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: *・゚:*:・゚* 14: Plus One

: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧* 14: Plus One

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—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

~ "You know Suga, when you said you wanted to get breakfast, i didn't know that meant you were going to bring a plus one." Y/N smiled as she said.

A worried expression came into Jiyos face, "Oh no, was this supposed to be a date? i'm so sorry, i didn't know! Sugawara invited me this morning to come with him, i don't mean to intrude!"

Y/N looked at her, "Oh don't worry, this wasn't a date! We're not even dating!"

Sugawara looked at her with his eyebrows furrowed for a second before smiling at Jiyo, "Youre fine, don't worry. It's just breakfast and i'm sure you're just as hungry as we are."

She nodded at him before her and Y/N made eye contact, giving each other a small awkward laugh.

Sugawara knew that Y/N was completely bothered by Jiyos presence but right now, there was nothing he could do and he didn't want to be rude by telling her to leave.

While they were waiting for their food, Y/N had felt like a complete third wheel. The other two were talking, catching up, laughing plus Jiyo obviously flirting.

The (h/c) haired girl was just sitting there with an unamused expression, staring out the window while her nails were tapping on the table.

For the most part she just stayed out of there conversation.

Until Jiyo said something that perked her ears up,

"You know, while i was away, i tried talking to someone new but quickly ended it because i knew i wouldn't feel the same about them the way i feel about you." She told the setter with sparkling eyes.

Sugawara's cheeks turned a pink hue, "Oh, well um-"

"How bout i take you out in a date, hm? Since you're single i'm sure there should be no problem. We can pick up where we left off." She interrupted him as she wrapped her arms around his.

Suddenly, Y/N shot up from her seat. The two sitting across from her stared at her on confusion.

The girl turned around and walked right out of the restaurant. Sugawara went running outside after her as he called her name.

He grabbed her wrist and turned her around, "What's wrong?"

"I've lost my appetite. Plus, i don't need to see your ex throwing herself at you and you not telling her you're already seeing someone."

He rose an eyebrow, "You literally just told her we weren't dating."

"Yeah! We aren't! But still! We've made it clear enough that we are each others! If some guy came to hit on me, i would've said i had a boyfriend or at least see someone. i thought that was where we were at!" She yelled at him.

Her change of tone made him step back a bit.

Before she could start crying, she took a few deep breaths to calm herself down, "Do you want her back or something? Are you regaining feelings?"

"What?! No! I already told you, me and her aren't meant for each other! I have absolutely no intentions on getting back together with her!"

"Fine. Whatever. I'm gonna have to skip breakfast. I don't want to fight. Just, call me when you get home, okay? Maybe I can come over or something." She told him.

His eyes averted to the side before he looked at the ground, not wanting to make eye contact with her, "Um.."

She sighed, "What is it, Sugawara?"

"I promised Jiyo we'd hang out today."

She lightly frowned as she nodded, "Right, okay, don't bother calling me. Bye."

Y/N turned around and walked away.

Sugawara went back inside and sat across from Jiyo, who noticed his upset look,

"What happened?"

"Nothing. She just wasn't feeling good."

"Okay? The food came while you were out and so did Y/N's. We can just take hers to go or something."

"I guess."

She gave him a soft smile. If there was one thing that hadn't changed about her, it definitely was her pretty smile.

"So, about that date.." She urged.

He stared at her for a second before smiling and giving her his answer.

—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

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