First of His Name

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Artos was sitting at the meeting table with Dany standing behind him holding his shoulders. Jorah had called them in a moment before to discuss important matters.
"King Joffrey Baratheon is dead. Murdered at his own wedding. Your sister has fled the capital with the queen's baby." He told then addressing the last part to Artos. He didn't even try to hide the smile that brightened his stormy face. I wasn't present long before worry creased his brow though. He knew Sansa would be in even more danger than she was before.
"And we have taken the Meereenese navy, Your Grace." Barristan cut in taking the attention off a grateful Artos.
"The Second Sons took the Meereenese navy." Daario corrected smirking toward Daenerys. Artos gave him a dark look and he quickly averted his gaze.
"Who told you to take the navy?" Dany asked him annoyed.
"No one." He said taking his seat.
"So why did you do it?" She asked again in the same tone.
"I heard you like ships." He shrugged. Dany pressed her forehead to the top of Artos's head before looking up again.
"How many ships?" She asked looking to Barristan.
"93, Your Grace." He told her.
"How many men can they carry?" She asked narrowing her eyes slightly in thought.
"9,300, not counting sailors." He told her simply.
"Would that be enough to take King's Landing?" She asked looking down at Artos.
"The Lannisters have more." Jorah told her. Artos let his hand fall behind him and cup her thigh. Yes, he wanted to get back as soon as he could but not if it meant they were underprepared and it coasted her life.
"They've been fighting Joffrey's wars for years. They're tired, dispersed. And now their king is dead. 8,000 Unsullied, 2,000 Second Sons sailing into Blackwater Bay and storming the gates without warning." Barristan disagreed. Dany raised a brow at Jorah almost smugly.
"It's hard to say. It could be enough. But we're not fighting to make you queen of King's Landing. 10,000 men can't conquer Westeros." Jorah told her.
"He's right. Most of the Northern forces were wiped out with... if we still had those men I would say we could, but we don't." Artos told her. Dany wrapped her arm around his upper chest pulling him into her for comfort. She still felt guilty and she knew he had yet to forgive her for not letting him go back to save them.
"The old houses will flock to our queen when she crosses the Narrow Sea.
"The old houses will flock to whichever side they think will win, as they always have. Artos had a point if we had the North we would have no problem but they are too weak right now to help much. There's other news. From Yunkai. Without the Unsullied to enforce your rule, the Wise Masters have retaken control of the city. They've reenslaved the freedmen who stayed behind and swore o take revenge against you. And in Astapor, the council you installed to rule over the city has been overthrown by a butcher named Cleon who's declared himself 'His Imperial Majesty.'" Jorah told her. Dany began to take heavy breaths and tighten her grip on Artos.
"Please leave us." She told them. They all started to stand and leave.
"Not you, Jorah." She said and he stopped.
"It appears my liberation of Slaver's Bay isn't going quite as planned." She said sadly.
"You could sail for Westeros and leave it all behind. A boy sits on the Iron Throne. A boy many believe to be a bastard with no right to it. They've never been more vulnerable." Jorah told her.
"You counseled me against rashness once in Qarth. I didn't listen. That all worked out well. How can I rule seven kingdoms if I can't control Slaver's Bay? Why should anyone trust me? Why should anyone follow me?" Dany asked them.
"You're a Targaryen. You're the Mother of Dragons." Jorah told her. Artos decided to say what he wanted when they were alone.
"I need to be more than that. I will not let those I have freed slide back into chains. I will not sail for Westeros." She told her with her head held high.
"What, then?" He asked her confused.
"I will do what queens do. I will rule." She told them walking out onto the balcony. Artos smiled and shrugged at Jorah who sighed and turned to leave the room. Artos stood from his seat and walked up behind Dany.
"I had my blood." She told him after a moment of silence. Artos looked at her confused by her words.
"After I lost my son it stopped. I woke this morning and it started again. I will be ruling here for a time and you said when I was on the throne we would marry. I'm on a throne." She told him smiling. Artos chuckled shaking his head.
"I said when the fighting is done, we would marry." He told her with a teasing smile.
"It is done for now. The hard part anyway. Please, I won't call you king if that's what you want." She said laughing slightly. Artos thought for a moment before mockingly glaring at her.
"Promise not to call me king?" He asked her.
"I promise, I will just have to call you my lover instead." She told him grinning and pulling his face down to hers.
"Will you then?" She asked after placing a kiss on his lip. Artos nodded his head.
"I will." His response came out in a whisper but Daenerys heard it just fine and squealed and jumped into his arms hugging him close.

[The between now and them going to Dragonstone will be drug out a bit but just hang in there. Thank you s much for reading!]

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