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: *・゚:*:・゚* 08: Our Secret

*im using pics of txts eyes now bc i don't wanna look for the gifs and their eyes are so pretty*

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*im using pics of txts eyes now bc i don't wanna look for the gifs and their eyes are so pretty*

—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

*The Next Day*

~ "Hey idiots, I have a question." Sugawara callled as he stopped Tanaka and Nishinoya.

The two shuddered in fear before plastering a smile and turning around to look at him,

"Hi Suga! How's your day going?" Nishinoya brightly asked.

Sugawara frowned, "I'm not here to be angry or anything, I really just had a question."

Tanaka sighed in relief, "Thank god. Well, what's your question?"

"For this stupid bet, does she have to love me? Or can she only like me?"

The second years looked at each other before they looked back at him, "Love. Getting her to like you would be to easy." Tanaka said.

"Yeah. You're a cute guy Suga so chances are she probably already likes you." Nishinoya chuckled.

The third year blushed, "No she doesn't. I'm basically her only friend."

"Friend zoned? Looks like we're gonna get our money Noya!" Tanaka proudly started as they high fived each other and walked away.

Sugawara sighed. The chances of her liking him right now are very high.

Unless she just slept with him for no reason.

School had already ended so the pretty setter wasn't too worried about getting anywhere quick. Then again, he did have volleyball practice. He started to walk towards the club room when he heard someone calling his name. He turned around and saw Y/N running towards him.

She was smiling which he found a bit nice considering what had happened yesterday.

She quickly wrapped her arms around him and looked up at him with a big smile, "Thank you for your kind words and for respecting my wishes when I asked you to leave. A little after you left I realized you were right and that I shouldn't let Suna have power over me so I spent the rest of the day just focusing on me and now I feel so much better!"

He let go of her and smiled back, "That's good to hear. I was worried you were gonna go into sad mode again."

The girl shook her head, "I have other things to think about. Nice things. Like you."

His face turned red, "Wha-"

"I'm saying you make me happy. And I cant stop thinking about what happened the other night. Being around you makes me feel like a weight is lifted from my shoulders." She said.

"Are you saying-"

"Yes, I like you." She confessed, "I'm sorry if you think it's too early for me to feel like this but I guess I'm one to fall easily. Except I don't feel bad about it with you."

His mouth lightly parted, "What does that mean?"

Y/N looked down, "When I fell for Suna, I had a huge feeling that it was probably going to be a huge mistake. I was right."

He smiled, "Well, I'm nothing like your trash ex. I'm basically the most perfect man you'll ever meet."

She laughed, "Yeah, probably."

He let out a soft laugh and she felt her face heat up. He has such a precious laugh. She wrapped her arms around him again and he did the same. She looked up and leaned in to kiss him but he took a step back, causing her to make a confused face, "What's wrong?"

He nervously laughed, "Ah well, it's just, I was wondering if we could keep this thing between us."

"Huh? Why?"

"Well, my friends can get really annoying when it comes to girls and I don't want them bothering you either."

She laughed, "Are you talking about the bald one and the short kid?"

"Yeah! I promise we can tell them soon, I just want to be at peace right now." He told her.

"Okay, that's fine."

He saw a small mark on the side of her neck and he covered it with his hand, "Have you been walking around with this hickey showing all day!?"

She raised an eyebrow, "Yeah. Was I not supposed to?"

"Well you can it's just that-"

"Ah sorry, I get it. It's just, Suna always wanted me to walk around with them showing so I kinda got used to it. I'll cover it up next time."

He was gonna say something but looked at the time and lightly went into a panic mode, "Crap, I have to go meet someone right now and I have practice but maybe I can come over afterwards?"

She smiled and nodded. He gave her a thumbs up but hurrying off. He went behind the school and found his friend waiting for him. Her back was leaned against the wall as she looked up at the sky.

"Hi! Sorry if I kept you waiting. I promise this'll be quick." He assured.

She shook her head, "It's okay. What did you need to ask?"

"I was wondering if you could befriend a friend of mine. She's still a little lonely unless she's with me but I think she needs a girl friend, you know?"

"Sugawara, I can't just-"

"I know you're a little shy but I promise she's a good person. So, will you? Please?" He pleaded.

She sighed, "Okay, fine."

He smiled brightly, "Perfect! Thank you, Shimizu. I'll text you more details later!"

—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

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