilt of his sword.
''There I now. That was the other half of the arrangement.'' He told her walking to the middle of the room Artos placed a hand on her lower back for comfort and Daenerys looked up at him. She was broken out of her shock and pulled into another. He was much more handsome then she once thought he was, younger too. She let her eyes fall down the scar that lines his face. It cut a line through his stubble creating a hairless valley. Artos Stark lived up to his rumors now. He looked as though he was created by the Gods to be a god. Artos wasn't looking at her though, he was watching Xaro still. His jaw was set in a hard line as the man walked back and forth in front of the other 12 men.
''You would keep your gates and your minds closed to everything outside your walls, but Qarth cannot remain the greatest city that ever was if it refuses to change. I will open Qarth to the world, as I have forced it to open itself to me.'' Xaro said standing tall in front of them.
''Your ambition is an inspiration. But like all upstarts, you overreach. Three dragons the size of cats and an alliance with a charlatan do not make you a king.'' The Spice Kings told him.
''An upstart and a charlatan? Empires have been built by less. Those on the margins often come to control the center, and those in the center make room for them, willingly or otherwise.'' Xaro said taking a step back for the man Artos couldn't remember the name of. The same one who had done magic before.
''The Mother of Dragons will be with her babies. She will give them her love, and they will thrive by her side... forever.'' He said as his copies walked behind the 12 and slit their throats. Artos pulled Dany flush against his chest keeping her close to him as blood began to turn once pastel robes are dark red. Artos turned and pushed Daenerys to run following close behind her. He couldn't fight magic, especially with her close by. They were cut off by the wizard and Artos turned to look behind them as Kovarro sandwiched her in-between them. Jorah came up behind the wizard sticking a dagger through his middle, the wizard looked down before smiling at Dany.
''A mother should be with her children.'' He told her strongly before spinning out of his robe turning into the air itself. All 4 of them jumped slightly at the display looking down at the now-empty pile of cloth.
''Where will you run to, Daenerys Stormborn? Your dragons wait for you in the House of the Undying. Come see them.'' The wizard said now on the other side of the room. Jorah ushered her through the door, Artos standing guard at it until they were all out of the room. Artos didn't know how to fight the man or his doubles. He flowed the other keeping an eye on the man who now stood still. He feared for Daenerys. He knew she would go to the House of the Undying, and he didn't know what was inside.

[I'm rewatching the show as I write this and I can't help but hear duck sauce when they say Daxos. I hope you enjoy this chapter! Thank you so much for reading and sticking through this with me.]

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