The Ghost of Harrenhal

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Artos woke to a knock on his door. He figured it was Doreah again. It had been over a week since Daenerys and her people had arrived in Qarth, and it seemed both women had taken a liking to him while the Mother of Dragons was captivating she was the future queen and Artos thought it might be best if he didn't get involved the way he had with Doreah. After the door stayed closed Artos know it couldn't have been the brunette that was currently keeping his bed warm and body relaxed. She only ever knocked once and came in. Artos stretched and pulled on some clothes. The Thirteen had gifted him some more temperature-appropriate clothing and Artos was still trying to get used to the silk that hugged tight to his skin. Once clothed he opened the door to see the small women that he was growing to admire.
''I want to show you something.'' Daenerys didn't give him time to answer before she took his arms calling out Beast's name softly leading them off to her chambers.

Artos found himself sitting with Doreah in his lap watching as Daenerys pulled a small dragon from his cage seating him on the edge of the balcony. She placed a small piece of meat in front of him leaning down to see him a bit closer.
''Dracarys.'' She told the small black and red dragon who squeaked and tilted his head at her. Artos moved his gaze from the dragon to Dany watching as a smile lightened her face. She truly was beautiful. Unlike Cersei who had stunning sharp angles in her face and cruel intentions. Daenerys had sweet rounded features and a desire to help people. The more time Artos spent with the girl the more she pushed Cersei out of his mind. Now when he thought of her he only thought of his son. Artos may have only held him once but he longed for his pup with lion green eyes. Artos turned back to Doreah and kissed the back of her head. He liked her and she comforted him, but it was easier to be with her when the Dragon Queen wasn't around.
"Dracarys.'' Dany told her child once again puling Artos's gaze back to it. He hissed and blew fire onto the small cube of meat scorching it before tearing into it. Dany laughed and Doreah squealed and clapped turning to kiss Artos on the lips. Artos was just in awe, he always longed to see a dragon and now he was watching one breathe fire.
''He'll be able to feed himself from now on." Dany told them getting up from her kneeled position. Doreah reached over to touch the dragon when Dany called from across the room.
''Let him sleep, Doreah.'' Doreah turned and looked at Artos over her shoulder. He sent her a teasing look before helping her stand.
''Yes, Khaleesi.'' She said with a bit of a laugh. Artos stood after her and looked towards Beast only to see him resting his head on the top of the rail nose to nose with Drogon. The little dragon nuzzled against the direwolf before Doreah picked him up to join his brothers in a nap.
''He loves you.'' Daenerys told her. Artos lifted the heavy cage for Doreah and she lead him to where they kept them. Dany started to speak to Irri in Dothraki so Artos focused his attention on Doreah. After setting down the wooden cage he pulled her into his arms and hugged her close. She smiled and hummed nuzzling into his cheat.
''This is new.'' She told him playing with a button on his shirt.
''Yes well, you have gone through most of my wardrobe with your nimble but aggressive little fingers." He said growling lowly in her ear lightly nipping at her fingertips. Doreah giggled before pulling away from him walking back to her Khaleesi.
''Did you see the dress Xaro had made for you?'' She started pulling up a blue and gold gown before continuing.
''They say he's the wealthiest man in Qarth.'' She brought the dress closer to Dany. Artos darted his eyes from Doreah to Irri. It was obvious to him they didn't care for each other. Artos hummed in agreeance to her statement about Xaro finding a seat on the bed next to where Doreah was standing.
''It is known.'' Artos gave Irri a smile. He knew she was in pain. Dany had told him about the man who lost his life. She gave him a smile back before they both turned back to the conversation.
''And Qarth is the wealthiest city in Essos-'' Artos gave her a look to stop where she was going with her words. Dany cut her off before she noticed.
"The last time a rich man gave me a dress, he was selling me to Khal Drogo.'' Daenerys sounded angry by this and sad that she had lost the man she grew to love. Irri said something in Dothraki again before Dany began to speak again.
''Xaro is our host, but we know nothing about him. Men like to talk about other men when they're happy.'' Artos frowned his brows at this and Dany sent him a smug look. He tilted his head at her and she blushed looking down at the fur in her hands. Artos figured she wanted Doreah to sleep with him. He knew she used to be a whore but figured she put that behind her when she joined Daenerys. Dany eyed the dress almost longingly when Doreah laid it on the bed next to Artos.
''You would look like a real princess in Xaro's-'' Irri was quick to stop Doreah mid-sentence.
''She's not a princess. She's a Khaleesi.'' Both women turned to look at her. Doreah was frustrated and Dany was shocked by her tone.
''You should wear it, Khaleesi. You are their guest. It would be rude not to.'' Irri was quick to add. Artos knew Irri felt bad. He couldn't blame her for any of it though, she wasn't used to living in a palace with fancy silk dresses, maids, and chefs.
''I think you would look exquisite in this dress.'' Artos told her standing up from his spot. Dany smiled at his words reaching for the gown.
''I'll wait outside for you both.'' He told them before stepping out of the room to see Irri standing against the wall head in her hands.
''I know this is hard for you.'' She jumped slightly at his words.
''How?'' She sounded almost desperate.
''Where I grew up in Winterfell, we didn't have as much as they do here and in the southern parts of Westeros. We had cooks but that was about it. The weather is always cold and damp, but it's home. I went to King's Landing with my father and sisters about a year ago. Now he's dead, one of my sisters is missing, and the other is in the grasps of a woman who despises her. I don't think I can ever get used to how different the rest of the world is from my home. I just look at it as something new instead of a change, because I will always remember home no matter how far away it is.'' Irri had tears in he eyes when she launched herself at Artos. She clung to him muttering something in Dothraki before pulling away from him. Artos ran his thumbs beneath her eyes drying her tears.
''Thank you.'' She told her before walking off to wherever she was headed before. Artos watched her go, his heart-tugging a bit for her. She was a strong girl, broken more than people realized. Artos was pulled from his thoughts when the door to Dany's room opened. He had been right, she did look exquisite in the gown. Artos held both arms out for each lady. They took his arms, Dany on the left and Doreah on the right. Beast took his step next to Daenerys. The large direwolf's head met her shoulder. Beast had grown a liking to Dany in the past week and liked to box her in when they walked.

Artos StarkWhere stories live. Discover now