The Kingsroad

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Cersei locked her fingers into Artos's hair as he pulled them from the door and all but slammed her down onto the bed

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Cersei locked her fingers into Artos's hair as he pulled them from the door and all but slammed her down onto the bed. He pulled away and she whined at his absence. Artos chuckled and let his eyes run over her quivering form. Cersei was still fully clothed but felt naked under his gaze. Artos reset his hand on her shoulder and ran his fingers down her arm before gently grabbing her hand pulling her into a seated position.
"I want you to stand and undress for me, Your Grace." He told her in a low commanding tone. Cersei wanted to feel outraged at being told what to do, but she felt like a common whore in his presence and she was thriving in the feeling. As she stood Artos took her previous spot on the bed. Cersei turned to look at him slowly unlacing her dress and letting it fall to the stone floor. She kicked off her shoes and gasped lightly when her warm feet hit the chilled stone. Artos motioned her forward with two fingers, Cersei walked in front of him and he stood to his full height. Artos towered over her, body radiating power and intimidation.
"Would my queen be so kind as to help me out of my clothes?" It was more of an order than a question. Her hands were quick to yank his shirt over his head. He had leaned over slightly for her to make it easier. Her eyes ran down his torso falling on bruises from his most recent battle than to the scars from the old ones. Her finger traced them starting from the ones by his shoulders then down to the one that disappeared under the top of his pants. Artos watched her closely. Though he only had a handful they were all sensitive and a slight tingle went through him whenever she would touch one. Cersei reached for the leather stings keeping his riding pant tight around his hips. She met his eyes with hers, dark lust-filled grey met green ones willed with arousal. With a hard tug, the knot loosened and she squatted bring the thick dark leather with her. She looked up from his feet after helping him step out of them and was met with a cock that had her breath stuck in her throat. Artos was a large man in every shape and form. Cersei placed her hand around him and found herself barely able to touch her middle fingertip to her thumb. The head was dark and swollen dripping precum he was nine inches fully hard and heavy. Cersei gently licked the tip of his cock and she was delighted by the sharp groan that followed and large firm hand tangled in her hair.
"Not this time my queen." Artos told her before taking the wrist of the hand that still had him in a firm grip. He lifted her to her feet and pushed her backward onto the bed. Cersei let out a squeal as she fell through the air onto the soft furs. Her hair lay around her like a halo and Artos took ahold of one of her dainty ankles and pushed, forcing her to bend her knee before taking the other and pulling outward spreading her leg from her body and far as he could without bringing her discomfort. He crawled onto the bed and fell in front of her bringing her bent knee over his shoulder and kissing down her thigh. Cersei was a shaking mess by the time he reached her sopping wet center. He looked up into her eyes and let his tongue run through her hot folds. Cersei broke eye contact and threw her head back threading one hand through his hair and placing her other over her mouth to stop the loud moan that threatened to release itself. Artos pulled away from her slightly.
"Don't do that. I want to hear you." He told her before burning his face back into her welcoming heat. He lifted a hand and he sank one then two fingers deep inside of her. Cersei was letting out low moans and gasps but a scream of pure pleasure came from her as Artis pulled her clit into his hot mouth. The new stimulation and the perfect way he curled his fingers sent her into a blinding orgasm. He rode her through it and pulled away when her shaking body slowed and her breathing leveled out again. Cersei came back to her senses and pulled Artos up to her and kissed him hard, the taste of herself still on his lips.
" Please. Please just put it in me." She begged him. Artos laughed lowly before sheathing himself inside her. The stretch in her walls made her grunt and Artos stilled at the sound. He waited patiently kissing her neck and letting the hand that he wasn't holding himself up with, draw circles on her sensitive clit. Cersei bucked her hips against his.
"Take me like it's the last time you ever lay with a woman." At her words, Artos growled and pulled back before thrusting back in so roughly it almost knocked the breath out of her. He kept up his pace for nearly an hour. Cersei shook through two more orgasms before he pulled from her and released his hot seeds across her toned stomach.
"Are you alright my queen?" He asked her through deep breaths.
"Yes." It was a simple reply but she couldn't get much else out through her panting.
"If you hide for a moment I'll have us a bath drawn." Artos tucked a strand of sweaty hair behind one of her flushed ears.
" Okay." Artos helped her stand and slip into the wardrobe. Cersei sank down to the floor, unable to stand on her shaky legs as an ache started to grow between them and deep inside her. Cersei didn't have to wait long before Artos opened the door and lifted her from the floor and placed her in the bath as though she was a doll. Taking a seat behind her Artos sighed as the hot water soothed his aching mussels. Cersei leaned back against him as he gently began to massage her thighs and lower stomach.
"I'm starting to ache." She told him when he placed a sweet kiss on her shoulder.
"I shouldn't have been so rough with you." Artos told her guilt swelling in his chest.
"Yes, you should have. I enjoyed every minute of it. I have never felt so much pleasure before." The guilt was replaced with pride then anger at her words.
"The King is a fool if he doesn't kneel before his wife in the bedroom." Cersei blushed at the comment. Her mind drifted to Jamie. She always believed they belonged together, but after what had just happened between her and the fearsome wolf of the North she was questioning herself. Artos was attentive and caring. He made her feel good before himself. He took care of her while she ached afterward. He was everything she never knew existed. After washing Artos helped the queen from the bath, the hot water helping soothe some of her aches. He helped her into her dress and poked his head out of the door. He leaned back in and placed a kiss on her lips before letting her leave.

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