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: *・゚:*:・゚* 03: Ex talk

: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧* 03: Ex talk

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—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

~For the past few days, Y/N and Sugawara had been texting non-stop.

Both of their faces bad began to brighten up once they saw a notification from each other. Feelings slowly but surely starting to bubbled up.

Since their meeting and talking, he noticed that she wore her uniform might neatly, her hair was nicely brushed with a headband placed perfectly and she wore very light make up. He had began to choose to spend his lunch with her rather than his friends. They had gotten real comfortable with each other real fast. Without noticing, Sugawara had began to wake up a little earlier just to make extra sure he looked nice for the day because he knew he was gonna see the girl.

"You know Suga," She pulled him away from his thoughts, "Have you noticed you've been getting a lot of stares recently?"

He laughed, "What are you talking about?"

"From my observations, you're obviously a very cute guy so of course some girls stopped and stared. But it's like, these past few days, you've been looking a little nicer and so more and more people have been looking at you." She truthfully pointed out.

And she wasn't wrong.

Sugawara was considered the best looking third year at Karasuno. He was as cute and sweet as can be. It's no surprise that girls would try to go for him in the first place. And now since he's been putting a little more effort into his looks, people can't help but stop and stare.

He still had "confused" written all over his face until a random girl came up to them.

"Uh, excuse me.."

They both turned to look at her. Her face was flushed red as she looked extremely nervous. She had her blonde hair in low pigtails and her skin was absolutely flawless. This girl was very cute. She fumbled in her bag as she pulled out a pink envelope and reach it out towards him, "Please read this when you're alone!" She squeaked out before running away.

The two third years looked at each other.

"Open it." Y/N said.

"What?! No! She said to open it when I'm alone!" The boy cried.

She smiled, "God you're sweet. But still, I'm curious. Please."

She lightly pouted and with that, Sugawara gave in. He sighed as he opened the envelope and pulled out the letter. His eyes began to scan the page and his cheeks turned a pink hue.

"So?" The curious girl said.

"There's a lot of really nice things here! She says that she's liked me since last year and wants to get to know me. She added her number and apparently her name is Momo." He smiled.

"Oh look at you, all blushy! So, you gonna get to know her? Be friends? Date her? Accept her feelings? Turn her down?" Y/N bombed him with questions.

He looked at her for a moment before lightly shaking his head, "As sweet as this was, Im gonna turn her down. I feel bad but until today, I've never seen or heard of her. Besides, I think I might have feelings for someone else."

Her jaw dropped, "Really?! Who?! Is it that girl Kiyoko? I mean, I wouldn't blame you, she's hot. Also, I see you guys together a lot."

He laughed, "No! I used to like her in like, our first year but I knew it was never gonna happen so my feelings went away."

"Then who?"

He smiled, "I'm not saying."

She frowned, "Fake ass. And here I thought we were besties."

"We are. But still, I can keep things to myself."

"True. Have you ever even had a girlfriend?" Y/N asked.

"One. She was the nicest person ever. She got picked on a lot because she "wasn't pretty or as skinny" like most girls but I thought she was really cute." He recalled.

"Really? What happened to her?"

He looked down, "She moved right before our second year. On her last night here, I made sure it was really special. One thing led to another and we ended up losing out virginities to each other. But I don't regret it. That was also the last time I had sex." He laughed

The girl blinked a few times, "Do you miss her?"

He shrugged, "I miss the friend I had. I don't miss the relationship. I feel like we were good for each other's first but not as endgame."

"I see. What would you do if she came back?"

"Why all these questions?"

Her eyes averted to the side, "Sorry. I just, I don't know. Your relationship sounded so perfect. Sometimes I felt like Suna only kept me around for sex. It makes sense though. The second I leave, he dumped me. We always did quickies at school."

Sugawara's eyes widened, "At school?! Where!?"

"Uh, the science room, the back of the library, in the bathroom, in the janitors closet, in their teams clubroom, in the locker room-"

"Okay. I get it." He laughed.

"Wanna do a quickie?"


She looked at him with a serious face for a few seconds before she laughed, "I'm kidding."

His red face and wide eyes calmed down as he lightly laughed, "You got me."

"Your reaction was priceless."

He sighed, "I probably wouldn't have been any good anyway. Like I said, I haven't had sex in a while and to be completely honest, Ive never done any of those other sexual things."

She felt herself get slightly turned on, "Wow. You're so pure. I love it."

"It's embarrassing." He whined.

"No it's not. It's cute."

"It is?"

She smiled as she squeezed her legs close tight, "Definitely."

—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

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