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: *・゚:*:・゚* 11: Her Mom

: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧* 11: Her Mom

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—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

~When Y/N woke up the next morning, her back was pressed against Sugawara's chest as he had his arms tightly wrapped around her.

She slowly turned around so that they were face to face. He was still so pretty even asleep and with slightly bed head.

When her eyes focused a little more, she saw her mom leaning against the door frame, her bedroom door was wide open.

The girl quickly sat up and the setter lightly moved, but still didn't wake up.

Her mother smiled at her, "I see you slept well. And now completely over Rintarou. So, who's this stranger you let sleepover in my house and in your bed? Your boyfriend?"

Y/N tried to come up with so many excuses to say since she couldn't up and say she had sex with this boy like, ten minutes before they fell asleep in her bed. She sighed, "No, this is my friend. You know, the Sugawara guy I've been telling you about. We were doing homework and I guess fell asleep. Please don't be weird about it."

Her mom laughed, "When have I ever been weird about anything? I've come home to you and Rin having sex. This is a step up from that. Anyways, I called off work today cause I didn't feel like going. You want me to make you guys breakfast?"

Y/N's now redened face stared blankly, "I guess. I know you're not gonna let him leave until you talk to him to might as well get it over with."

"Okay. Wake him up in maybe, twenty minutes? I'll have everything done by then."


The girl mother walked away and when she looked down at Sugawara, he had a smile on his face.

"You're awake aren't you?"

A small laugh escaped his mouth, "You got caught having sex? How stupid are you?"

Her face went even more red as he began to laugh more as he sat up with her, "And you told your mom about me? Man, you probably tell her how much you love me." He cooed in a teasing voice.

She placed the palm of her hand on his forehead and pushed his head back down onto the pillow, "Youre annoying. All I told her was that some weird ass kid started annoying me at my new school."

"Really? If I'm weird then why do you hang out with me? Why do you like me? Why do you have sex with me? Hm?" He jokingly bombed her with these questions.

"You know what, you can take your ass home. No breakfast for you."

"Y/N! Breakfast is ready! Is Sugawara awake?!" Her mom called from downstairs.

Sugawara gave her a sly smile as she frowned down at him.

The two third years stood up and made their way down. Y/N had immediately went to sit down while the silver haired boy went to help her mom. Once they had everything set, the two that were up were now seated at the table.

"Wow, he already helps more than you and he's only been here a night." Her mom gushed at Sugawara's politeness.

Y/N frowned, "Whatever." She mumbled before stuffing food into her mouth.

"Your moms really nice." Sugawara told her.

The girls mom smiled at him, "Kana. That's my name. Sugawara, has my precious daughter been bothering you? Does she have dirt against you? Is that why you're her friend?"

He laughed, "Not at all. I enjoy her company."

Kana placed her chin in the palm of her hand, "I see. So, do you like my daughter?"

Y/N began to lightly choke on her food as Sugawara lightly patted her back. He looked back at her mother and smiled, "Yes. And when the time comes, I hope you'd be okay with letting me date her."

The girl looked at the boy sitting next to her with hearts in her eyes as her cheeks turned red. Kana stared at him with a soft look in her eyes.

She sighed, "I've know you for like, what, ten minutes and I already approve of you more than Rin."

The setter rose an eyebrow, "Did you not approve of Suna?"

She shook her head, "I knew he was no good because the only reason I met him was because I caught them having sex. Besides, him and his idiot friends always got Y/N in some type of trouble. Nothing serious but it was just annoying." She took Sugawara's hands into hers and stared deep into his eyes, "My daughter means the absolute world to me. She is my world. If you can promise that you won't shatter my world, then you can do whatever you want with her. All I ask is that you not get her pregnant too early."

"Mom!" Y/N cried from embarrassment. She knew this was going to happen.

Sugawara gave the girls mothers hands a light squeeze, "Dont worry. Your daughter could not be in better hands. If my friends were here, they'd tell you the same thing."

Kana pulled her hands away as she leaned back with a smile on her face, "Is that so? Well, just by looking at you I can see you probably mean it."

"By looking at me?"

"I don't know. You have this sweet, innocent aura. I'm trusting that aura even if I don't know how you really are." She explained.

"I see. You know Mrs. Kana, you seem pretty young. Like young enough to be Y/N's older sister young." He told her.

"I had her when I was seventeen. Her dad and I are high school sweethearts." The older woman told her, "So tell me Sugawara, you got a first name I can call you?"

He nodded, "Koushi."

She smiled, "Pretty name for such a pretty boy. Just be good to her, aright? I want no more harm done to that tiny heart of hers."

"Now you're just being rude." Y/N mumbled.

Sugawara gave a soft laugh, "Dont worry. Her tiny heart will grow big because of me."

—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

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