Lord Snow

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Artos was in bed staring blankly at the ceiling

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Artos was in bed staring blankly at the ceiling. He hadn't gotten any sleep after what had happened. His heart hurt and every time he closed his eyes he saw her and what she was doing with him. He was pulled out of his thought when Arya busted through the door.
"Did you find her, was she okay?" Arya asked him as she jumped on the bed next to him. Artos glanced at his youngest sister.
"She was fine I sent her home." His voice was dull and empty. Arya placed her hand on his head checking for a fever.
"Are you alright?" Arya sounded worried. Artos just nodded his yes and turned to look back at the ceiling. Ned peaked into the room.
"We are getting ready to leave." Arya jumped up and sent one last look to her brother before following their father out. Artos lugged himself out of bed and got dressed. He walked out and straight up to his horse, Beast bolted out of the inn and up to him. Once he saw the state Artos was in he laid his ears back and whined. Artos scratched him behind the ears and the wolf became his playful self again. Artos mounted his horse once the party started off on the road again.

The rest of the journey to King's Landing was quicker than expected with the repairs they made to the wheelhouse. The capital was far warmer than Artos would have liked. He was wearing his riding pants and boots but had opted for a thin borderline sheer loose tunic and a thin hooded cloak to keep the sun off his pale Northern skin. Artos kept his head down as they rode through the gate and rode up to his father.
"I'll be back later I'm going to have a look around." Ned nodded him off but watched him leave. Arya had said that he was down and short with her and it worried Ned. He had never been anything less than content and was always easygoing. Ned wanted to blame the fact that he missed the cold of the North but something told him that might not be all true.

Artos rode through the streets high on his horse with Beast following close behind head held high and full of pride. He and Artos draw eyes even with his hood up and face hidden people took one look at the large and still growing direwolf and the whispers started. 'Fearsome Wolf' 'Wild Wolf' 'The Handsome Wolf'. Artos decided he needed to get Cersei out of his head. He sat up tall and let his hood fall back to reveal his slightly more rugged than usual look to the people of King's Landing. Though more rugged he was still the most handsome man anyone had seen. He unmounted his horse and led her to the water and tied her to the pole before stepping inside the brothel. Artos didn't visit them often and when he did it was always the same select few women he would see every time. He walked up to the bar and was graced with a tall cup of mead. He felt a small had run along his shoulder and he glanced back to meet a pair of bright blue eyes framed in blonde curls. She was very petite but all women. Her head would barely reach his chest if he was standing.
"Why don't you let me take care of you?" Her voice was low and sultry. Artos hesitated for a moment before nodding and tossing some money over for his mead. The girl grabbed his hand and faltered for a moment when she noticed just how big this man was. The other whores sent her glares or envious looks. Stories have spread all over about how the Wild Wolf can make a girl feel. The pair stepped into a small room and she turned to close the door. Slightly on edge because of the big black wolf that followed the man.
"What's your name." He asked her trying to sound interested but Cersei still circled in his mind.
"Colette." She told him. His voice made her shiver.
"How old are you?" He asked her.
"Sixteen." She looked as though she could have been younger but Artos relaxed slightly upon finding out she was only a year younger than he was. She felt herself dampen and she removed his tunic to reveal the thick mussel underneath. She started to slowly trace the scars on his chest but he was quick to take hold of her wrist.
"Please don't." His voice was firm and demanding. Artos couldn't stand the thought of her touching him as Cersei had. Colette nodded not wanting to upset him. Artos leaned down to her ear.
"Tell me what you enjoy Colette. What pleases you? Do you want me to take you hard and fast or soft and slow? Maybe both?" Colette blushed and became flustered.
"Nobody has ever asked me that before. They just push me against something and fuck me so hard it hurts. I don't enjoy that." Artos nodded and brushed some of her hair behind her ear. He kissed her neck lightly before untying the small string holding up the thin cotton dress. It came sliding down her body like water, Artos watched it fall mesmerized by the way it moved down her supple curves. Colette was very beautiful but she wasn't the woman he loved. He felt like he was betraying Cersei but he pushed any negative feeling down and sat on the floor at the foot of the bed. He motioned her closer with two fingers. She walked to his slightly confused and started to sit down on his lap. Artos grabbed her hips and stopped her. He laid his head back on the bed and pulled her over the top of him. Once her knees were firmly planted on either side of him he started to kiss her thighs inches away from her now soaked pussy. Colette gasped at the new feeling. Nobody had ever kissed her down there before. She nearly collapsed forward when Artos swiped his tongue through her lower lips. He pushed one finger inside of her and marveled at the way she sucked him in. Artos added a second and leaned back up to begin the oral assault on her once again. Colette became tense and Artos pulled her into her first orgasm. Her body felt like it was on fire, waves of pleasure ran through her like water crashing against shore during a storm. As her mind returned to her body and her breathing came back down to an even rhythm Artos pulled himself from his pants and pulled her down onto his lap. His throbbing cock pressed between their bodies.
"At your own pace. I want you in control. Move the way you want to move. Go as fast as you want to go." He told her kissing her ear then down her neck. Colette lifted herself and reached down, she hadn't seen him she only felt him. She couldn't wrap her hand all the way around him and she had to lift her body quite a bit to be even with the head. With a nervous breath, she started to feed him into her wanting pussy. She grunted a little but kept moving downwards wanting nothing more than to please him the way he had just done for her. Artos grabbed her hips and held her still.
"Only when you're comfortable." Colette nodded and he loosed his grip but didn't let go. She waited a few seconds before sliding down again. This time she managed to get all the way into a seated position. She sat comfortably in his lap the fullness she felt was pleasant. She felt content as Artos leaned forward slightly and rested his forehead against hers. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. She felt safe in his arms like this. Colette started to half bounce and half grind her hips at an even and steady pace. Small gasps and moans left her and the sound of Artos's breath picking up encouraged her to move a little faster. Six minutes in Artos had to help guide her hips and she was wrecked with another orgasm this one more intense than the last. Artos kept her hips moving in the way she liked as she slowly came back down to earth.
"Are you ok?" He asked her softly. She didn't trust her voice with words so she simply nodded her head yes.
"Can you keep going?" Again she nodded and slowly took back control of her movements. After a few minutes of rocking, Colette felt a burn coming to her thighs. A light grimace found its way onto her face and Artos stopped her from moving.
"What's wrong?" She turned red in the face at his question.
"My legs hurt." Her answer was shy. Artos felt a smile for the first time in weeks pull at the corner of his lips. He pulled them off the floor still completely inside her and turned to lay her down on the bed. Holding himself up on his elbows he tried to keep the pace she had before. He buried his head in the crook of her neck and relished in the small noises she made. They slowly grew louder and more frequent as she started to cum again. After she came back down for the third time she was tired and worn. Artos picked up his pace a bit having picked up on her fatigued state, not long after he pulled himself from her and released himself on her stomach. She laid there a big smile and half-closed eyes. Astros stood and called for a bowl of water and a towel. When they were brought in he did what he always does and gently cleaned up the mess he had made. Artos then crawled in bed and pulled the thin cover over them.
"How does the Wild Wolf not have a wife or lover to travel with him." Artos sighed and pulled her to his chest. With her head over his heart he started to make traces in her hair.
"I love someone. I ran to her to tell her how I felt only to find her with someone else." Colette's heart broke for him.
"I've never loved anyone." She told him.
"I wish I never had." His voice was thick with sleep. Not gaining more than a few hours in the last two weeks. Colette looked up at him as soft snores left his lips. She felt her chest warm at the sight of him. She had heard stories about him. How he had saved small towns and cities for horrible people. How he had taken lovers after the battles and how they would sing sings of the pleasures he provided. She never thought she would one day have him. It made her curse her misfortune of working in a whore house and not a high-born lady. When he walked in with the wolf she knew it had been him. She craved him from the stories. She wanted someone who would be enjoyable. She was right though, he was enjoyable, and she had never been in love before but looking a the sleeping wolf she felt that she could love this man. Colette curled herself back into his chest and drifted off with the sounds of his steady heartbeat.

Artos StarkWhere stories live. Discover now