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: *・゚:*:・゚* 34: The Result

: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧* 34: The Result

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—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

~Days had passed.

Y/N has not seen a single sign of Sugawara anywhere at school other than when they were in class but the second the bell rang, he was gone.

It was obvious he was avoiding her which made her feel worse since she can't confront him to apologize or explain.

On her way home from school, she began to feel a little annoyed. Wouldn't it be better for them to talk things out? Why won't he just let her plead her case? Is avoiding her really necessary?

She waited a few hours up until he was out of volleyball practice to go corner him at his own house. And since she knew his dad's schedule, she got there just in time for him to let her in while he was about to go out to get groceries. She figured that if Sugawara was home alone, he wouldn't answer the door.

Standing in his door frame, he didn't notice her. His earbuds were in while he was sitting at his desk doing his homework.

Y/N knocked on the wall, finally getting his attention.

He quickly took his earbuds out, "Hey. What're you doing here?"

" 'What am I doing here'?" She scoffed, "You avoid me at school, you won't answer my texts, you won't answer my calls, and you won't even let Daichi tell me anything about what's going on with you."

"Oh." Was all he let out.

She walked in and sat on the edge of his bed, "Can you please just hear me out? I can explain everything!"

To her surprise, he smiled at her, "There's really no need. It's okay, I get it?"

"Get what?"

"We aren't together. You're entitled do whatever you please to do. I shouldn't get upset about that. I just have to accept the fact that I probably wouldn't even stand a chance now that Sunas back in the picture."

Y/N's face fell, "That's not true! Look, Suna asked me out that day but I wasn't-"

"Honestly this is perfect," He interrupted her, "We don't stand a chance. It's clear now. And we each should move on. Which really is okay cause you have Suna. You know, Momo asked me out last week so maybe I'll just give her a chance and-"


"Huh? No?"

He looked at her and her eyebrows furrowed as she shook her head, "No. You can't go out with her. I'm not letting you."

His smile quickly faded, "Im sorry Y/N but I don't really think I was asking for your permission."

"I don't care. You can't date her."

"You're really going to tell me I can't give this girl a chance? Y/N do you realize how toxic you are now?" Sugawara pointed out.

"What?! I'm not fucking toxic!"

"Yes you are! You yelled at me and pinned me as the problem constantly in our relationship and then tried saying your sorry through make out sessions and sex! Then you go out and fuck your ex plenty of times and lying to me about it knowing damn well I've been doing so good by you because I thought we still loved each other and then you come back here to kiss me and now you're telling me I can't date a girl because what? You're jealous? You don't want me moving on? Do I only belong to you or something?!"

His face was now a light shade of red. He was definitely not having her shit today. Or at all anymore.

She balled her hands into fists, "Yes. Yes, I'm jealous. No, I don't want you moving on. You may not belong to me but I belong to you. As long as you're in the picture, Sunas the one that doesn't stand a chance."

"That's such bullshit. I know I messed up first, but this has began to go lower than that. You're not who I fell in love with anymore and honestly I don't know what to do about this."

A moment of silence fell between them. She was softly crying and when she tried to hold his hand, he didn't let her which made her cry even more.

"Please, let's just try again, yeah? We can get it right this time! I'll do anything. I'll block Suna! I won't see him anymore just please, don't give up on me yet." She begged him.

Looking at her now, she definitely wouldn't have been doing this when they first met. It was like she was an entirely different person.

And he felt bad.

He did love and care for this girl deeply but right now, she's not worth his time and energy. He just wanted everything to be done.

"Honestly Y/N, right now, you don't deserve me. You've lied and been manipulative with me. Us becoming friends again has been one of our biggest mistakes. Maybe we shouldn't see each other anymore." He whispered to her.

Her eyes widened and her mouth lightly parted. She got up from the bed and walked to him, now standing right in front of him, "Are you sure you're okay with never seeing me again?"

He opened his mouth to say something but couldn't when she quickly grabbed his face and kissed his lips over and over again.

Each time her lips were pressed against his, both of their hearts broke more and more. He backed away from her, stopping whatever she was trying to do.

"Yes. I think that's the best option for us right now."

An obvious lie right through his teeth.

He's not okay with never seeing her again.

She wiped her tears and just walked out of his room and out of his house.

And with her leaving his house, whatever type of relationship they had,

was completely over.

—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

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