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: *・゚:*:・゚*24: Pause

: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*24: Pause

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—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

~Two months had now passed since Sugawara agreed to give Y/N the space that she wanted.

Since then, Y/N has seen him and Jiyo become best friends but sometimes it looked like they were more than that.

Her thought was they're probably hooking up.

She had also began to miss him a lot more than she thought she was going to. Seeing him completely walk past her without so much as a glance made her feel upset and like she was losing him.

Once Karasunos lunch break was ten minutes from being over, the pretty setter himself had gotten a pretty shocking message.

hey, come to the club room!

He stared at the message for a second before replying.

Okay, be there in a few!

He excused himself from his friends and quickly made his way. A part of him felt like she was probably going to get revenge with a stupid prank. Another part felt like she was going to completely dump him now even though they weren't really together.

When he opened the door to the clubroom, there was a blanket spread across the floor with a few pillows and Y/N sitting in the middle of it.

She smiled, "Come sit!"

He was a bit weary because of this sudden nice attitude she was giving him but still sat next to her. The boy began to look around to see if he could find any hidden cameras or anything.

Seeing this made her laugh, "Dont worry. I'm not gonna do anything bad I promise."

Sugawara looked at her, "Y/N, why are we here?"

Y/N sighed, "I don't know. I just feel like I needed a little pause, you know. I feel restless when I'm apart from you but whenever I'm with you, I remember what happened and I get mad."

He was now confused, "So are you mad right now or do you miss me?"

"I miss you. A lot."

"So you forgive me?"

She shook her head, "I didnt say that."

"So you're still mad?"

"I didn't say that either."

He sighed in frustration, "Then I don't get what you want from me."

"I want a pause. I want a second to pretend nothing happened. A second to just have fun with you." She told him.

"You got that on Halloween and then you told me you wanted space!"

"I know but I just want another one!"

By now they were both frustrated with the other. She already wanted to tell him to just get out which probably wouldn't matter because he was on the verge of just getting up and leaving.

The two stared at each other before he just softly shook his head at the feeling of them not clicking anymore and was about to get up when she sighed and grabbed him, keeping him down,

"Wait, I'm sorry for yelling. Please just stay."

His body relaxed and she let him go.

Silence fell between them, trying to figure out what to say.

It felt like that spark they had was slowly fizzling out.

"Lay down." She softly whispered.

He hesitated before listening. As he got comfortable, she went to lay next to him, wrapping her arms him and burying her face in his neck, her eyes closed shut.

"Are you sleeping with your ex?" She suddenly said.

"What!? No! Jiyo has just been on my case about beginning to eat more. It like she's become possessed by my mom. She's just trying to make sure I don't fall into anything bad." He assured her.

"Whyd you stop eating?"

"I couldn't live with myself after what I did to you. I just felt, undeserving."

"Never feel like you're undeserving. At least someone's helping you deal with it." the girl said.

He sat up, "Y/N, I still want to be your boyfriend. I cant tell you enough on how sorry I am for hurting you but I really promise I'd never hurt you again. Please just give me one more chance."

She sat up with him and pressed her lips against his. She could feel small frown as well as his upset aura. But she knew it wasn't at her, it was towards himself.

"I just need a little more time. Okay? Can you wait just a little longer?"

He sighed, "Man, you hold grudges for a while. But, for you, I'll wait as long as it takes."

—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

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