The Gift

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To say Artos was on edge and very alert would be an understatement. It was the first time the public would be seeing baby Ned. Artos was against bringing him to the fighting pits, but Dany insisted Missandei come and she outright refused him to stay behind. Artos had no other choice but to stand tall with Beast by his side and Ned in Dany's arms. Beast much like his master was alert and ready to rip anyone who got too close limb from limb.
"Sitting through the great games will be bad enough." Dany said as they followed Hizdahr up the steps.
"For generations in the days leading up to the great games, it has been customary for our ruler to make the rounds of the lower pits to pay the fighters there the honor of her presence." He said taking a seat off to the side to leave Artos and Dany in the middle with Ned and Beast.
"She won't be doing that." Artos roughly told the newly free man. Hizdahr lightly bowed his head to Artos before turning to the front. He didn't understand their king. He was a man who wanted no power yet held so much. He was a man who had the ability to take on 10 men at once yet due to his wife's wishes fought none. Every time they had seen him he had been calm or angry. No one knew who Artos Stark really was except Daenerys, Missandei, and Grey Worm. The people were intimidated by him. All attention was brought away from the new baby and to the pit when the gates opened and several men were pushed out.
"Move yourselves." A man said as he shoved them along. He spotted Dany and Artos and made his way quickly to them.
"Your Grace. You honor us all." He said bowing to both of them before running back and putting the men in place.
"We fight and die for your glory, O glorious queen." The men chanted together. The man shouted fight and it began. Metal against metal and bone as man after man was slaughtered. Dany began to fidget at the sight and Artos reached over pulling Ned from her arms into his and weaved his fingers through hers. Dany clasped both her hands tightly around his one for comfort.
"I think I've seen enough. You were right, we shouldn't have brought Ned here." Dany said standing up to leave.
"Your Grace, it is a tradition for the queen to stay until the victor has emerged." Hizdahr called after her. Dany paused before turning to look at him.
"I've sacrificed more than enough for your traditions." She told him, planting her leg between Artos's in an attempt to block Ned from the violence. Sure she knew that he was too young to notice and he was sleeping but it made her feel better. A man came from the gate and slammed his elbow in the announcer's face when he tried to stop him. The crowd cheered and shouted at the new competitor to enter the pit pulling Dany and Artos's attention back to the fight. He walked through knocking each man unconscious refusing to kill them. Once they were all out the man began approaching them making the guards lower their spears and Beast to stand and growl at Dany's feet. Artos stood as well placing Ned back in Dany's Arms and stepping in front of her resting his hand on the hilt of his sword. The man lowered his head and removed the helmet to reveal Jorah underneath. Artos looked him over and sighed taking a step to the side so Dany could see who it was. She gripped Ned closer to herself and shook her head.
"Get him out of my sight." She ordered with a crack in her voice.
"Khaleesi, please. I just need a moment of your time." Jorah pleaded with her as two guards grabbed him.
"I brought you a gift." He shouted as he was being pulled away.
"It's true. He has." Another man shouted. Artos looked over to see Tyrion walking toward them. Artos scoffed angrily at the sight of him. He couldn't very well be keeping Sansa and his son safe if he was here now, could he?
"Who are you?" Dany asked looking him up and down holding Ned just a little tighter than before. She didn't panic as much as she would have because Artos seemed more angry at the man than worried about the situation, so she figured they were safe enough.
"I am the gift. It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Grace. MY name is Tyrion Lannister, and would much appreciate it if you would calm him down before he uses that sword on me. I believe I have a lot of explaining to do to your dear husband." He said nodding at Artos. Dany turned away from Tyrion to look at Artos. He was gripping his sword tightly and his eyes were dark grey as he looked down at the man. She pulled his hand away from the blade and gently placed Ned in his arms and watched him closely as his eye softened when Ned locked his own violet gaze with the steel of his father's.

[Thank you for reading!]

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