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Artos was dirty and exhausted by the time he reached King's Landing. He only stopped for sleep a few time during the journey. The posted guards were few in between and it worried Artos. Why were there so few guards at the walls? Artos rode through without much trouble. It didn't take him long to ride through the city to the castle, the people were indoors and not many littered the streets. It was quiet and somber when Artos reached the stables he dismounted and lead his sweaty horse over to the water and food. The guards finally stopped him before he could reach the gates.
"What is your business here?" One asked.
"I seek the presence of the queen." Artos told him firmly. The guard nodded and opened the door leading Artos through the empty halls. They reached the council chamber where Cersei was seen seated at the head of the table. When she looked up and locked her green eyes on the grey she had been missing she stood and ushered the guards from the room. She began speaking but Artos couldn't bring his eyes away from the swell of her belly. The baby had grown in the months he had been gone. Artos fell to one knee and rested his hand gently on her stomach.
"How is our baby?" His voice was quiet as he leaned forward slightly and rested his head on her soft gown that separated their skin.
"They are doing well." She told him lifting his chin to look at his face. Cersei let out a sharp gasp when she saw the gash across his beautiful features. It didn't make him less beautiful, somehow it made him more so. Cersei ran her finger delicately over the tender pink flesh and across his bottom lip.
"Who did this to you?" She asked him her voice shook with rage.
"It doesn't matter. I'm here for my father. I'm here for the girls." Artos told her pulling her hand from his face and standing up. He had to look down at her height and his new scar stood out as a shadow covered his eyes. Cersei felt a shiver run through her. She didn't know if she should call her guards back in or drop to her knees.
"Your father is accused of treason. He tried to say Joffrey wasn't the true heir to the throne." Cersei told him strongly even though her body fought her on it. 
"Is it true? Is he the true heir to the throne, with his blonde hair and green eyes. I'm finding it hard to believe he's has any Baratheon blood running through his veins." Artos sneered at her. He took a large step forward and Cersei took one back falling down into the chair behind her.
"There is nothing I can I do." She told him quietly.
"Send him North, to the wall. It will protect your children and free my father. It's that or your son will face the Northern army." Cersei nodded her head at him.
"I will, I promise. Please stay, in a few months I'll give birth. I will send your father to the Wall if you stay." Cersei pleaded with him.
"Fine." Artos said without a moment to think. If it meant his father would be free then he would do it.

Artos was lead through the halls by Cersei holding his arm tightly. They stopped at a heavy door that Cersei pushed open to reveal a large room.
"You can stay here, I'll inform everyone you are here to bend the knee to Joffrey." Artos tensed at her words. He never claimed to do such things. He would never bendy the knee to a cruel king, the fact that he was a bastard had nothing to do with it.
"I won't." Cersei sighed she knew he wouldn't.
"I know, but they need to believe you are. They need to believe you think you father was wrong. I need you to do this." Artos laughed darkly turning to her.
"I don't care what you need Cersei. I don't love you. I don't care for you. I am here for my father. I am here for my sisters. I am here for my baby. I'm not here to dress up and play politics with you." Artos said in an even emotionless tone staring down at her. Cersei felt her heart clench at his words. She had lost him and if it wasn't for the baby she carried she knew she wouldn't be able to keep him here.
"The trial is tomorrow. You made it just in time." She told him stiffly before turning and walking out of the room. Artos groaned and slammed his fist into the wall beside the door. Throbbing pain shot up his arm, but he welcomed it. He had lied to her. Of corse he still cared for her, but with what she put his family through he couldn't love her. Not anymore. Artos walked out of the room in search of his sisters. He found Sansa first, she was huddled up in her room.
"Sansa." Artos called out to her softly. She whipped her head around to see her favorite sibling taking up the door way. His large direwolf standing at his side. She was sure she was dreaming, how could he be here.
"Artos?" She questioned as she stood up from her bed walking slowly toward him. Artos didn't answer instead he pulled her into a tight hug. Sansa began sobbing against his chest holding him tightly. He smelled of rust, dirt, and sweat but the undertone was completely him. He always smelled of the snow, ash, and fire. He smelt like home even if he had been away from it for so long.
"I missed you. I'm so sorry, I should have left when father told me to. I shouldn't have fought him so hard. I'm so sorry." Artos held her tightly lightly tracing his finger through her hair.
"I'm sorry I left." He told her quietly. Sansa's body shook in another sob. Artos walked her back towards her bed and sat her down on it. He commanded Beast in next to her.
"I need to find Arya. Beast will stay here with you." He told her firmly. He kissed her head before turning out of her room walking quickly down the hall.

Artos StarkWhere stories live. Discover now