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: *・゚:*:・゚*19: Another Input

: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*19: Another Input

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—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

~After taking the past few days planning a halloween party with Kiyoko, her and Y/N were passing out small invite cards to whoever they wanted to go.

Kiyoko gave one to her team, other than Sugawara.

Y/N was just randomly passing some out since she didn't really know anyone other than Kiyoko, Sugawara and their friends.

After she gave two invited to two random people, she turned around and was immediately faced with Jiyo, who was smiling at her,

"Do I get one of those?" She asked.

"Um, do you feel like you deserve one?"

Jiyo laughed, "Probably not but, I'd love to come."

Y/N stared at her for a second before hesitantly handing her the last invite in her hand. Before she could walk away, Jiyo grabbed her arm,

"Just so you know, I don't want Sugawara."

The (h/c) haired girl rose an eyebrow, "You don't?!"

"No. He's an ex. He should stay that way. He's not the person for me. I guess I just felt like messing with someone, I don't know. I'm sorry." Jiyo told her.

Y/N lightly side-eyed her, "Okay. I forgive you, I guess."

"And also, i don't know what happened between you and him cause i know you're not speaking to each other anymore but he's a genuine person. he loves and cares a whole bunch. I know him and i know that he really likes you. Just something to think about." Was all she said before walking away.

Y/N stood there for a second before Kiyoko caught up to her, "Hey, i have one invite left but i know who i'm gonna give it to so technically i have none left!"

"Yeah I just gave my last one to Jiyo so hopefully my house will be packed on halloween." She sighed.

The manager checked her phone for the time, "Bells gonna ring soon and i have to find my last person so i'll see you later, okay?"

Y/N nodded at her and Kiyoko gave her a smile as she walked off.

The glasses user walked around Karasunos campus for a bit before she decided to go to the last place she could think of. When she opened the gym door, she found her last invite standing there, staring at the volleyball in his hand.

She felt bad, staring at the broken state he was still going through.


He turned his head and put a fake smile when seeing who it was, "Hi Shimizu! You need something?"

She walked up to him and extended her arm out, giving him the card in her hand, "I don't know where i'm going with this nor do i know the outcome of me giving you this but i think you should be there."

He looked at her for a second before reading over the card. His eyes widened, "Are you sure you should be giving me this?"

"What you did may not have been the best decision you've ever made but i saw what you guys had. Everyone did. You deserve a second chance."

His eyes watered a bit as he quickly brought her into a hug. Kiyoko may not be big on touching but she figured she should let it slide just for today. She lightly pat his back as his tears fell onto her shoulder.

He pulled away and wiped his tears, "I don't know how to repay you for everything you've done to help me."

She smiled, "Just, don't be stupid. The next time Tanaka and Nishinoya ask to speak with you, scream no and run away. And to be honest, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have Y/N as one of my best friends so."

"Thank you, Shimizu. Truly."

—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

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