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: *・゚:*:・゚* 26: Unusual Peace

: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧* 26: Unusual Peace

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—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—


Y/N had finally gone over to Sugawara's place upon request with no hesitation.

That made him extremely happy. Probably more than it should have.

They were watching a couple of movies, eating and just enjoying each others company. What made it more comfortable to them was that it was raining out and the sound of the rain was really soothing.

Though, he had to admit, it was a bit weird now that he was "officially" Y/N's boyfriend. It didn't really feel that way.

But the way she was cuddling him right now definitely did.

"Y/N, are you still awake?"

She looked up at him, "Yeah. Well, I've been dozing off a bit but I'm awake."

He laughed, "You can take a nap you know. I'm not gonna wake you up or anything."

"I think the only thing that's stopping me from really falling asleep is how hungry I still am." She told him.

"Why didn't you say anything before? You want me to get takeout?"

The girl quickly sat up with a smile at the mention of food, "Yes! What should we get?"

He smiled at her excitement, "Whatever you want. We will eat whatever you're craving."

"Pizza." She replied, drool basically seeping out.

"Pizza it is!"

He quickly placed an order so that his now girlfriend wouldn't have to stay hungry for much longer.

"You know Suga, have you noticed we've gone a full day without fighting."

"Oh god don't say that. You'll jinx it!"

She laughed, "I doubt it. I feel really happy right now. Besides there's nothing to fight about. If anything there's more to celebrate!"

He rose an eyebrow, not really understanding what she meant. Was there a birthday? Or is it a holiday that he completely skipped?

Y/N poked his confused face, "Us being an official couple, silly."

"Ohhh, yes. That. Yes, that's totally worth celebrating." Sugawara laughed.

She suddenly got really close to his face, "I know one way we can celebrate."

His heart began to beat fast as his face began to heat up. He nervously laughed, "As tempting as that is, maybe we should save that for another time. Especially since you're running and a half empty stomach."

She quickly kissed his lips, "True. We'll have a rain check on that then."

It was silent for a few seconds.

The two then made eye contact.

She gave him a sweet, innocent smile.

"Okay, maybe just a quick one." He caved.

She laughed, "You know, there are other things that we can do that aren't sex."

"I know but you've never suggested so I figured those were probably off the table."

"They aren't. We can try something now if you'd like." She sweetly suggested.

He tilted his head, "I guess I'm open to it. What do you have in mind?"

"Well, I guess I wouldn't oppose if you wanted to ea-"

Her words were cut short by a loud but short knock that came to Sugawara's front door.

They looked at each other, "Pizza."

He quickly went to grab the yummy food as well as give a tip to the delivery guy. When he came back, Y/N had a small frown on her face.

He laughed, "What's wrong? Your pizza is here!"

"I was excited until we got interrupted." She said with a pout.

The setter softly smiled and gave her a small kiss, "Dont worry. Like you said, we'll take a rain check. As of right now, I got my beautiful girlfriend delicious pizza because she requested it. So, is she gonna eat it?"

" 'iS sHe GoNnA eAt it?' Fucking of course she is! She's starving!"

He watched as she began to happily munch away on pizza. He didn't even want to eat.

All he wanted to do was admire her.

She looked at him, pizza sauce on her face and her cheeks stuffed, "What?"

"Nothing. Just enjoying the view."

While it lasts.

"You're not gonna eat?" She asked.

He shook his head, "The snacks we are filled me up so I'm good."

"Then whyd you order a big ass pizza?"

"Why else? Because you wanted it."

She smiled. She was beginning to realize how he got her to fall in love with him in the first place.

"You're sweet. But can you at least eat one? I don't want to be eating alone."

"Fine. Just one though."

—: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:—

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