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: *・゚:*:・゚* 17: Truth Unfolds

: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧* 17: Truth Unfolds

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—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

~ "I lose." Sugawara told the two second years once he got them alone.

Tanaka rose an eyebrow, "What? You still have all day today though. Has she really not said she loves you?"

The setter shook his head, "No. I don't think she will and even if she did, i'm not going to break her heart so I might as well accept the loss."

"Wow that's the first. I was so sure she was going to tell you she loves you. Especially after all that time you guys spent together." Nishinoya sighed.

"Yeah well if it weren't for you guys and this stupid bet, i probably would've stopped talking to her. Her personality was a bit much at first so i was a little overwhelmed but I'm used to it now. I figured that if i can deal with my own overwhelming idiot friends, one more wouldn't hurt." Sugawara admitted to them.

"You were gonna stop talking to her but didn't cause of us?!" They questioned in unison.

"Yes but don't tell anyone! I don't want her finding out. Things will probably go bad for me if she found out that only reason I continued to talk to her before was because of a stupid bet. Especially since it was to get rid of Kageyama and have me as starting setter again." He panicked.

"You what.."

The sudden female voice scared them but when they all turned to see who it was, Sugawara's entire soul left his body.

The girl who had confessed her love to him just yesterday was standing there with a fresh bottle of water in her hand, her face completely in shock and slightly hurt. The bottle slipped out of her hands and she just walked away.

Sugawara froze for a second before going after her, calling her name. When he grabbed her wrist, she turned around and automatically slapped him, "Dont touch me!"

He took a slight step back, holding onto the cheek she had struck, "Y/N, I swear it's-"

"What? Not what it looks like!?" She yelled.

Hearing shouting coming from outside the gym, the Karasuno team all peeked their heads out to see what was happening. Upon feeling eyes on them, Y/N decided to lower her tone, trying not to cause a big scene.

"You were only using me in a bet? A bet that if you hadn't accepted, you would've completely stopped talking to me?" She whispered, feeling like a complete idiot.

"Yes but that's not-!"

When he tried grabbing her hands to calm her down, she slapped his hands away, telling him again not to touch her.

She ran her hands through her hair, "I cant believe i didn't see this coming. All the signs were there! It's why you were in so quick to sleep with me. Why you got weird about me wanting you to be my boyfriend. Why you never told me you liked me and why you didn't tell me you loved me after I said i loved you. And here i was, thinking you actually might've."

"But Y/N i-"

"You don't love me, Sugawara. Don't kid yourself into trying to tell me you did. You don't do this to the person you love." She sniffed as tears lightly streamed down her face.

Another love completely shattered.

He didn't know what to say or what he could say to make this any better.

"Im sorry..." He whispered.

"You know, my intuition is usually always right. That's how i knew Suna was gonna be a mistake but this," She looked to the side and wiped her tears, "This has got to be the worst fucking lie i've ever told myself."

He looked down, "I'm so sorry."

"Yeah, me too. I'm not even mad at the fact that you used me and got me vulnerable enough to love you, I'm more pissed at the fact that all this was because you're such a fucking coward that you couldn't go against Kageyama normally and actually earn your spot back. This is why you're on the fucking bench. I hope you enjoy being on the court again asshole. You're gonna be the reason Karasuno keeps the title 'the fallen champs'. I never, ever, want to hear from you again."

When he looked back up, she was gone. He knew she was probably gonna find out eventually but he didn't think it was going to blow up this bad. He turned around and saw his teammates looking at him.

They might not have heard what they were talking about, but they knew it wasn't anything good.

He walked back to his teammates and Kageyama looked at him, "Why is she upset?"

"Yeah what happened?" The rest asked.

"Can we just practice? I don't want to talk about it." He mumbled.

—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

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