The Dragon and the Wolf Pt. 1

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Artos's head ached as he regained consciousness. He could feel gentle hands lightly tugging at a few wefts of his hair. His somewhat peaceful moment was interrupted by violent coughs shaking through him.
"Here, my love. Have some water." Dany told him once he could breathe again. Artos sat up slightly taking the water flask from her with a raspy thank you. After turning to thank her a small braid fell into his vision and he raised an amused brow at his blushing wife.
"What's this then?" He asked taking it in his hand as he leaned back pulling her to him.
"I was worried about you. Jon woke up days ago, you were burning up and shaking. The maester said the fever could kill you." She told him swatting his hand away as he made a move to unwind the strands.
"You're still burning up." She told him kissing his head.
"Why is it I always wake up on a boat?" Artos laughed looking around. Dany smiled at him and shook her head reaching over and picking up his crown.
"I had to bring it for this. To show her you're mine." She said sitting it on top of his head and grinning when the braid fell beautifully in place.
"I'll meet you there." She told him stepping out of the room.
"Wait." Artos called out before she could leave.
"What's that?" He asked her teasingly pointing to the embroidered wolf and dragon of both their houses intertwined together. It sat in her cloak just above her heart. Daenerys grinned and all but bounced over to a chair in the corner.
"I had them made. I was never taught to do this sort of thing. I hope you like them." She told him handing over a much larger cloak. The same mix of their sigils stitched over the same spot hers was.
"It's perfect." Artos told her pulling her down to kiss her head.
"You should go. You don't want to be overly late." Artos teased her. She smiled and dashed out of the room and Artos looked down contently at the threads running his thumb over them gently.

Artos stepped onto the deck to see Jon and Davos standing at the end of the ship.
"How far are we?" Artos asked looking out to the sea. Jon spun around and smiled bringing his brother into a hug.
"We should be seeing the keep soon. I'm glad you're up and well for this. It's almost like you planned it." Jon told him patting his back.
"Couldn't let you have all the fun." He told him. Missandei stepped around them and pulled Artos into a hug next. When she pulled back quickly and rushed out an apology.
"No need to apologize. I'm okay, and you did nothing wrong." He told her with a smile. She relaxed before stepping back to Jorah.
"Glad you're all right." Jorah called out receiving a grateful nod in return.
"You really do love her don't you?" Jon asked looking from the crown to the braid then lastly his new cloak.
"I never knew it was possible to love one woman this much until I met her." Artos told him.

The conversations fell quiet and no more than an hour later the Red Keep appeared through the morning fog.
"How many people live here?" Jon asked Tyrion as he stepped up beside them.
"A million, give or take." He told him.
"That's more people than the entire North crammed into that. Why would anyone live that way?" Jon asked crinkling his nose while Artos mummed in agreement.
"There's more work in the city. And the brothels are far superior. What was the name of the one you kept going back to?" Tyrion asked Artos. The wolf king chuckled shaking his head.
"Colette." He told him after a moment of silence. His heart and body will belong to Dany from the day they married to the day he dies and beyond, but part of him was curious if she was still there or if she had been caught in the wildfire that took the Great Sept and the surrounding buildings and homes.

The walk to the dragon pit put a strain on Artos still recovering body as he leaned on Missandei more than he would have wished to. Her arm had been looped through his as he guided her to their destination and now he regretted the offer for her sake.
"Why did they build it?" She asked smiling reassuringly at her friend as he tried to pull some of his weight off her.
"Dragons don't understand the difference between what is theirs and what isn't. Lamb, livestock, children... Letting them roam free around a city was a problem." Jorah told her.
"I imagine it was a sad joke at the end. An entire arena for a few sickly creatures smaller than dogs. But in the beginning, when it was home to Balerion the Dread, it must have been the most dangerous place in the world." Tyrion added in. Beast took a protective stance in front of Missandei and Artos knowing full well he was in no condition to fight at the moment.
"Maybe it still is." Davos said when they spotted Lannister men from around the corner.
"Welcome, my lords. Your friends arrived before you did. I've been sent to escort you all to the meeting." Bronn said first gesturing to a tall woman with short blonde hair and a smaller man with dark hair. He held his hand out and the soldiers behind him part to form a path. Bronn looked Artos up and down remembering him from his time at the Vale when he fought for Tyrion's life. Artos nodded to the Dothraki general telling him to go ahead. He nodded back to the man and let his men through. Artos fell in step behind them with everyone else following him.
"Here we are- the heroes of Blackwater Bay. Strange place for a reunion." Tyrion said.
"It is, my lord." Podrick answered him.
"Don't think I'm anyone's lord anymore, Podrick. Save the titles for Ser Bronn of the Blackwater." Tyrion jested.
"I'm sure you're new queen or king will be happy to restore yours if she ends up on the throne." Bronn told him glancing back at Artos.
"You've been thinking about our new queen? Perhaps you've been reconsidering your allegiances. Remember my offer- whatever they're paying you, I'll pay double." Tyrion told him.
"And that would be double what now, exactly?" Verys asked Bronn.
"Don't you worry about me. I'm doing all right. Looking after myself." Bronn told them.
"Are you? Helping me to arrange this meeting wasn't exactly looking after yourself, was it? You put yourself at risk.
"I put yourself at risk. Important difference. It's your head Queen Cersei's offered a bag of gold for, it's not mine. Now thanks to me, she's got two traitors' heads coming through her door. She can lop them both off as soon as she gets tired of the clever words that pour out their pieholes. All the while she gets to sit there looking lovingly at her darling Artos Stark who as far as she is concerned can do no wrong. All thanks to Ser Bronn of the fucking  Blackwater. If that's not looking after myself, I don't know what is." Bronn told them. Tyrion paused for a moment before speaking again.
"It's good to see you again." He told him. Bronn glanced down at Trion before replying.
"Yeah, you, too." He said then the group fell silent.

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