The Bells

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Artos wanted to leave. It had been weeks and he had yet to see Missandei, nor had he heard anything about Dany and the army. He was laying flat on his back when he heard a distant dragon roar. Artos felt his lips pull into a smile and he pushed himself to his feet. He pushed himself out of the window holding onto the ledge carefully as he sidestepped to the next room. Once safely in the next room, he looked out to see Dany burning the walls. Down below he noticed Their army standing across from the Lannister army. Drogon then swooped down above the city and Artos's heart dropped. He took off as fast as he could praying he would make it before she did anything she would regret. This wasn't the plan, they were supposed to get the people out and safe not start burning the city and walls with them inside. Artos flew through a secret exit in the keep and continued to run. Just as he turned the corner he spotted Dany. Her eyes were sunken and her face was wet with tears. She was watching the bell closely and it dawn on him. She was waiting for it to ring, but Artos knew Cersei wouldn't ring it. He shook his head and resumed his run. His lungs burned as he went, ash biter on his tongue. Just as Artos reached her the impossible happened, the bell began to ring. Dany turned to look at the castle a sob falling from her lips. She didn't look relieved, she looked more heartbroken than before. Artos started to shove his way through the people moving quicker as her gaze turned hateful.
"Dany!" Artos yelled up to her. She snapped her head in his direction and let her eyes fall over him. She shook her head once she met the worry in his grey orbs and screamed.
"Dany, it's me. I'm okay. Please, come down." He pleaded with her holding out his hand. She looked as though she couldn't believe he was there as she shook her head. She had Drogon lower his front leg as she held her hand back to him. Artos sighed and shivered as he stepped forward. Her hand was arm in his and her body hot as he clutched to her as Drogon jolted into the air.

They weren't in the air long before they landed harshly on the ground and Dany shoved him roughly off the dragon. Artos felt his breath leave his lungs and confusion fill him. Just as he was able to inhale properly again Dany joined him on the ground.
"I was told you were dead. Why would you leave, why would you do this!" She shouted at him sobbing. Artos stood up placing his hands on her upper arms leaning down a bit to be eye level with her.
"She would have killed Missandei. I couldn't let that happen." He told her moving one hand up to cup the back of her head.
"I was ready to burn the city. I wanted that stupid throne gone. I thought it took you from me and our children. I hated it. I hate it." She told him resting her head on his chest. Artos held her close slowly rocking her back and forth.
"I'm here. The city is fine. We just need to get back and end this. You will sit on the throne and we will have our savage little girl." Artos told her chuckling lightly.
"I'm mad. I am my father and I'm mad." She said sobbing all over again.
"You're not mad. You were heartbroken and thinking irrationally." Artis told her wiping some dirt from her face.
"I was going to burn them all. I cannot be their queen. I can't take it anymore." She told him. Artos shushed her as he kissed her forehead.
"You're not going to be doing this alone. I'll be there to help. I promise not to run off again." He told her leading her back to Drogon.
"Let's go finish this." He told her kissing her lip. Dany nodded drying her face and climbing back up on Drogon.

They flew over the city landing in the Red Keep's courtyard Lannister men chained in rows with Cersei in front of them. Her wrists were bound and tears dry on her angry face. Artos dismounted clumsily before helping Dany down. Dany watched Cersei hatefully and Cersei looked back just the same. Artos turned to Dany for her to start her speech but she shook her head.
"Please, take it." She begged him lowly. Artos closed his eyes as she sighed before turning back to the people.
"Two options as always. You can either pledge your swords to House Targaryen or you can-" Artos started but Dany stepped forward.
"You pledge your sword to your new king Artos Stark or you join the Night's Watch. If you choose neither you will die." She told them as strongly as she could. Artos creased his brows and shook his head at her. She knew he didn't want this. Before he could protest the sound of metal drew his attention. The Lannister men were pulling their swords and kneeling before him. Artos looked around at them and scoffed in disbelief.
"Why bow so quickly." Artos asked not quite understanding.
"You were here before. Most of us remember you. We shared stories of battle and women. You played with my children." One of them told him as a few more men called out in agreement.
"We haven't had a king who cared about our lives before." Another man spoke up.
"Well can't say you didn't try to give up your crown." Jon teased him pulling him into a hug. They both knew now they weren't truly brothers, but it didn't change that they would still see each other as anything but.

[Short chapter I know. This story is almost complete. Thank you so much for reading!]

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