Garden of Bones

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It was just like the last few days he had spent here. Nothing happened, but today Artos left his room for a stroll with Beast when he noticed the bustle of the palace. Guards were walking down the hall followed by 13 men 3 of which Artos recognized.
''Artos why don't you accompany us?'' The Spice King asked him leading the group of men. Artos didn't really have anything better to do so he fell in step with the man dressed in a pale pink tunic. Artos was once again wearing another almost sheer top. The other men have yet to become acquainted with Beast and so they gave the direwolf space. Beast's head reached Artos's chest which is impressive on its own seeing as the man in question stood around 6'4. Beast's height wasn't as intimidating as his muscle mass though. He was often mistaken for a bear until people got a good look at him.

Stepping through the gates of Qarth Artos noticed the wide desert and a horde of Dothraki. Standing in front of them was a man Artos recognized as Ser Jorah Mormont and a small woman who he had to guess was the Targaryen girl. She had long silver hair that seemed ever lighter against her tan skin. She was very beautiful almost distractingly so. Jorah stiffened once he recognized Artos. Though he was no longer a boy and held a few more scars he was very obviously the eldest Stark boy. The Spice King gestured Artos to follow him forward once the other had stopped. Artos figured he planned to use him as protection.
''My name is Daenerys-'' She started but the Spice King cut her off.
''Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen.'' Artos took the time to look over the girl. She was stiff and tired and her eyes kept darting between Beast, Artos, and the Spice King. She wasn't scared for her, she was worried for her people. Artos found himself admiring her. As for Jorah, Artos didn't know what to think. He put a bad name on the people of the North. He was caught in a crime and instead of paying for it, he ran. I guess now they finally knew where he ended up.
''You know me, my lord?'' She asked him.
''Only by reputation, Khaleesi. Same as this large strapping man here. And I'm no lord, merely a humble merchant.'' Artos couldn't help but snort lightly at his words. What humble man calls himself a king?
''They call you the Mother of Dragons.'' He continued ignoring Artos.
''And what should I call you?'' Daenerys asked him.
''Oh, my name is quite long and quite impossible for foreigners to pronounce. I am simply a trader of spices. But we are the Thirteen, charged with the governance and protection of Qarth, the greatest city that ever was or will be.'' He told her smugly. Artos raised his hand slightly.
''I would like to clarify I'm not a Thirteen person or other. I'm just here.'' He told them with a welcoming smile that caused a light dusting of pink to coat Daenerys cheeks.
''The beauty of Quarth is legendary-'' The Spice King was quick to correct her.
''Qarth.'' Daenerys let out a small oh and Artos turned his back on them to hide his laugh.
''Qarth.'' She echoed back.
''Might we see the dragons?'' Artos turned around at his question to see her turned looking at something behind her.
''My... friend, we have traveled very far. We have no food, no water. Once I see my people fed, I would be honored-'' Artos glared at the man through the corner of his eye when he once again interrupted her.
''Forgive me, Mother of Dragons, but no man alive has seen a living dragon. Some of my more skeptical friends refuse to believe your children even exist. All we ask is the chance to see for ourselves.'' Artos let his eyes fall on a young woman being supported by a horse. She looked like she was on death's door. Artos felt for her and let his hand fall to the water pouch on his side.
''I am not a liar.'' Daenerys told him.
''Oh, I don't think you are. But as I've never met you before, my opinion on the matter is of limited value.'' He told her still as smugly as before. Artos untied his water pouch held it and both hands in front of himself and began walking towards the woman. He opened it and handed it to her with a smile before turning and walking back to the Spice King. The woman drank quickly turning to hand it to someone else so they too could have a little bit of relief. Daenerys watched him closely as she continued to talk to the Spice King.
''Where I come from, guests are treated with respect, not insulted at the gates.'' Artos could hear the anger and desperation in her voice.
''Then perhaps you should return to where you come from. We wish you well.'' Artos didn't know what to do as the man turned and started walking away. He wanted to help them, but he needed to have access to the city for when the sips were ready to go north. Artos was still standing in his place when Daenerys started to follow the man.
''What are you doing?'' She stopped walking when she got close to Beast. She didn't want to anger the giant wolf.
''You promised to receive me.'' She shouted at him. Artos called Beast closer to him. The last thing he wanted was for the direwolf to pick up on the hostile tone and think it was time to fight.
''We have received you. Here we are, and here you are.'' the Spice King told faking a confused expression.
''If you do not let us in, all of us will die.'' Artos grew tenser at her words.
''which we shall deeply regret. But Qarth did not become the greatest city that ever was or will be by letting Dothraki savages through its gates.'' He told her with a slight bow before turning back around and continued walking away.
''I'm sorry, I wish I could help but I am only here long enough to get home. I have no say in this city." Artos told her before giving Beast a signal and followed the men.
''Thirteen!'' They heard over the sound of the guards taking place against the approaching girl.
''When my dragons are grown, we will take back what was stolen from me and destroy those who have wronged me. We will lay waste to armies and burn cities to the ground. Turn us away and we will burn you first.'' Artos felt a shiver at her words. They made him think of the mad king he was too young to remember. They made him want to fight.
"Ah. You are a true Targaryen. Only, as you said a moment ago, if we don't let you into the city, you will all die. And so...'' Artos smirked slightly when he was cut off this time.
"Retreating in fear from a little girl is unbecoming of the greatest city that ever was or will be.'' Xaro told him. Artos sent him a slight nod which the man returned.
''The discussion is over, Xaro Xhoan Daxos. The Thirteen have spoken.'' He told him firmly.
"I am one of the Thirteen, and I am still speaking.'' Artos smiled smugly to himself at Xaro's words.
''The girl threatens to burn our city to the ground and you would invite her in for a cup of wine?'' the Spice Kings sounded a bit like a scolded child now.
''She is the Mother of Dragons. Do you expect her to watch her people starve without breathing fire? I believe we can allow a few Dothraki through our gates without dooming our city. After all, here I am, a savage from the Summer Isles, and Qarth still stands. We let Artos stay in our very halls and he is told to be more savage than his direwolf companion.'' Artos looked down at Beast to see him staring at the crates tied to a horse. Artos guessed that is where they are keeping the dragons if they really do have them.
''Our decision is final.'' Spice King told him.
''Very well. I invoke Sumai.'' The Thirteen started whispering to themselves and Artos turned to look at the Mother of Dragons. She was already looking at him just as confused as he was.
''I will vouch for her, her people, and her dragons in accordance with the law.'' After the last words, Xaro cut his hand and Artos winced slightly at the action.
''Be it on your head.'' The Spice King old him angrily before walking away. Artos watched him go, still confused about what just happened.
''Welcome to Qarth, my lady.'' everyone stepped aside as the gate began to open. Daenerys smiled slightly, held her head high, and began leading her people through the gates. Artos walked between her and Xaro, Beast close at his heels. He watched the small women take in the city with awe out of the corner of his eye and it brought a slight smile to his face. Artos walked the rest of the way before stepping off once they reached the hall that held his room. Artos was almost to his door when a hand landed harshly on his shoulder and Beast growled lowly.
''Why are you here? Did they send you after their assassin failed?'' Jorah asked him harshly. Artos chuckled shaking his head.
''I'm not an assassin Ser Mormont. Plus if I was here for anyone it would be you not a 17 year old girl.'' Artos told him leaning down slightly to look him in the eye.
''I would remove your hand before I allow Beast to remove it for you.'' Jorah quickly pulled his hand back when he felt the breath of the large direwolf against him.
''Did your father send you?'' Artos hardened his stare at the question.
''My father is dead. Beheaded by that little bastard that calls himself King. Even if he was alive, there are bigger problems than you to worry about. I don't care what you did. I don't care that you ran from me and my men when we came for you. All I really give a damn about is my family. One is somewhere on the roads, two are in King's Landing with the Lannisters, Robb is leading a host to war with my mother at his side. I need to get them all home, back to Winterfell with the rest where they belong. What part of any of that says I am here for your head. I will be happy to take it from you now though if you're so inclined.'' Jorah could feel the hot angry wolf blood boiling under Artos's skin at their close proximity. The Starks were known for their wolf blood. It is how they got their sigil after all. Too many stories of their ancestors growing rageful in battle and hunting down their prey like a pack of starving wolves. Jorah shook his head quickly turning and dashing down the hall. Artos was too worked up now to just sit around and read like he had planned so he turned and walked down the hall to the training grounds just off the side of the courtyard.

Artos was shirtless, sweaty, and still slightly angry. He stretched and locked eyes with Daenerys who was leaning on the balcony of her room with a pretty brunette. She sent him a smile and he found himself unable to resist returning it. His gaze was broken when a still playful Beast lunged at his master tackling the man to the ground. Artos laughed loudly as he and his most trusted friend rolled  around on the hot sand.

[I promise I will try and make the chapters longer in the future. What kind of relationship would you like to see between Daenerys and Artos. I have ideas for a brother and sister dynamic and ones for a romantic dynamic. Thank you so much for reading!]

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